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The waves of the ocean come and go
After a dark night, the sun will glow
The Law of Cycles operates everywhere on earth
And so, after we die, we come back in a Rebirth

What is the cause of this human birth?
What was the reason we came to earth?
We didn't decide where and when we were born
It was our Karma that sounded the horn

Therefore, when we see a child born blind
We ask, 'Is God unjust; is He so unkind?'
No, God isn't unkind, our Karma is the cause
We will Realize the Truth of birth, if we pause

As we sow, so shall we reap
On earth if we sin, we sure will weep
Such is the law, what we give, we get
Apples won't grow on a mango tree, that is a bet

The Law of Karma is a Universal Law
It makes no mistake, it has no flaw
Not only does it work everywhere on earth
Even after death, it causes our Rebirth

Death is certain, everybody must die
Nobody can escape, not you, nor I
But what is death, is it the final end?
No, it is not, it is just a bend

The body dies, it is burnt to dust
But the one who was alive, leaves like a gust
Don't we say that he passed away?
But where does he go, can anybody say?

We are sure that the one who died left
Otherwise, our loved ones would have the body kept
But who is the one that has left the body behind?
Is it ME, the Ego and the Mind?

The body is just an instrument to act
The mind and ego direct it, that's a fact
The body is born, and the body must die
But the mind and ego, escape in the sky

But where do the mind and ego go?
What happens after the end of the show?
To settle their Karma, they must return to earth
There is no other option, but to take rebirth

Is it true that we go to heaven and hell?
These fairy tales cast a spell!
Heaven and hell are not far away in the stars
We return to earth, to settle our scars

And so, the cycle goes on and on
We live, we die, and we are Reborn
As long as we live as this body and mind
The mind will be Reborn, the body left behind

But when we achieve our ultimate goal
When we realize we are the Divine Soul
Then, from Rebirth, we are free
And one with our Lord, forever we will be

But how can we become one with our Lord?
To escape from Rebirth and unite with God
When we overcome our ignorance and Realize the Truth
Then, we don't plant seeds, there will be no shoot

As long as seeds of Karma we plant
Escaping from Rebirth we just can’t
The body will die when it has no breath
But we will return after our death

As long as we are ignorant, we will be Reborn
There is no other option, but a body to adorn
But once we realize we are not the body, ego, or mind
We are free from Karma and rebirth, we will find

We have two options at the moment of death
Either we will be Reborn as we lose our breath
But if we realize we are the Divine Soul
We will Unite with God, our Ultimate Goal

So today, the mystery of Rebirth let us solve
To Realize the Truth, let us resolve
And be free from the triple suffering on earth
To become one with God, not return in a Rebirth

Let us realize we are not the body and mind
The body will die and mind will rewind
All the actions that it has done
Will transfer to a new life that’s begun

But if we Realize we are not the doer of action
Then of course there will be no reaction
Then we will be from Karma free
And not have to be Reborn, we agree

For Rebirth is only for the one who does
Who lives as the ego and makes a fuss
But one who lives as the Divine Soul
He is free, achieves the Ultimate Goal

This is the purpose of our life on earth
To live as Soul and be free from Rebirth
To Realize the Truth as we live and die
And to become one with the Lord in the sky
Life is just about this moment, are you living it?
Or has life escaped you, bit by bit
Life is just about the 'now,' make the best of it
Celebrate every moment of life, don't just simply sit

Life is not about yesterday, yesterday is gone
Life is not about tomorrow, it is not yet born
Life is about this moment, life is about 'now'
I'll be Happy every moment, take this solemn vow

Life has a purpose, we don't realize that it’s a big treasure
Life is not just meant to be chasing every pleasure
Every moment of life is given to realize this
Moment by moment, we lose life chasing Happiness

Life is not a long journey that starts at birth
Life is not all about the years that we live on earth
Life is not the many years that we live till we die
Life is blissful now, sing like a bird in the sky

Most of us are missing life, waiting for it to pass
We don't know how to truly live, did we miss this class?
Life is not a long journey that will go on and on
Life is about 'now', tomorrow it may be gone

Many of us fill our life with fear, worry, and stress
We don't know how to live life with Peace and Happiness
Those who learn to live life, living in today
They smile, laugh, and love, no matter what comes their way

There is only one way to live, it is living in the 'now'
Not facing all our problems, with sweat on our brow
We must do our best with life, with the given plough
And then, surrender to what will be, this we must allow

For what can man do, other than doing his very best
Once he does that, to the Divine, he surrenders the rest
He learns to live each moment, with faith, trust and hope
And so, with life's battles, he is able to cope

Those who lose the treasure of life filling their mind with junk
Those who don't tame their monkey mind and make it into a monk
They live their life jumping from a thought to another thought
Life was just about 'now', this truth they forgot

The enemy, the thief, the rascal, is our very own mind
It bombards us with thoughts and steals our life, we find
Moment by moment, we lose life as we desire and we crave
It is our mind, that makes us cry, right until our grave

Instead of accepting whatever happens, living with a smile
We cry, we scream, and we question, unhappy all the while
We don't realize that what is unfolding in life every day
It's a reaction of our own actions, the price we must pay

Life has a purpose, we must realize this before we die
Life is not just about wandering on earth and in the sky
Before we die, we must achieve our life goal
To realize we are not body and mind, we are the Divine Soul

If we let the moments of life pass one by one
Though we achieve trophies, the victories that we won
Before we realize our treasure of life will be gone
We will suffer on earth and then, we will be reborn

We must live every moment Conscious of the Truth
We must invest every minute getting to the root
Moment by moment, we must live, in Consciousness
Realizing the Truth, and with it, getting eternal Happiness

The sun will rise, and the sun will set, soon life will pass by
Moment by moment, day by day, we will laugh and cry
But how can we live without Sorrow, with Peace and Happiness
It's by living moment by moment, we must learn this

If moment by moment, we let our life simply pass
When we wake up, it may be late, we will cry, Alas!
The gift of moments was given to us, for us it was to use
But we lost moment by moment, this why did we choose?

It's not too late, we can wake up, and start living 'now'
We can find the purpose of life and stop grazing like a cow
We are still alive, and our moments are yet in our hand
We can live life, not let it slip away, just like grains of sand

Death is certain, we can't escape it, every 'body' must die
There is no use to look up at the sky, to cry and ask 'why?'
The only way to live life moment by moment with Joy
Is to be Conscious of the secret – Who is this 'I'

And soon, life will be over, this gift will be gone
Swinging like a pendulum, into the future not yet born
Life will escape us as we suffer and we cry
Let us transform our life, wake up to a new dawn

Let us become Conscious in every moment we live
Nothing belongs to us, let us learn to give
Let us spend each moment, achieving the ultimate goal
We are not this body and mind, we are the Divine Soul

Life is not a journey that lasts many years
Life is not just about a few smiles and many many tears
Life is only about this moment, and we must live it
Otherwise, the moments will escape and so will life with it
Just as children sit around
For a Jigsaw Puzzle to Solve
We too must pick up all the pieces
In life, for us to evolve
Piece by piece, as the puzzle fits
The picture will appear in bits

Enlightenment is the ultimate goal
Not just to roll in diamonds and gold
Those who are only chasing happiness
Can end their life in a mess
But those who attain Enlightenment
Go beyond Achievement and Fulfilment

Are we the Body? No, it will die
One day we will leave and fly in the sky
Are we the Mind? Let's try and find
Where is the Mind? We just can't find
When we let go of the Ego in whole
We Realize we are the Divine Soul

But how to get to the Divine Truth?
How to reach the bottom of the root?
Confronting us is the enemy, Mind and Ego, ME
It stops us from being who we are meant to be
Until we **** the Ego and Mind
Enlightenment we will never find

How should we start? Must we go on a Quest?
Should we put all our beliefs to test?
What about all those things we did learn?
Is it necessary, that the myth we unlearn?
Yes, if one wants to Realize the Truth
All ignorance, he must uproot

Why is it that we are miserable and sad?
Isn't there a way to be always glad?
Yes, if we realize, this is just a show
We are mere actors who come and go
Then, we will be free from suffering and pain
And from Rebirth, again and again

But for that, this Puzzle is a must
All that's in it, we have to Trust
Piece by piece, the Truth will flow
Till we are Enlightened with the glow
When the Truth we get to see
We will transcend Mind and Ego, ME

But once the pieces fit in place
We'll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul

This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the 'Aha!' of Enlightenment!

Then we will live as the Divine Soul
No more books do we have to scroll
For once the Truth we do Realize
Then, no more must we memorize
Realization will make us know
And to the heavens, we will go

Our Ultimate Goal is to attain God
It is to become one with the Lord
For this, there must be Self-Realization
And then there will be God-Realization
With this, we will end our search
We won't go to every temple and church

For God lives within the temple of our heart
Nothing in this world can take Him apart
In fact, only He is, we are not!
But this in Ignorance we forgot!
We always believed God to be a statue and a Saint
But He is a Power that no one can paint

The Realizations are many, there are One Hundred
They overcome our ignorance from A to Z
Each Realization is a Divine Truth
But we get lost right from our youth
Unless every piece we search and find
Enlightenment, we will leave behind

But once the pieces fit in place
We'll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul

This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the 'Aha!' of Enlightenment!
Problems, Problems are everywhere
My life is in such a mess
I feel so sad and miserable
With worry, anxiety and stress

It all started when I was a child
My exams made me cry
And then, it was heartbreak
I looked up at the sky and asked ‘Why?'

And then, I tried to succeed
But failure came in the way
My life was full of sleepless nights
I faced problems every day

I was worried and there was fear
And this stress cost me very dear
I had anxiety attacks in my mind
My depression left all Peace behind

Everybody has problems as I looked around
There is hate and revenge on the ground
Jealousy and anger are here and there
The problem monsters are everywhere

But then I stopped and I took a pause
Everybody has problems but what is the cause
Who is the one who suffers the pain
I searched for the answer, not in vain

I could see the misery of the mind
Suffering of physical pain, a different kind
But far worse was the agony of the ego
This triple suffering was part of the show

So are we meant just to cry and to die?
As the problems trouble, must we just lie
Aha, no! I found there was a magic
One solution with a clear logic

Who is it that suffers the pain?
Body-mind-ego cries again and again
But when I Realized I was the Divine Soul
There were no problems, I achieved my goal

My problems disappeared like the morning mist
Peace, Joy and Bliss I kissed
It was when I Realized the Truth
When I went to the bottom of the root

We suffer because of our ignorance
Problems are because we are blind
We think we are the one that is ME
The body, the ego, and the mind

When we are Enlightened with the Truth
We can catch the evil brute
The mind is the biggest enemy of all
Along with the ego, it makes us fall

I saw the mind was full of junk
I tamed the monkey and made it a monk
And as I transcended all evil thoughts
All my problems I had fought

For the problems don't actually belong to me
Ignorance makes me live with the wrong identity
When I Realize I am the Divine Spirit
Then all my problems disappear with it

For then I know life is just like a dream
No need to worry, no need to scream
At the end it will be time to go
Forget your problems, it is just a show

Poverty is a state of mind
Don't you know you leave everything behind
But though we see this at every death
We are greedy till our last breath

Problems are many, but the solution is one
Realize the Truth and the battle is won
Enlightenment will leave all problems behind
Bliss, Peace and Happiness you will find

For problems are many, this for sure we know
But problems are all a part of the show
Nothing is real, we come and we go
When we realize this, problems are zero

Yes, it’s a magical solution but it’s true
All our problems will disappear like dew
The Realization of the Truth will remove all stress
And give us Peace, Joy and Happiness

The One Solution to many a stress
Is overcoming our ignorance
The moment we realize the Truth in life
We will have no problems, no misery, no strife
There is a simple solution for World Peace
A way that the whole world must know
When we Overcome our Ignorance and Realize the Truth
Then we will peacefully enjoy the show

Why do we fight with each other?
Why all these battles and wars?
Because we don't realize we are not different from each other
Our life is full of tears and scars

We want to be more powerful and rich
Just as we are driven by our greed
Our mind makes us desire and envelops us in ignorance
Never satisfied, fulfilling our need

But what did we bring to earth?
And what will we take when we go?
When we Realize the Truth that this world is not real
We will blissfully enjoy the show

The solution for World Peace is simple
It is in Realization of the Truth
It is being Enlightened and Overcoming our Ignorance
Till we get to the bottom of the root

Why do we battle with one another?
What is the cause of the fight?
When we investigate what triggers our conflict
Only then will we see the light

The root cause of all wars is the ego
It makes us believe that we are 'I'
Together with the mind, it makes us different from others
And we are ready to make others die

I am an American, you are an Asian
I am better than you
When we compete with one another, there are battles
Isn't this what we do?

Why do we get angry and take revenge?
Why do we get jealous and hate?
Because we don't Realize that we are not different, we are the same
We take swords to each other's gate

The answer lies in the simple fact
We are all the same Divine Soul
We are not the body and the mind that we appear to be
To Realize this is our goal

How will we Realize this Truth?
We are not different, we are one
For till we don't, we will continue to shed blood
Be it with the sword or a gun

This body starts with nothing and ends as dust
And have you ever seen the mind?
When you go on a quest to Realize the Truth
Who we truly are you will find

In essence, we are all Energy
Even science confirms this pact
That every cell of the human body is not matter that we seem to be
We are Divine Energy, in fact

When you burst two balloons full of air
Where does the air in them go?
The air in the balloons merges with the air that is everywhere
This truth for sure, we know

So, at death, when the body dies
And our bones and skin become dust
The Soul inside each of us becomes one
To Realize this truth is a must

When we Realize the Truth, we are the Soul
Then all battles and wars will end
Just like the right leg will not kick the left leg
From war to Peace, we will transcend

The solution lies in knowing the secret
We are not different, we are one
The moment we do this, we will not fight with one another
World Peace will be won

Why is the world today in pieces?
Why is there no Tranquillity and Peace?
Until we Realize the Truth of who we are
Conflicts will never cease

But once there is Realization of the Truth
Then, there is no need to fight
Why **** one another and lose our Peace of Mind
This Realization comes to light

Although we appear different on the outside
The Truth is we are all the same
We are all manifestations of the one Divine
This is His Divine Game

But because this secret we don't understand
We fight and lose our Peace of Mind
But once we Realize we are all the same Divine Soul
We will be loving, compassionate and kind

For this, we must Overcome our Ignorance
And the Ultimate Truth we must know
The Power that makes creatures walk, run and crawl
Is the Power that has created this show

The Creator is everywhere, in everything
The Power that is in you and me
When we Realize that we are all a part of the Lord Divine
Peace in the world there will be

Would we take a sword and **** God?
Would you hate the Lord Divine?
If we knew that every enemy was in fact, the Almighty
All war we would rewind

Then there would be an end to all battles
And all wars in this world would cease
When we Realize the Truth of who we truly are
The world will surely have Peace

But till we don't Realize the Truth
We will hate each other and fight
We will even drop nuclear bombs and destroy cities
Just to prove our might

But once we Realize the Divine Truth
That we are all the one Divine Soul
Our hate, our anger, our jealously and our revenge
Will burn away like coal

We must go beyond nationalities
And religions we must leave behind
We must give up all differences that cause war
Then, Peace we will find

We must learn to accept one another
And not identify each other by the colour of the skin
Then, there will be Peace all over the world
If we Realize the Lord within

Aren't we all just travellers?
We come into this world at birth
But we live with ignorance with stress, worry and anxiety
And lose our Peace on earth

Let us reform the World now
Let us all live with Peace
Let us Overcome our Ignorance and be Enlightened with the Truth
Let all battles and wars cease
Neti Neti, I am not the Body
Neti Neti, I am not the Mind
If I am not the Body and Mind
Who am I? This must be defined
Tat Twam Asi, I am the Divine Soul, I find

If the Truth you want to know
Then on a Journey, you must go
You must Realize 'You are That, not this'
Until you realize the truth, there will be no bliss
Then only will Heaven open its door

Ghor Avidya is Gross Ignorance
I lived with the Myth, in a trance
Because I didn't know this was just my name
I got caught in my wealth and my fame
And the Truth just missed my glance

This world is a Leela, a drama I see
We are just Actors, just transitory
The earth is a Stage, we come and we go
Nothing is real, it is all just a show
We must transcend the Mind and Ego, ME

Tattva Bodha is the Knowledge of the Body
We are made of elements five
From dust we come and to dust we will go
This Body is not real, this Truth we must know
To Realize this Truth, we must strive

Atma Bodha is the Wisdom of the Soul
It is the Power that makes us roll
When we realize we are the Atman, the Soul, the Spirit
Not the skin that is outside, but the Power that is in it
Then we achieve our Life's ultimate goal

We must start a Talaash, a Quest
And put all our beliefs to test
We must Ask, Investigate and Realize
Only then will we open our 'real' eyes
And our Ignorance will come to rest

Sravana, Manana, Nididhyasana
The steps to the Truth are three
We must first read and then listen
And contemplate to realize what is within
Then from Rebirth we will be free

Sat Darshana is the Vision of the Truth
It helps us catch the evil brute
It makes us realize we are not the Body and Mind
We are the Soul, we Realize and we find
As we get to the bottom of the root

Maya is a Cosmic Illusion
It makes us live in delusion
It has the power to project the Myth
As it does, it conceals the Truth
And thus, it corrupts our vision

Aparoksh Anubhuti is Intuitive Realization
We experience the Truth and get Liberation
It is not knowledge that we can get from a book
It is beyond what the ordinary eyes can look
But the reward is Divine Unification

Why are we talking of all this?
We don't realize that this is Bliss
When we go on a quest, our beliefs to test
We search and search with all our zest
We must not stop or the reward we will miss

There are many who are caught in this world of pleasure
They think that money and wealth is the real treasure
They are prisoners of their Body and Mind
They are the Soul, this Truth they don’t find
True Peace and Bliss of life they fail to measure

There are some who use their Intellect
What is the Truth, they detect
Viveka Chudamani is a treasure, they find
It kills the rascal, the Monkey Mind
And then in Ananda they rest

Tat Twam Asi, Thou Art That
Not this, not this, we are That
We are not the Body that we seem to be
Not the Mind and Ego that says, ‘It’s ME’
We are the Divine Soul, in fact

We are the Waker, the Dreamer, the Sleeper - states three
From this Ignorance we must be free
We are Chaturyam, or Turiyam, the state that’s fourth
To this Truth we must all march forth
Then the Witness, the Observer we will be

Satyam Shivam Sundaram, do you know…
It is a mantra, the Truth it will show
Translated, it means, ‘The Truth is God is Beautiful’
Without God, there will be nothing wonderful
With Realization, into this we grow

What stops us is Ahamkara, the Ego
Which hides the Truth for the Myth to show
All along we say ‘I', 'me' and 'mine'
And so, in agony we live, and we whine
It's time to let go of the Ego

And then we must know about the Law of Action
Karma is the Law of Reaction
It states, 'As you sow, so shall you reap’
If you sin, you will take Rebirth and weep
From this cycle, we need Liberation

What is the reward if all this we do?
We will be Free from suffering, that is true
Jivanmukti is a state of Bliss
It overcomes all misery, this we must not miss
Otherwise, we will live as if in a zoo

A Steady Intellect can transcend the Mind
When the Intellect is Steady, we are Sthitpragya we find
It is about living with Realization
And not letting go of Liberation
Until we unite with the Divine

To Realize the Truth, we must live in Yoga
Not sink in this world and suffer in Bhoga
Yoga is about transcending the Mind
What the world believes is a myth of a kind
Then we are Enlightened, not blind

To Realize the Truth, all this we must know
If we have to cross this worldly show
Neti Neti, Not this, Not this
Tat Twam Asi will give us Bliss
But to this Truth we must row

What is our Life's Ultimate Goal
To Realize we are the Divine Soul
Moksha, Nirvana, Enlightenment, it is called
Because of Ignorance, this Truth is stalled
Until our Death, we just roll

To Realize this Truth, we need a Master
Then to the Goal, we will go faster
It is the Guru that takes us from Darkness to Light
A Spiritual Master tells us what is right
Reward is Joy, Bliss, and Laughter

And then, our Journey to God we will start
We Realize God lives in the Temple of our Heart
God is the Power that lives Within
It is a myth that he is made of bone and skin
And from all old beliefs, we will depart

I too lived in Ignorance for years
Until I Realized the Truth with tears
I finally realized that this was just my name
And I was glad and ended all my shame
And I got rid of all my Fears

If we want God-Realization
Then we must start with Self-Realization
Are we the body and mind? We are not this
Then, we realize we are That and live in Bliss
And then, we experience Unification

But there cannot be Unification
Unless first, there is Liberation
We must be Liberated from the Ego and the Mind
We are the Soul, this Truth we must find
And all this starts from Realization

Not this Not this, start your Quest
Thou Art That, only then you rest
Till you discover who you are not
You will never Realize, in myth, you will be caught
Don't lose your Spiritual zest
Does the Law of Attraction really work?
Can visualization do the trick?
Let’s look within to find the real secret
Look deeper for the truth to pick

‘Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes,’ if you dream
Will the fruit grow on the tree?
It is the seed, Oh dear, that you plant
That will grow to be, what you see

But the whole world is talking of Attraction
‘Just desire and make your dream come true’
Desire is good to start what you want
But it’s Action that is the final cue

Attraction without Action doesn’t work
Look deeper and realize the Truth
Within the word ‘AttraCTION’,
There is ‘ACTION’ in the root

For there is a Law, a Universal Law
‘As you sow, so shall you reap’
If there is Attraction and no Action
Then in the end, you will weep

Attraction and thoughts lead to feelings
But it is only when we get to work
The cycle of Achievement says
‘You need to walk, don’t just talk’

For the Law of Action never fails
What you give is what you get
What goes around comes around
It’s like a boomerang, you can bet

It’s popularly called the Law of Karma
What you do, comes back to you
Every Action, good or bad
Won’t escape, this is true

Whatever is unfolding in your life today
Is what you have done in the past
And whatever you are doing today, remember
Will return to you until your last

And when death, which for the body is certain
Happens and Karma carries on
The body dies, but the Mind and Ego
With its pending Karma is reborn

Death is not the end, but a bend
Our Karma account is not closed
Whatever is the balance in our Karmic trade
Causes the next birth to be proposed

Our birth is decided not by luck
Past Actions or Karma is the cause
Where, when, and how we are born
Is controlled by Karma without flaws

Therefore, our destiny is in our hand
It is Action that will decide what will be
We will get to that destination
Karma decides our destiny

Life is like a car on the road
The road can’t be changed, it is paved
But we have a ‘Free will’ to choose how we drive
Through this ‘Free will’, our Karma can be changed

We can go fast, we can go slow
We are free to choose what we do
Remember, as you drive your Life ahead
Is the destination you will get to

Therefore, we must do good each day
Our destiny depends on our deeds
Just like the fruits in our garden, without doubt
Don’t depend on luck, but on the seeds

Whatever we do, doesn’t get washed away
It remains in our account, even after death
Life after Life, the score goes on
And is counted in every breath

But whoever is born in this world must cry
The Enlightened Buddha declared after his quest
‘Dukkha or suffering is experienced by all
No one can escape this test’

We all experience the triple suffering
The suffering of body, ego, and mind
As long as we have Karma, we will be born
What we have done, we can’t rewind

Is there a way to escape from pain,
And from Karma, can we be free?
Yes, this is the ultimate secret
If the Divine Soul, we can be

To escape from all suffering
Is our Life’s Ultimate Goal
This is possible if only we realize
We are the Divine Soul

The Soul is a Power, it has no Karma
It is the Energy of the Lord
We must realize we are not what we appear to be
But rather a manifestation of God

When we realize we are not this, we are That
From Action and Rebirth, we are free
We will be Liberated from all suffering
And United with the Divine we will be

This is the secret of Eternal Joy
And the way to Everlasting Peace
If only we can Transcend Karma
All our sufferings will cease

So, don’t believe just the Law of Attraction
It is the Law of Action that will work
What you attract, may never come to you
If from Action, you will shirk

But tasks will bind you to be born again
And the Happiness that you seek
You will remain thirsty and yearning for more
As you try to climb the peak

The only way to Peace and Bliss
Is from Karma to be free
Then, eternal Joy and everlasting Peace
Will be your final destiny

Life is a journey and we must choose
We can live with Attraction or with Action
But being Liberated and being United with God
Is our Life’s Ultimate Destination
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