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 Mar 2015 Melia
Sour Patched Kid
Whatever happened to the moments
we lived for
the moments we lived from
electrifying lives
currents of passion
high voltage that knew no resistance

what do I have to do?
to feel the surge
to feel the spark
to feel alive again?

Is it in the tomes?
Is it in the songs?
Do the muses hold it in the walls?
Is it inside of me?

Searching for the switch
to send me back to passion
To make me feel charged again
to make me feel in charge again
 Jul 2013 Melia
Jace Allen
To such a day as one like this
I begin to think my life’s a gift
Blowing softly and caressed so sweet
Every moment is a splendid treat

I may be lonesome and without a friend
But at least I breathe and am not dead
I may have little, still more than some
There is no reason I can be glum

Pain shoots through me like lightning in a tree
Still, there are others who have it worse than me
I can walk, trot, dance and sing and breathe
The hardships of others, you would scarce believe.

So breathe it all in cause this may be the last
You know how time is, it ticks rather fast
 Apr 2013 Melia
Andy Cave
You are trapped, imprisoned in the cell of your mind
if this were a movie you'd want to rewind
you'd rewind to when you were pure and true,
so that you can stop yourself from hating you.
 Apr 2013 Melia
This Is Me
 Apr 2013 Melia
This isn't what you wished
Upon that small baby
This isn't what you wished

This isn't the head you kissed
The head of that baby
This isn't what you kissed

This isn't what you held
The weight of that baby
This isn't what you held

This isn't what you smelled
The scent of that baby
This isn't what you smelled

This isn't what you felt
Felt for that baby
This isn't what you felt.

This isn't how it was supposed to be
This isn't what you imagined
This isn't what you meant me to see
The isn't what you'd bargained

This isn't the life you choose to live
This isn't the trust you chose to give
This isn't the love you once entrusted
This isn't the marriage to which you'd come in

This isn't the daughter you once knew
This isn't the love you walked into
This isn't the hope you'd had before
This isn't the love in fairytale's lore

This isn't at all what you expected
This isn't at all what you should have collected
This isn't the right end for an angel
This isn't, as it seems, quite so fatal

But this is me
Imperfect glory
Oh, this is me
With a sad, sad story

This is me
Timeless and dying
This is me
The blood I'm crying

This is me
The failure's jive
This is me
The end of a life

This is me
On sanity's cliff
This is me
Ready to drift

This is me
Desperate and wanting
This is me
Pretending and flaunting

Yes, this is me
Your youngest daughter
And it's not at all what you wanted
My dearest mother

This is me
The smoke, the pain
This is me
For loss, for gain

This is me
This is that baby
This is me
Now a young lady

This is me
Looking for love
This is me
Small and starstruck

This is me
On the wrong path
This is me
Treading on broken glass

This is me
Begging for help
This is me
****** to hell

This is me
Waiting to be saved
This is me
Turning away

This is me
Nearing Death's door
This is me
Saying I can take no more

This is me
With smoke in my lungs
This is me
Absorbing the sun

This is me
With knife in hand
This is me
Enjoying the land

This is me
Pleasing those men
This is me
Washing my hands

And this isn't what you wanted
And this is why you cry
And this isn't what I expected
And this is why I wish to die

Oh, this is why my mind is unclean
This is why you weep
This is why we couldn't foresee
And this is why I can't sleep

This is why the night is frightening
This is the absence of hope
Yet this is why we live
And this is why we cope

And this isn't life
This is unidentified
And this isn't strife
This is why we live and die

Maybe this is a maybe
Maybe this is uncertainty
Maybe this is a per say
Maybe this is you, is me

Yes, maybe this is human
Though this is inhumane
Maybe this is *******
And cannot be contained

Maybe maybe is uncertainty
Maybe maybe is insanity
Maybe maybe is a waste of hope
Maybe maybe is the knife at our throats

This is me
With a ring on my finger
This is me
With a kiss on my lips

This is me
With a love that lingers
This is me
With a sway to my hips

This is my reflection
So pretty, so ugly
This is my reflection
So imperfect, so me

This is life
Tiring and refreshing
This is time
A burden unrelenting

These are my friends
My children, my life
These are my friends
So perfect, so right

And this is pain
And this is gain
And this is love
And this is hate
And this is trust
And this is my place

But first

This is me.
 Apr 2013 Melia
Siam Raf
No more
 Apr 2013 Melia
Siam Raf
These clouds up in the sky today
Again just look like sheep to me,
No more of dragons, frogs or birds
Can I, in odd shapes, make or see

These stars up in the sky tonight
Again just look like specks so small,
No more Greek gods or ancient lores
Am I much able to recall

These superheroes and comic books
Again just seem like childish plots,
No more their dark and twisted tales
Which long ago have been forgot

No more her smile
No more her cries
No more her clasp
No more her sighs

I let it all slip through my mind
These memories I leave behind
No more of all the things that she
For years had struggled to teach to me
 Apr 2013 Melia
It's called Philophobia.
It's the fear of loving or being in love.
I believe everyone has been a victim to Philophobia
especially if their hearts have been broken too many times.
Heartbreak makes you wiser.
 Apr 2013 Melia
Emma Jane
you touch me
just a light touch
a stroke across the face
a plethora of sparks
erupting beneath my skin

immeasurable curiosity
boils within me
as i raise my hand
so fragile
against your sharp face

you curl into a smile
pulling me near
showing me that
we are inseparable
and we kiss

so simple
four letters
one syllable
that manages to drench up
so much inside of me


it seems to go on forever

though you must turn away

at some point

for soon i'm left
even more empty than before
with only the shadow
of that last kiss
etched upon my dainty lips

showing me that it's time to go
 Apr 2013 Melia
Sometimes I lay under the night, gaze upon a star,
Conceal a forgotten past, grieve upon a scar,
Some mistakes were made, not so cruel, not too intense,
But in arrogance and ignorance, that remain too huge to make a sense.

The footprints of those missteps, lay buried under time,
Too distant, too deep, unlikely to be exposed,
But what about the heart that stay frozen under guilt?
Will I recover? Will I forget? Will my shattered heart be rebuilt?

**“Grieve no more, oh heart!, don’t let yourself be burnt,
Some mistakes have to be made, some lessons have to be learnt,
Some decisions, some choices are meant to leave you contrite,
Because unless you know what’s wrong, how will you know what’s right?”
Life,as I see it.
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