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Bea Apr 2019
He makes me feel good,
When he comes to talk to me because he likes my stories and our secret handshake.
A twisted sadness lives in my belly, it ties itself tightly around my heart contracting my breathing making my face turn a rosy red
No matter how much I try to make it stop I can feel it burning my cheeks.  
I’ve never been anyone’s first priority
Never once have I sat across the table from someone and had them look at me and not my plate.
I am so happy you love someone the way you do
The way I’ve dreamt of forever
A thoughtful tender love that puts every sunset to shame
You love her the way I love you.
Bea Apr 2019
I think I hear footsteps on the deck
I Worry about my sister who is almost certainly awake
She hasn’t slept since the first time your rage tore through her skin leaving scars that never really heal
She’s terrified you will come back so she stays awake waiting
It is easier to say that the dam behind her eyes is broken consistently springing leaks than to say she cries a lot
She never stops
There isn’t enough weight behind those words so I try to create new ones for her so she can finally have some justice
My sister was ripped apart like a house in a tornado
What’s gone is gone
She is all 3 little pigs without a home
She is Dorothy with red slippers
She is Alice lost in a foreign land
She is lost
Maybe that’s worst of all
Bea Apr 2019
I cry in change rooms bathrooms and at family events
I am the pudgy granddaughter people don’t like looking at
Uncomfortable in doctors offices gyms and food courts I try to hide in plain site
People call me sensitive like its a bad thing so I feel worse
I cry in bed at work and in the car
I am invisible to those that matter and all to visible to those that don’t
Sometimes I wonder how my body could ever forgive me for what I’ve done
Despite my best efforts it has stayed by my side taken on my guilt categorized my grief
Sometimes I wonder why I’ve never tried to **** myself as if that is okay to think about
Even though I’ve wished myself gone I am here
I wonder what is keeping me so grounded and hell bent on living
Depression hits me like waves so I stop eating sugar
Anxiety takes over I go on a juice cleanse but it’s never enough
Being fat in public means you have no right to ask for the vegan option
Don’t get the nice clothes
Should be honored to be cat called
My body is a bulletin board mother's show their daughters and say My dear
Never become that
Bea Apr 2019
I am hopelessly in love with a boy in love
He is soft like a cloud
A wide smile that makes the sun shine
He is a boy I could tell my secrets to free from harm
He is a warm embrace
He is safety
The brightest shade of green
He is love
But not mine
Bea Apr 2019
I already knew being a woman isn’t easy  
Walking home from swimming lessons was the first time I was catcalled
I didn’t have a phone
Parents should raise their little girls like warriors
To be a woman today means you know the risk you take everytime you leave your house
Be ready to defend why you wore black instead of blue
Smiled instead of running the other way
Even went out in the first place  
If you dare speak up you better have something original to say
When you tell your daughter about the birds and the bees tell her that sometimes the bees sting
Tell her to carry repellent to ward them off
Make sure she knows that when little boys pull little girls pigtails sometimes it is because they are cruel and not because they like them
Don’t confuse violence for love
Make sure she knows what’s ahead of her
be ready to fight
Bea Apr 2019
The space I take up isn’t yours to invade
I notice every time a pair of eyes crosses over my body I can feel it like a target on my chest
My heart races and my skin crawls
You can walk a little faster but what happens when those eyes follow you on to the bus
When they sit next to you
Brush past you
Ask you for a moment of your time
Everytime I get away there is another pair of eyes already fixed on me ready to take a bite
Bea Apr 2019
The twisted look on her face is one I know too well
A painful mix of misdirected anger and salt and pepper sadness  
She tells me she can’t breathe
She tells me she’s angry but it’s not my fault
When tears stream down her rosy red cheeks I can’t help but feel responsible
The idea of someone feeling so much it hurts is too much for me
I ask her how I can help
She says she doesn’t know
We sit still in deafening silence and cry
I wonder how many times she can do this
Survive this
It breaks my heart
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