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Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
Sequence of words and repetetion,
made of beautiful lines and concentration,
deep thinking makes the sentence to flight,
all is called along and named as rhyme,
in it there are pouches of errors,
makes the expression of fellings that matters,
modified meaning of writing,
belongs to a thing,
sharp and blunt teasing collection of experiance,
it does not have any limitation or resistance,
it is a flow of small nick in mind,
passionate feel it winds,
every time ****** spelling it consists,
anyone can write a rhyme if he break the walls of cyst
Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
Flashes of light,
seems so birght,
reflection because of mirro showing delight,
of pictures shown in light,
a ray of sun straight through the window,
and dust also shining along the glow,
droplet falling,
and it's beauty is rolling,
in the eyes giving the clear way,
and washing the faded memories belonging to dream made of clay,
blue light signify the calmness,
and red gives the power to repel negetive flames,
belongings of life are of diffrent colours,
related to our deed under the vision of others,
to be a diamond of reflection,
human being have to be in perfect in perfection
Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
I need you to hold my hand,
i need you to hold me,
i need you to count my tears
one,two or upto infinity,
i need you to place my random thoughts in a band,
i need you to make me move,
from the sadness grove,
i need you to represent my myself,
i need you because i dont want to fail,
i need you to help me fresh air  inhale,
i need you to talk and share,
i need you because i want to complete my prayer,
to the god to make every thing all right,
i need you in my every fight,
i need you to love my scars,
i need you in my empty sky as shining stars,
i need you to bring the solitude of aticate,
i need you as my best friend,
i need you as my all above,
i need you as my luck and love.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
All is my fault that i can now understand,
i never wanted to change as to your plan,
to make me good,
to make me the best that you also know;
you are the person you only could,
do the all replacements in me,
and take me to your flow,
from the begining i was stupid,
i was deaf never listned your love music,
putting into the mind,
that you are mine,
but i was busy in the empty hive,
hanging-up with little pity,
you were easy to hold but i was not getting it,
your way of stance epressing the need,
you tried to make me understand is me+you=we
Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
I never represented my self as truth,
in any one's front but i do,
i open myself in front of you,
if i am hurted please try to understand,
why i am presenting me like that;
why i want your hand,
to hold my hands and my chin,
to put it front of your face,
am broken please make it trace,
on your eyes and see what i sufferd and what i am suffering,
these are not things these are feelings,
it alters and at the peak when it must be not,
to go upto the extent of beyond the thought,
numbness it's not i created,
i fought with situations and they not demonstrared,
that i am lieying in my aches,
am trying to stand up see it and believe it with truth and upcoming changes, if you have any query want any change,
just speak once i'll make upto my ability base,
nothing is dull against the beats,
but keep it in your mind that it bleads,
when the beats are not understood,
behind every reason there is a story that you should,
and must know
being my love just never let me go
Akash mazumdar Oct 2014
I am still a child of 10 loves to see cartoons,
loves to play in the noon,
wonders to see the twinkling stars,
knows only the name of a planet 'earth' not even the 'mars',
noddy, tom & jerry are my favourite shows,
my dreams and imagination never slows,
football & basketball are all same for me,
all are round in shape which i know and see,
i like fighting with soft pillows  & bouncing on bed,
as my favourite colours are white,blue,green & red,
moon is like the bigest star,
& also many small shining dots too there are,
the best stuff to eat is chocklet and toffies,
i collect my money for all types of sweets,
my collection is of toys & cartoons cards my attention  is on growing
when my birthday will come,
& one more year old i will become,
loves to do sketches and also to fill colours,
have a dream when fairy will come white feathers,
i have three subjects only english maths and science,
Which i study but for a while,
that's my present childhood but all are memories,
and now are blows in form of cold breeze
Akash mazumdar Oct 2014
Be happy just smile,
be carzy for a while,
be wild with me,
be you what you want to be,
love yourself first then care others,
first aim your goal then go for others,
fly in the sky high i know it's your dream,
breathe independance as it's your need,
break off the cage bring out yourself,
you are good but be the best,
jump into your dreams,
and take them out in your eyes,
you will definately start living them it's my believe in my mind,
push the uncomfort out of sense,
crumble the lines of limits and fence,
which is stoping to you to do this all,
make a start and go on with small-small,
upgrades in you
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