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I dwell on thoughts,
I examine the sum of my experiences,
Sometimes, I spit out extreme emotions.
I search in vain for something common.
I observe the struggles of all conscious beings,
looking for a universal language
that unites rather than divides.
I know…
I won't be able to ...
I won't find...

Has everything already been said or written?
Fortunately, the sun is still there,
watching over me.
Its light always finds its way
to attract my soul like a magnet
calming gently
agitated states of consciousness…
I wrote this reflection two years ago. I think that all my life I have been preparing to find the courage to start writing. It has been a long journey, and there is still a long way ahead of me.  I used to think it would be music, but in my dreams, my voice was incomplete. It took me a long time to understand that writing my reflections would bring me the relief that I needed.
Maternal midnight

Metallic lakeside

Freon heart, fayence mind

Eyelids of iron ore

Influence feet into the water

Into an embargo bay

Clear and innocuous, innocuously blind

Hills like white elephants on a polar plateau

Mosquitos on her mouth

Drink the blood of encryption

Change the tone of her voice

They pass behind the blue vein

Become infinite particles of her

His fur catches twinkling light
spots motifs hypnotize.
He paces the cage, restless.
The black claw wants
to tear open raw flesh.
Pulsing dense warmth
flows in the heavy air.

To get closer—
just for a while,
to look into gold-red, cold eyes
To touch the mystery,
to ask what it feels
when it rips apart the skull
and slurps the fading beingness…
Is curiosity worth it?

Nature is no accident,
Nothing is left to mere chance.
Stare too long into his eyes,
the barriers come down…
Is that you, or is that I?
An ominous gaze is a gift
that unveils the fated future.

If they open the door
He reacts without control.
His instincts unerringly
detect unspoken warnings.
Run away,
Turn to stone,
Scream or Faint if you want.

The shrinking, narrow space
puts everyone to the test
in a world of large and small cages.
The warmth remains
But only within
The tyrant called winter
Has closed us in

Apathetic dreamers
Lost in the cold
This frozen nightmare
Has taken its toll

Where is the May Queen
To free are beliefs
To return our magic
Frozen in grief

Oh but to pine
Away till it's time
The Keeper of Seasons
Changes her mind...
Traveler Tim

The snow is 3 1/2 feet deep
10 degrees
It is what it is.
If you don’t try to persist
and seek the essential,
you are protected.

Too many patterns
in the mind to analyze.
If you go straight,
you are untouched,
but if you turn the page…

Everything will change,
the scorched material
waking up to convert its shape.
The definitions are trembling
Nothing is the same.

The eyes hunt the words,
never spoken before
in the large boiling cauldron
of speculation.

You can’t guess
which role in the show
will be assigned
if you step beyond
fixed synchronization,
but does it matter if you’re
on the next page?
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