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Oct 2017 · 407
Bryce Gaetano Oct 2017
What if I made paranoia my best friend? Took every hint and watched the drama play out till the end, Send every being I meet into a spiral of everything they ever wanted and show that its weak to use infinity to imagine your own demise...

The skies opened and this one Sunbeam hit me just right, Ill never fight the paranoia again, it basically gives me all of Fear's moves before it makes them, and to take them in, to win the battle against fear before it even started...

Yeah, I forget the black dot in the Yin Yang, that darkness is never banging on the front door, that whisper telling me everything that darkness has in store and what it's all for...

The core of this little limerick is that though paranoia pin ****** the bubble of naivety, it can make the map of your infinity once you recognize the divinity of the dark things that exist to make you brighter...
Oct 2017 · 265
Language Barrier
Bryce Gaetano Oct 2017
I could write just enough to break the language barrier,This message carrier is ready for your bullets, my kevlar is metaphorical and similes are excruciating to pull from the mind, just like the bullet coming for me...

You ever almost run out of ways to say what you wanna say, imagine trying to do something everyday, and by do something I mean find and walk righteous with people going The Way, while navigating in the infinite mind made manifest around us as this intricate and never ending play, that's waiting to be written every moment...

How should I dress it, what button can I mess with, whats your fancy, even though I feel like making you think you cant stand me, Ill play...

— The End —