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12.1k · Nov 2019
We still have time
Anya Nov 2019
There is still time
To have breakfast in bed
after we woke up
There is time to talk
Picking words which don’t hurt
We can still hold hands
Gaze into each other’s eyes
Be kind
Be nice
We still have time to laugh
Watch each other smiles
And be amazed

It is not too late
2.0k · May 2019
Anya May 2019
Lucky, lucky, lucky me
Growing on a wealthy golden tree
On juicy branches living peacefully
Oh lucky, lucky me

Lucky, lucky, lucky me
Picking sweet fruits of prosperity
Each day luxurious as can be
Oh lucky, lucky me

Lucky, lucky, lucky me
Green leaves of money surrounding me
Buying me things, fulfilling me
Oh lucky, lucky me

Lucky, lucky, lucky me
Riches replace true love for me
I have it all, my fortune and me
Oh lucky, lucky me

Lucky, lucky, lucky me
Dying, on a wealthy golden tree
Diamonds and treasures hugging me
Oh lucky... lucky me...
1.6k · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
Help! Cried the money
I am looking for my worth
I feel so empty
916 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
He got used to it

Keeping his heart
in the fridge

Sometimes he opens
the door to look at it

He stands there
in the doorway
and watches it


In a calm
and steady rhythm

He feels tempted
to take it out

Warm it up

But he never does

He leaves it there
on a special shelve


In the emergency
he knows what to do

He simply turns the
temperature down

When it gets too warm

880 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
And I saw beauty
Beyond imagination
When I closed my eyes
846 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
Hush now
It’s all right
You will forget
The taste of my blood

It was funny when
you took a bite
I knew you will choke
on my poisoned heart

My vein is still pulsing
I can feel your teeth
piercing through my skin

Look, now our blood is mixed
A creation of a new disease

Hush now, don’t cry
You will forget the pain
in time

Just close your eyes
and count to five

Now, you are mine
822 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
I’ve been drinking…

Way too much of pain lately
Letting myself get drunk
on misery
Sleepwalking through life
Balancing on the edge
Self destructing

I’ve been eating…

Too much fear for a while
Letting negativity slip
under my skin
Poisoning me
Blurring my vision
Filling me up

I’ve been sick…

So sick and tired
Of self medicating
Using drugs prescribed by evil
Being addicted to self harming

I’ve been living…

In my own private little hell
Build with my own hands
Suffocating me with
the power of hate
Force feeding with meals
of neglect

It’s time…

The time has come
to start a new diet

It’s time to love myself.
699 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
You shine in the moonlight
Like a sparkling beacon of promise
Worth every drop of sweat and tears
Worth everything

The prize
A reward for years of miserable life
A well-deserved meal after a famine
The most divine taste of glory

It’s been so long
I watch you glittering in the dark
Listen to your enchanting song
Dream of you, day and night

Lost myself on the way
Bruised and cut millions of times
Bleeding hurt left behind
Never gave up

Followed the golden trail
One step at a time
falling down-climbing high
Reaching to where you are

The day is breaking
I can smell you
You’re so close
I can almost touch you...
631 · Nov 2019
Anya Nov 2019
So far
Standing on a pedestal
A Monument
A Statue rock hard

Once alive
Now, turned to stone
Too proud to look down
Its eyes closed

Don’t come near
Do not try to touch
You will never reach
its marble heart

Don’t whisper in its ear
your truth
It won’t hear you
It won’t shed a tear
It won't understand

Best to just leave it alone

A beautiful memory
imprinted on your soul
Let it stand there,
far away, on its own

A Statue

Once alive
turned to stone
597 · Apr 2019
Wasteland Hotel
Anya Apr 2019
Sometimes when it rains
I visit the Wasteland Hotel
Don’t ever go there mama says
But I don’t listen

I pack my empty bags
And I’m ready to arrive

The hotel is placed in the middle
of nowhere
Most famous spot in here

Through windows of sadness
grey turns into blackness
The doors are always closed
No chairs, if I wait

Bath full of tears invites me in
Bed of insomnia is ready
Made fresh from anxiety and stress
Best quality...

The food is great too
For a starter, panic attack is served
Then, the main course,
depression in dark sauce
Followed by, no dessert

Death smiles to me while preparing
my drink, we usually chat for a bit

That flirt!

He tries to convince me, to stay there
with him
Says that he loves me, wants me
...that’s when I leave

What a place!

Sometimes I go there, when it rains

Do you, go there sometimes too ?
554 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
This climb is tough
Days of pushing up,
take its toll
Hands tired of pulling higher
Legs heavy and slow
But the promise of reaching
is enough to go on

The roughness of the surface,
cuts the skin deep
It’s hardened now
Doesn’t feel anything
Cold wind mixed with ice
blows fiercely, blinding eyes
Taking breath away
Freezing the lungs almost
to death

Darkness is taking over
It’s so scary in those moments
Doubt creeps in
Wouldn’t it be easier to simply
let go
Fly freely in the air, like a bird
It’s ok to give up…

Time to make the choice
Right now
It’s time to move on
To push on
Forward against all odds

The only way is up

to the top of this mountain
of mine…
528 · May 2019
Anya May 2019
a demon
fast asleep deep inside
waiting for the moon
to give him a sign
he comes out at night
lurking from behind
the door in the basement

once innocent
now lost to the power
of the wolf
a creature who tore
his heart up in pieces
infected it with evil
and changed it
into a monster

when awoken
he is ready to devour life
eat, **** in just one bite
there’s no mercy
he wants ****** and blood
he won’t stop

it’s full moon tonight
watch out
the werewolf is going to hunt
the beast from within
is coming out to feast

tomorrow he’ll go back
where he came from
leaving you with the
dreadful consequence
of his action

all alone
crying in the dark
with no one by your side
521 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
Nocturnal creature
A daughter of darkness
Gray, inconspicuous, small
Flies through the night
with a broken wing

She’s cold, so tired
Carrying heavy stones
from the past
Damaged by the weight of
secrets from the other side

Stayed for so long in
the underworld
Hurt more than enough
Fed up with blackness
she flows between tears
searching for exit

A way out from mourning
and despair
Light at the end of the tunnel
A warm glimmer of promise

She sees it now
A tiny speck on the horizon
Distant ray of hope for the future
A spark of a dream bright
and beautiful

Mesmerized flies right to it
Encouraged by the power
of the feeling
She’s ready

to sacrifice everything
She knows
The light is worth it all...
494 · May 2019
Cemetery of Dreams
Anya May 2019
It's time for sleep
Paralysis of the senses
Eyes shut don’t want to see
Ears closed refuse to hear

Misty tomorrow will come drunk
Sleepwalking among the shadows
There is no me, no you, no us
There is no more

What remains is time
Ticking in the silence of the night
Slowly counting ends
Watching The End nearing by

There are no more beginnings
Buried there on the cemetery of dreams
In the land of hopelessness
Buried deep

So many tombstones
Nobody remembers anymore
Rest in peace never born
Embryos of hope killed in the womb

Now what counts is sleep
Let it come
Numb the pain
Closed eyes and closed ears
Keeping away from living

There is only one left
The stubborn heart
Still open
Still looking for a dream to be born
447 · Jun 2019
Do it!
Anya Jun 2019
It’s time for a ******
A perfect crime committed
in cold blood
Cooled down a long time ago
Solidified and black

Aroused razor sharp
grins with its beguiling
seductive smile
Ready for the ****** cut

Deadly poison winks
with its rotten eye
Inviting for a toxic drink

A gun shoots right in the
center of attention
Promising quick exit

Thick rope hangs
sadly from a tree
Begging for this
one and only kiss


For you and your move

Do it!
Before it’s to late
Before someone else
will do it to you

**** what is already dead
in the world deprived of
Where love suffocates
without air
Truth declined moves out
Warmth freezes
And faith defeated leaves

In this world so cynical,
ruthless and cruel

Do it now!

****** your heart..
431 · Sep 2019
4th Floor
Anya Sep 2019
It’s hot today
People play artificial games
Sunbathing in the plastic Sun
The screen is melting
as they click along

Everyone’s thirsty
They can't quench their thirst
despite drinking
All they want is more and more
What are the needing

And somewhere down the road
It’s raining on the 4tn floor
The water flows down the windows
The river floats through the door

There’s a pond in the middle
of the kitchen
And the water is calm
Nobody’s thirsty here

We’ve got all we need
311 · May 2019
Drunk in love...
Anya May 2019
We fell drunk in love
Broke some dishes and bottles
We woke up sober...
284 · Apr 2019
Love Story
Anya Apr 2019
I’m still here
Where you left me 
Behind the closed door
Going through the memories
of us
It’s been so long
I know I should move on
But I can’t 
I don’t want to let go
It’s been two years since we broke up
Two years of sleepwalking 
in the dark
And every day of not having 
you here feels like a lifetime wasted
Empty and meaningless
I’ve heard rumors
that you found someone
That you’re in love
I’ve heard that I am a fool 
waiting for you
But I don’t care
I can be a fool for you
I’ll do whatever it takes
to have your love again
Just tell me I have a chance
and I’ll wait forever
Behind the closed door
With hope that maybe one day
I’ll hear the key in the lock again…
For Damon
281 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
Sleep, sleep, sleep little one
Dream the sweetest dreams
In your dreams
everything’s possible
Close your eyes, little one
Go to sleep
Soon love and hope will
come through the door 
Give you presents 
tied with a ribbon
Unwrap each one with 
joy in your heart
Dream little one,
dreams from heaven 
Sleep, sleep, sleep little one
Fall asleep already
May Angels hold you
gently in their arms
Protect you from harm
when you’re sleeping
Close your eyes, 
close your ears little one
Keep away from the monsters 
while dreaming

Your daddy’s high and
your mama’s drunk
Stay asleep little one, 
don’t listen
Sleep, sleep, sleep little one
Dream the sweetest dreams 
In your sleep you are safe
and loved
Dream little one, dream...
273 · Apr 2019
Mother’s Day
Anya Apr 2019
Mama, do you remember?

You keep the photographs
under your pillow
Each night still kiss us
All those memories of us
you treasure deep
in your heart

Mama, do you understand?

Life rushes away, runs so fast
It’s hard to keep up
Each second lost
cost more

Mama, why are you so sad?

You sit here by your window
All alone
Waiting for someone
you love to come home

Mama, why are you crying?

There are tears streaming
down your face
Your eyes filled with
pools of lonely sadness

Mama, is there still hope?

Can we go back
Is there still time for us
Can we fix what’s broken
in our lives

Mama, what is it?

Today is your day
to celebrate
So, mama smile
Cause today
is Mother’s Day…
238 · May 2019
Anya May 2019
Open me, please
Let me unravel my content
Layer by layer, please strip
me naked

Prepare yourself, be careful
There are lots of sharp
objects in here
Ready to strike, out of fear

Stay calm
Open me slow
Disarm all the pins and needles
Put away the scissors

Gently handle the knives
and razors
Give it time, don’t rush
Be cautious

I don’t want to hurt you
Push you away
Sometimes I act in self defense
Please understand

Don’t stop
Dig deep, to the bottom
Be patient
Please, find my secret...
234 · Jun 2019
Anya Jun 2019
The air is hot in here
Filled with the smell of sin
The clock tick-tocks
in the dark
Measuring time
Registering every second of pain
Old carpet, stained with blood
Hiding ***** secrets, those which
doesn't want to be found out
Broken bed,
nailed by the weight of all the screams
it heard

Windows closed… long time ago

Evil monster in the closet
The one which never sleeps
He comes out at night to eat
Devour innocence
Tear it apart to pieces
Too pure to escape
Too sweet to get away
On the table the Bible
On the wall the Holy Cross
Above the door invitation;
„Come, in the name of Love”.
233 · Nov 2019
Cry me a river
Anya Nov 2019
Cry me a river little girl
He whispered softly in her ear
Don’t worry it won’t really hurt
You will endure it

Cry me a river, my sweet child
Let me collect your crystal tears
You’ve always been the chosen one
To give me what I need

Cry me a river pure of heart
I want to touch so deep inside
And even if you’re torn apart
I will not stop

Cry me a river little one
I have my plan to follow up
You’ll understand it in your time
Now, let me work.
232 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
You will find me there
Sitting comfortably on the sofa
Drinking wine from a plastic

We can chat, have a great laugh
You might be surprised that
I can swear from time to time

Sometimes I’m smart
Very often stupid
I’ll make you sad than happy

I’ll misunderstand you
Fiercely argue with you
Then, apologize with tears
in my eyes

I’ll shower you with affection
and love
Plenty of that in my heart

Don’t look for me among angels
Don’t search among demons too
I am right there, in the middle

A human
Just to introduce myself **
209 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
It’s comfortable here
In this place without windows
Safe and warm

Away from the demons
grinning their fangs
From the eyes of sleepless spies

Watching every move
Wishing for the nightmare
to come true

Don’t pull
Do not grab my hand
Don’t tell me to get out there

Let me stay here, blind and deaf
I don’t want to heal
Don’t pray for a miracle

I want to be ill
This needle you are holding will **** me
You can’t help me

Let me shut down
Levitate in my bubble
Far, far away into space...
205 · Jun 2019
Anya Jun 2019
He gave her a rose
Then slowly ripped the petals
She sharpens the thorns...
204 · Apr 2019
Dark Moon
Anya Apr 2019
We are empty
Our feelings spilled all over
the floor
A reflection of dark moon in
the puddles
There is nothing left
All the memories of the sun,
shine no more
Buried, deep down in the shadows

Our fortified walls,
built persistently over the years
Grew resistant and sturdy
A lost echo, of a thousand
love messages
Rings quietly in the dark
Never reaching our hearts

We are so far away
Even when we are together
The reflection of dark moon
locked in our eyes
And we feel its power, every
time we look at each other

All I hope for
Is a glimpse of the sun shining
through our hearts
Filling us up, with rays of love
To remember again what we
used to have
And to crumble down our walls
201 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
It was summer, when Tommy died
Peacefull, warm, the smell of woods in the air
A stream flowed through the meadow into a pond;
This was a place where dreams come true.
On that day friends found the place
Enjoyed the freedom of water:
Tommy, Lilly, Cassy, John
The day when Tommy died
It was a Friday
So much remembered
Tommy, Lilly, Cassy, John
Drove to the woods, the meadow, the pond
The Sun played silver tricks with the surface with its invitation to water,
Where Tommy vanished, disappeared, taking The Sun with him.
So much was lost that summers’ day
So much changed since Tommy went away.
199 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
I am sitting here
Deconstructing another bottle
Looking at the bottom
Trying to figure out what it says

Stay away
It screams
I can hear it clearly
Don’t come close to the fire
it’s always burning

I am sitting here
Of you
Figuring out what you said
and what it meant

For a little more
Give, a little less

I don’t need you
I don’t want you
I don’t want to
want you

I’m thirsty

I could drink
every bottle of whisky
and still not have enough

Pour it up
Another broken glass
I’m to sober now
Fill me up with the fire
of your eyes

Tell me how it feels
How far down I’m falling

Trying to reach

197 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
I can withstand a collar,
that hurts when you pull
I can bear a hard bed
And no water to drink

I will bark if you order
And I will protect you
I’ll wait, as long as it takes
Until your return

I will take a tell off
Even if, I don’t deserve it
I don’t mind frozen paws
I don’t care, if I’ll get hungry

I will always love you
And I’ll be forever loyal
Till the end, by your side
My beloved human
A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart.
197 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
so quiet
Miles apart
from the surface
Drowning in herself
Still alive but dead

So cold

Sinking to the bottom

Held by
the invisible chains
Gasping for air
but breathing something else
She knows what comes next
Another night in the turbid
depths of a nightmare
On her own
All alone
In the darkness

What’s happened to her
She was soaring so high,
but fell so low...

Is there a way out

Which way to go
from the bottom...
196 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
It’s enough

over ribs
of starved love
protruding from the sand

With just one sentence
you started detox
in my poisoned by hope

Is it time
to bury my personal god
with a substitute for a funeral ?

No point to begin
the resurrection prayer

I'm here
with emptiness in my heart
which burns more
than hydrochloric acid
of rejection

Wind of renewal
is humming a song
of new opportunities

But I can’t hear it

It’s raining with shattered glass
from a broken window…
188 · May 2019
Anya May 2019
The playroom is locked
A shadow plays with the toys
The children are gone...
186 · Jun 2019
Anya Jun 2019
The silence of a dead home
is always loud
Cries are heard in every corner
Tears pour out from the taps
Shadows lurk in the dark

Life is gone
Every drop squeezed
from a sponge into a sewage
What’s left is a skeleton
Naked ribs and bones
sticking from dead walls

At the centre there used to be
Strong and hopeful beating
in the rhythm of the future
Holding tightly your little hand
But... it slipped away

Heaven had a different plan
Couldn’t wait and took you back
In one second everything ended
Evaporated into space like it
never existed

Leaving behind a dying home
Starved from love and denied life
Without a chance of survival
With the memory of your sweet
name on its last breath...
183 · Aug 2020
Anya Aug 2020
We’ve been stretched over
the horizon of time
Waiting patiently to become
Preparing our souls to be one

I am now
You are tomorrow
We haven’t discovered
each other yet

Searching our understanding

I am your present
You are my gift of hope
There you go
Something in common

At the peak of life we are one
176 · May 2019
Anya May 2019
Death sits on the edge
Contemplating suicide
She hates life so much
174 · Aug 2019
Anya Aug 2019
You came like a storm
on a bare white horse
A Prince of the Kingdom
beyond the Earth
Your eyes lightnings and thunder
Long sparkling coat on your

Your boots walked many roads
Your sword fought great battles
A warrior
Your hands strong and gentle
Your heart tough and tender

You spoke and the World listened
You smiled and the fireworks danced
When you wept waters dried up
and heavens became sad
You touched the Universe when
you came

And the Stars remember your name
173 · Nov 2019
Anya Nov 2019
Snap! Perfect selfie
A tick on the bucket list
Another holiday memory
from a trip,
to Auschwitz...
There are flowers here in Auschwitz
Growing on the blood-soaked ground
A flower number 55 is red
Like the blood that had been shed
A flower number 129 smells like gas
Like the chambers that took lives
A flower number 3 078 smells like pain
Endured, in a torture every day
A flower number 20 503 smells like fear
Of living and dying in agony  
A flower number 400 076
is too weak to smell like anything

There are 1 300 000 flowers in Auschwitz
Growing on the blood-soaked ground
But who will remember that...
170 · Dec 2019
Mary Jane
Anya Dec 2019
My tank is empty
I am running on low
Mary Jane, please fix me up
Breathe in some fresh air
in my lungs

Mary Jane,
I want to play your game
Darling, you put a spell on me
I need your magic touch
Hit me up with your punch
Let’s fly, together on cloud nine

Mary Jane, you are so *****
Filthy, outrageous, smoking hot
You’re so bad but so good
Honey I love, every inch of you

It’s simple, you are the one
When you come I come
My Sweet Miss Misbehaviour
Give me just one more blow
Baby kiss me until we’re done
168 · Dec 2019
Overcooked meal
Anya Dec 2019
This conversation is old

I’m drunk now
High on frustration and despair
My mama didn’t warn me it will
turn out like this

Overcooked meal


No pepper, no salt
No spice to go on

Nobody cares

Just expectations to measure up

I will make sure
Wear my best underwear
High heals
Good dress

The look on your face

It will be worth it

Let me serve you

Yeah, it will be something...
167 · Dec 2019
Dark, dark
Anya Dec 2019
The dark, dark times had come

Their shadow long
Swallowing up us whole
They’re hungry
Starving for more
They’ll take it all

The dark, dark times had come

Sleepless spies
grinning their fangs
Their faces lurking
in the crowd
Ready to bite, eat us alive

The dark, dark times had come

It’s our turn
It's time to hurt
Pour never-ending tears
Fill up the bottomless seas
Give what is left to give

The dark, dark times are here

Don’t let them in...
167 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
The caravel is sailing today
Bored with the shore
Takes the course of a new
Setting the compass on
nautical adventure

The land left behind
watches with sadness
Sees the sails set high
Hears the excitement
of preparations

It doesn’t want to break up
But understands
The caravel is made
to navigate the sea,
to search unwaveringly
for new islands on the horizon

Such is its nature
To be free in the element
of wind and water
Go through storms
Dance with lightnings
Play with dolphins in the waves

The land knows very well

That at the end of the journey
The caravel will return
A prodigal son
Coming back home
165 · Nov 2019
Old Barbie
Anya Nov 2019
Old Barbie looks in the mirror
Terrified with what she sees
The reflection shows her a stranger
Someone she doesn’t want to be

Her face is old and wrinkled
Her hair turned thin and grey
Her body used to be perfect
Now weak and out of shape

Old Barbie covers her face
Trying to hide from despair
But she can’t stop what she feels
On artificial cheeks real warm tears...
164 · Apr 2019
Anya Apr 2019
You are soooooo stupid!
Said the head to the bleeding heart
You let yourself get hurt

Look at me!
I don’t feel anything! I think!
I’m never broken! Always happy!

I can’t do that said the heart
If I won’t feel
I’ll freeze and die

I’d rather hurt, break, bleed
a thousand times
but feel alive!
163 · Jul 2019
Red Rose
Anya Jul 2019
I found a rose by the front door
in the morning
Laying there on the porch
Waiting for me to pick it up
The most beautiful red rose
I have ever seen
The colour intense and deep
I got it up and felt gentle,
velvet petals
So sensual to touch
Smelled the flower’s amazing smell
Just perfect

No note…

Who can be my generous
Maybe the handsome guy
living next door
Or some mysterious admirer
A thought of it stroked my ego
with pleasure

But, wait a minute…

Maybe someone lost it
Or threw it away like unwanted
Maybe it's just a mistake
I looked at the rose again
Not so beautiful any more
The smell, not amazing
like before
And the colour a bit pale

Suddenly I saw all thorns...

Maybe it was my enemy
Dropped the bloom on purpose
Yes, it must have been that
stupid neighbour lady
She planted the flower here
and now she laughs sneeringly
I'll throw it away
to show her I don’t care

Stupid ****,
in the morning bothering me...
163 · Jul 2019
Art of Poetry
Anya Jul 2019
Here we are discovering
the art of poetry...

words attached with
each other
Connected together
to start a chain reaction
Step by step taking
the reader higher
Into the unblemished
skies of imagination
Everything’s allowed ;
to laugh, cry,
be happy and sad
A feast for senses
A question without
an answer
An emotion lingering
in the right place
and moment

Here he is
The poet
armed with a pen
His eyes open
Mind focused
Feelings on a leash
Pulling forcefully
Forward, backwards
Hold on Mr Poet!
Stay strong, don’t let go!

Take it
where you want it to be
Let it breathe
in the alley of mystery
Drink and feed
on a secret
Allow the reader
to discover for himself

Lay it to rest in the place
of destination
The poem
A riddle to solve
Your creation...
153 · Jun 2019
Anya Jun 2019
If you will leave

Time will stop in shock
The World will collapse in despair
Stars sad will switch off
And the Sun
will simply burn away
Life will die
Lay, in the dark grave,
and close its eyes forever
Nothing will become
And even it will cry real tears,
cause it will never see
your face

If you will stay

Time will flow, steady and calm
The World will beam with joy
Stars will shine dancing in the sky
And the Sun will glow forever
Life will be born, brand new,
full of hope
It will smile at the thought
that we share it
Emptiness will fill up on
happiness and love
All of this, just for you,
you’re staying!
151 · Sep 2019
Anya Sep 2019
a sad rose
in the orphanage

waits to be adopted
for many lonely years

nobody wants her

people prefer
flowers with no thorns...
150 · Jul 2019
Anya Jul 2019
Quick quick
Let’s open all the curtains
Let the sunshine in
Wipe the tears
from our cheeks
Dust the casket with
hope in it
Let it play music again

Quick quick
Lets open up all doors
Let the wind flow
Bring fresh dreams
on its wings
Chase away all fears

Quick quick
Lets open our eyes
closed so long ago
See for the first time
our flaws
Kiss each one with
brand new love

Quick quick
Lets open our hearts
Break free from chains
holding us back
Lets go naked outside
Feel the raindrops
one more time…
149 · May 2019
Ode to Inspiration
Anya May 2019
Oh Mother!
Of all creation
Wild and unbridled Inspiration
Reveal yourself to me
Open my mind to see

I’ll be your faithful servant
Accept me in your chamber
Fill me up with passion,
feed me with desire
Charm me with your magic
Hypnotize me with your power
I give myself to you...
Willingly, completely

Oh Mother!
Guide me to the place
Where beautiful minds play games
Sow their seeds, to grow trees of words
I am longing, to be one of those souls

Oh Mother!
Grace me with that gift
Unleash it into me
Posses me with your spirit
Arm me with sword of poetry
Teach me to think in ink

Oh Mother!
Before You,
In here I humbly kneel
I oath to You today
I’ll use, your great gift well
With hope, I shall not fail.
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