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 Dec 2013 Aditi
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I had love once,
I had it in my chest,
In my forehead,
Flowing out of my fingertips.
I had love once,
Made my heart gallop sideways
To a rhythm in a symphony only we could hear.
I had love once,
I had it all the way home
When your lips
Whispered into my cheekbones,
I had love once,
Once upon a time
When the glass slipper still fit my two left feet.
I was in love once,
When sweet spring breezes
Gently tucked my hair behind one ear.
I hated love once,
because while I closed my eyes,


You plucked each puzzle piece from inside me,
And left me with a half-finished picture of what love is supposed to be.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Ellyn k Thaiden
I want to please you
Make you happy in a
Way only I can satisfy
Quench a thirst in your parched throat

I only wish it were so simple

I'm scared to be touched
I hate to be tickled
Physical contact puts me on edge
Every stroke deepens the wedge

In my heart
And in my brain
It's now a knee **** reaction
To pull away from your passion

I'm sorry my love
I can't give everything you desire
I wish I could give it away
Throw the fears and past behind

I only wish it were so simple
Just give me time
 Dec 2013 Aditi
It's not possible for someone to love a girl like me
Who is not able to see
Anything in her future
Or what is in store for her.
A girl who relies on a blade for a glimpse of happiness
And cries herself to sleep every night.
A girl who picks out every one of her flaws
Expecting to never get an applause.
So mentally unstable it is so hard for her to function
And to live life to the fullest
Without overthinking everything
Her mind full of nothing.
How could someone ever love me when I am so empty..
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Mocedad Torres
I'd rather you hate me
Hate me for everything
Than love me
Love me for false hope
Hope you granted on yourself
Learn to forget me
Learn to hate
It doesn't make you bitter
It makes life great
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I prefer not to feel
It feels a hell of a lot better than being sad
I prefer numb
I prefer the silence so loud that it burns through my ears
I enjoy the nothing breathing deeper than the ocean
I'd rather feel nothing than feel that feeling of almost empty in the bottom of my stomach
I hate the twists and turns of my heart
I hate the way my gut drops when you say you love me
Because I know it isn't real and it never was
There are so many lost relationships because of my issues with trust
I don't know why but feelings just get in my way
So when you say you feel something there
Please don't be angry when I say that I do not
Please understand when I avoid the question
It's not your fault
I just do not have the answer you're looking for
I would rather say nothing
Feel nothing
**Be nothing
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Find someone who traces the lines in your hands just to feel close to you
And someone who believes the ocean is trapped in your eyes
Find someone who loves the bones in your body
And loves the skin that you live in
Find someone who will help you love yourself
Someone you deserve
I'm here
this was written for me by a very dear friend
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Sam Conrad
Please pretend
I'm not the one
Who wrote this
That a stranger
Dropped it off to
Make your day

You're beautiful.
You're wonderful.
You're the kind of girl,
That both the boys and girls fall for.
You're insert positive adjective here.
Not because you're a cute face.
Not because your body is the perfect shape.
Not because long sleeves might hide your pain.
Because you're someone they look up to
You're someone a lot of people look up to
Even though most people wouldn't admit it
I'd rather be open about it
You're a bright mind.
You're an open mind.
You're a caring mind.
You're a mind full of optimism.
You're a cute mind.
You're a witty mind.
You're more clever than you know.
A genius trapped
Under the eyes of the world
Or at least, the overbearing souls
Of those who surround you.
You're amazing,
Because you actually amaze.
You've surprised a lot of people
With your persona because
You have a voice in it
That people can't see or hear
But they feel it
Oh, I know they feel it
They love you for it
Like the expression on a face
Carries a universal language
You carry another kind,
One much more rare.
You're the kind of person who
Doesn't come around often
The kind of person
That everyone desires
I should have known
I'd lose the rat race to your heart
I'm not capable
Of the necessary actions
To satisfy something so pure
You're a diamond
And I'm the dirt
I just hope I don't bury you
As you're trying to shine
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I chose these city lights over your country heart.
I chose skyscrapers and busy streets over grass that's bright green.
You took over mountains and climbed them to the clouds.
I took on daily traffic and headed toward the ocean blue.
I chose my own fresh start instead of loving you.
You chose the NC country side and to love me from afar.
I've been through this game of selfishness for quite some time now...
And you've let me learn the hard way.
Now my heart is set on your green open fields and your heart is set on the city.
You're ready to finally let me go and I'm ready to finally let you in...
We never had good timing with love.
It's a brand new type of night <3
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