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1.8k · Nov 2016
Angela Nature Nov 2016
When a leaf falls down,
Making no sound,
It sails away........
And Just like the wind,
  It has nowhere to go.
It changes directions,
Mercy of its strong flexion
And like a rebel,
It reckons a win.
Freedom is brief
and so unseen
It's worth the wait
Once you redeem
Yet the feelling isn't forever,
Cause a scar is seen...
Just like the leaf, treasure your dreams
Long, dull or bitter,
They give you a gleam
Nature is teacher
To all living beings
Please let me be with you
For as long as I may leave.
1.1k · Dec 2015
Help me
Angela Nature Dec 2015
Help me......
Help me understand the way my mind wonders.
Help me ....
Help me assimilate the wrong way of the World
Help me.......
Help me comprehend my uncontrolled thoughts
Help me......
Help me tame the wild wine running through my veins
Help me.....
Help me maintain a sane insanity, because  I feel it can be achieved.
Help me be myself without feeling guilt.
Help me deal with an unacceptable Society, on where everything is implanted as if we were only flesh without a soul.
On where the material counts more than any feelings
And where  darkness is wrongly  seen as harm.
Where love is overlooked because of its intangible state
Help me moreover, to  want to stay.
Because sometimes it seems it was not meant to be,  as many bad effects and sorrows carve deeply inside  through me .
I have a hard time wanting to live in a Society on where only the material matters..., when there is so much  else to give and take.
745 · Dec 2017
You ..
Angela Nature Dec 2017
A deep attraction . .the one that is followed by seduction..The strong affection, a beam that awakened my soul. My senses silently exploded,  and a deep sensuality reigned . Your **** manly figure, turned my world around. I felt I couldn't be nowhere ...without you 
.....By myself ..
Only you could light me on.. That strong attraction and longed seduction, ignited my soul.  Not getting enough of you , I   seemed to exhaust insatiable love.....then I drove myself  "framed ", and begged you to arrest me.  I was lost seeking your heart , a place you led me to dig deep..and you touched me and  oh.. so hard , pushed me in so right ..that I resided there, as a type of breed that swallowed  your concentration in ... Now. ..
I'm addicted to you.
An insatiable thirst for you blinds my thoughts .
And it is you and only you ..
Your pure heart and sporadic lovely company ...from which I cry for more . Your fun way to be yourself : nice personality and transparency  ..addicts me to yourself.
I get thirsty for you
I give you a strong touch
Grab me towards you
I want to feel your skin
Kiss your lips throughly
All your corners ....
Explore your oceans and hidden corals ..
Followone  your smell , whIle you take me there ......
Written a year ago. ..
615 · Nov 2016
Stay a little longer
Angela Nature Nov 2016
Wishing to know you
I search  inside your heart for  a reason.
A reason to keep you by my side
Please...stay with me for a little while.
Taking me with you, you'll make me smiile.

They once told me
That you had deep blue eyes
That they were sad as the future,
Sad as a sky with no falling stars.
So I went in search of them
Did I find them, ...I don't know. .
I just remember this pale guy
who turned paler once he fell
The harder he fell , the paler he got .
(I said ) ; please stop dancing , as they had closed the bar ...
He just went on and on....non stop.
I heard him hauling at the moon
The other day at the Boulevard
I just ignored it, as I learned to ignore him now.

But please,

Let me discover your voice within the silence,..look at me a little longer ....
While listening to your song
I feel your touch
The one that was physically absent
Perhaps resting in your mind
Reaching out to you I feel you
Let me be with you one time.
Unobtainable, as a sudden dream
Your image disappears
Although it stays nailed in my heart
As a reason to believe.
Or take me with you
Be my shadow, ardent thought.
460 · Apr 2016
In a chilled night
Angela Nature Apr 2016
"The song of a distant owl in the middle of a cold, chilled night.
It’s' voice raising as high as the tall pine trees, echoing through the silence,  mixed with the misty fog as that one of a King's ........The cold seemed like nothing.....compared to its somewhat full of impiety song of darkness, that emerged from its keen"
(Angela, 2016)
458 · Dec 2015
Can't buy my days
Angela Nature Dec 2015
None of our days have a price.. they are as priceless as they are for us and us alone. And if they are not valuable .., that's only up to us . Days can be just illusions that are just passing by. Many days we don't even remember, although some of them can carve deep within ourselves. Our days don't have a price. Our days are  what we make of them. Sometimes they get swallowed through a pool of blood and other times they swim freely in a pool of hope. Ensure you make your days your own and don't let them be taken,  as they are yours and just for you.
451 · Dec 2015
Within the Pine trees
Angela Nature Dec 2015
"And so the winds whisper loud laments between the trees,
as they sorrowfully  and slightly bend themselves in a slow and heavy dance.
Among this darkness, much light awaits,
and gives path to  sacred hope that eventually, will reign at its best.
396 · Nov 2016
Angela Nature Nov 2016
Inscrutable look.
Deceiving eyes.
I read your soul, therefore I feel.
Come next to me, I want your pain.
Poisonous love running through your veins.
Intoxicated with it, I mourn  a  loss.
Hug me, strike me.
Be  my cross.
There are some attractions that we can't sometimes explain.
389 · Dec 2015
Destiny's Gift
Angela Nature Dec 2015
Feeling the gentle touch of the Sun's rays on my skin, I remember the moment when I had you for the first time.   The intensity of the heat of your body near mine, turns fiery as I transport myself years into the past to revive the time on when you first touched me, with your ardent eyes. Your hidden love stamped my heart and nested  inside it, forever asleep. Somehow my mind didn't know it, but my heart oh yes!  it did.  Frozen time merged and melted with a helplessly dark present. And as immense love poured all over, we were one;  you and I.
387 · Aug 2019
In your Dreams
Angela Nature Aug 2019
So you are about to go to sleep  
Wonder what you will dream.
Tell me that you still see a Prince.
Tel me that you see an elf , and maybe a witch of that type..
Tell me that you keep it a secret from the time you lay down to rest, until you wake up at dawn . Tell me how you write it down and how you hear no sound.
Sleep.  Dream..  
..make it happen.  Oh lucky you.
Mixing the truth.
Please carry me above the stars. Above that door, and through that path,
on where your life stopped and your dream began..
384 · Nov 2016
Angela Nature Nov 2016
A year ago we got reunited
A year ago you left.
Almost a year ago I found you
Almost a year ago I found you too
And him as well
And so it went
A few more months until another year
Two more months, to reach a year since I saw you again .
You, me,  him , and again. ..
Love and tears are timeless and countless
All the above...... meaning does not have
Stop counting!
Stop dealing
Just feel .Only the Heart knows.
213 · Aug 2020
Angela Nature Aug 2020
Like a tempest
Barged into my chest
Like a sword
carving a dark path
Where it headed, no return
Where it headed,
Sad nocturne.
Through that tunnel
To the urns
Mourning mornings in my heart
Mourning sunsets just to start
Can you explain  me how the Sun
Every evening doesn’t drown.
Go ahead, let me down
And without a frown
(Under construction)

— The End —