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Bea Jul 2019
For some reason unknown to me
Hate dissipates
I hated myself the most
Every inch of my skin was a disgrace to skinny tradition
A helpless fat queer from the start
A little rainbow sheep running through the world with a target on their back
Bea Jul 2019
I bare my soul too easily

I let people in quickly

I hold them for too long

I cast them away gently regardless of the cost

Maybe watching things fade is my fatal flaw
Maybe it’s a blessing

I am cursed to feel for every stranger
Fall in love fast
Like losing your breath

Maybe it’s a blessing

Maybe it’s a curse
Bea Jul 2019
She wants to be famous
but famous people aren't broken like she is.
she is too hungry for the wrong things
it could **** her.
nobody ever warns you about yourself
how the self destruct button can only be pushed by you.
Bea Jul 2019
There is peace knowing you died with your family
The love in that room could seen through the darkness of that June night
The kind of love that melts you
We held you and let you go
Leaving us with the greatest of memories
Midnight walks
Sunshine naps
Ocean swims
And long drives
Some of your specialties
There is peace knowing your heart was happy from your first day to your last

There is no peace in your absence
Midnight walks  
Sunshine naps
Ocean swims
long drives
Most of all the sound of you
Will never feel the same
The green grass remembers you
My sweet sunshine boy have changed me
Bea May 2019
I like my empty bed
There is more space for me here than there ever was for your baggage
Rolling over is a gift and I am the lonesome recipient
Waking up with the sunshine peeking through the window and the robins singing I am reminded how beautiful stillness can be
Lonely does not equal sad
Alone does not equal lonely
That’s what you forgot when you left
Bea Apr 2019
Getting out of bed is brave
Choosing to open your blinds is brave
Eating is brave
Every little thing you choose to do is brave no matter how small it may seem
Choosing to do something will alway be brave
Bea Apr 2019
He makes me feel good,
When he comes to talk to me because he likes my stories and our secret handshake.
A twisted sadness lives in my belly, it ties itself tightly around my heart contracting my breathing making my face turn a rosy red
No matter how much I try to make it stop I can feel it burning my cheeks.  
I’ve never been anyone’s first priority
Never once have I sat across the table from someone and had them look at me and not my plate.
I am so happy you love someone the way you do
The way I’ve dreamt of forever
A thoughtful tender love that puts every sunset to shame
You love her the way I love you.
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