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Akash mazumdar Oct 2014
We are under the fullmoon with company of cold breeze,
let me stop the time and let me do it freeze,
please let me come close to you,
you also love me this all i knew,
just touching of hands making you blush,
now we are under love far from rush,
i can see your shy smile under your lips,
let me hold your hand in my hand and let me give a kiss,
it's some dark but your bright face,
and your birhgt eyes from which i trace,
the best things and best words to speek,
loose yourself i know you believe on me,
it's time for a hug,
which'll make me crazy and it's my drug,
let me hold your hand now
let me make a wish,
i want you my life as you are my breathe,
just forget the sorrow,
and let it me borrow,
leave the uncofort and just breathe love..
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
we dream our desire,
we do it and admire,
we seek diffrent way to walk,
we want diffrent people to talk,
we take diffrent paths and rides,
we love to do this because it multilplies,
our thrill which **** our fears,
because fear brings tears,
we meet new people we intoduce ourselves to them,
then we start making them to realise,
that we are now a part of ther lives,
and we also start caring about themselves,
to keep ourselvs alive,
we choose the best things we see,
we bring new thoughts to do beat the,
king of time 'the clock',
we learn new things,
so that we have proud and tricks,
to tackle new problems,
and become  hero within ourselves,
developing ourself strong is our aim,
if we are not able to do it then we blame,
our situations ,surroundings & others,
but we never see what we have done & we are just saying that i does'nt matters,
and say i am always right,
it's the human nature which is litte bit dark little bit bright..
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
I know i am devil bad,
but now am very sad,
sitting on the bench thinking my own sins,
and a hollownes in me it brings,
warm droplets of salt realising
what i've done and what i am doing,
still sitting ideal but unconcious mind is running,
the clots of shouting waves in my head.
I just want to cut my hand,
let's bleed it way for me it's not made,
smile for clicks are all fake,
am drunked and dont want to do any thing,
want to leave everyone dont mind please,
am tierd of doing efforts to being alone,
because i cant stood up my own,
it's hurts to be fallen,
all i know that i am broken,
dark lines under my eyes,
all dreams are shatterd now which always flied,
in my mind,
all i have but  still it seems to be empty,
all around there is love and am still thirsty,
habit of lossing made me a liar,
i wish but i know i can't fill my desire,
i dont want to broke other's hope's,
because i know how much it hurts when it brokes,
i dont want to fall in depression's trap,
just only i cant feel how i am sad.
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
You know this who i am.
And i am just lookin at you,
fire burning in my heart my life is only for you,
when you smile,
whole world stops and stand for a while,
the secret of defination of my happiness,
it's all about you love's bless,
what i see in your eyes,
it's the place where my all imaginations flies,
all moments which i spend with you,
that's the favourite thing that i want to to,
concluding all this words written below is true
i love you
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
I dont know how long i'll live,
because it seems to be ending of my days
& can see death's tip,
i was very bad very rude very mean to you,
but i dont know how to tell that how much i love you,
no one like you i cant find in my next life,
but i wish i can get you again in my next life life's fight,
so that you can be my breathe again,
and i also want to take  breathe to sustain,
please dont cry when i'll gone,
because crying will not be the solution of my death and memories which i've given to you and left you alone,
thanks for your support, love and time which you've given,
so that moments am taking with myself and going to die but  i think i'll be forgiven,
i will never can give that you've given to me,
so forgive me for that also and because,
i am not transformed into that person you want to see,
i had never lied to you so you can trust on my soul,
if you'll call i'll came for you my barbie doll,
my life is not all about mine,
it's for you  my love my life,
take care if i go,
because when i'll leave the world
i dont know..
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
No love lost,
no love found,
only emptiness is all around,
love is the only feel i wanted by whole world,
but inluckylly it's a imagination only,
which you originates by your self slowy slowly,
itls the best feel to imagine but you came in the in the realy world,
you found that it was a dream
which you scrolled
up and down tilll the last,
to found your abilities as you which have to broke,
and when it brokes you wokeup
and se that you are alone.
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
It is the single way direction or a flow,
which is lived when beautiful colours starts to glow,
it is a pleasant morning which have a rainbow variation,
no shadow remains after ending of this desire,
and when  it is lived it float in every moment in the burning fire,
it is not a certified product but have  manufacturing date and time,
and always have an experiy date but it is not mentioned,
but for everyone the time period is sectioned,
with a slight easyway way you can enjoy
every moment of life,
but within a moment the whole path,
can change and can close the newly started file of life,
many faces are thre many emotions are on it,
but we can't judge them by felling their soul from in. :(
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