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15.0k · Feb 2015
L Feb 2015
ring around the rosey
i heard you were a phony
ashes, ashes,
they were ******* right.
3.4k · Sep 2013
fucked up
L Sep 2013
let's take a moment
to peel back our skins,
and open up our muscles
and crack our bones,
and see if our insides
are as ****** up as our

2.3k · Apr 2013
L Apr 2013
everyone has an aroma,
that of their house or detergent,
that trails behind them,
while they go about their daily business.

you smell like peaches,
and i bet it follows you,
even when you take the trash out,
or go out for a run.

i've never been to your home but i can only think,
                                    *that your house smells like peaches too.
2.0k · Sep 2013
L Sep 2013
my eyes reach out past the tree line,
and crawl up over the mountains beside,
and tumble down into the glacier springs,
that dig deep paths into the ice,
that flow freely into the ground,
and purify themselves,
in a way which my eyes should be.
1.9k · Aug 2013
L Aug 2013
your lips curled up at the corners,
into what could be considered a "smile",
and you revealed your eroding teeth,
worn down and blackened to the roots,
i could smell the bile of words on your breath,
and i could hear the sound of truth and your morals,
being grounded up and swallowed back down.
1.6k · Jun 2023
I don't want to hate you
L Jun 2023
you tell me you wish to develop cancer
I hate you for saying that

my mother is dying from brain cancer
and you have the audacity
to say you wish the same for yourself

I pray to any higher being
that you learn how much
you've hurt me for saying that
1.4k · Aug 2013
please open the door.
L Aug 2013
it's been awhile since i've written,
but darling please know i'm
still here and
i'm spitting blood
and it's staining our floorboards,
but i'll always love you
like how i love you now
and how i used to love you,
i don't believe you're dead inside
but others have tried to convince me,
there's too much blood now
i have to go,
you might be fading but i'm
coming to see you,
please open the door.
1.4k · Mar 2023
Left to fend for ourselves
L Mar 2023
My father is 54
My mother will be 55
My brother is 21

My father cannot lift over 30 lbs without dropping dead
My mother cannot lift herself from her bed

My father can only survive on an array of medications
My mother survives by the grace of Adonai and Radiation

My brother wants to **** himself
with a gun he says one day he will get a license
I beg him to stay with me, I try to talk some sense

My father can no longer do the things that he loves
My mother can no longer do most things in general
My brother's misery is congenital

I beg them to stay with me but can only do so much
God has turned his back on us
1.1k · Jul 2013
something sexual.
L Jul 2013
warm fingers,
cold cheeks.
cold room,
warm sheets.

quiet kisses,
loud strokes.
loud sighs,
quiet chokes.

quick movements,
slow tongues.
slow kisses,
quick lungs.

***** talk,
clean lips.
clean hands,
***** tips.

playful actions,
serious moans.
serious spanks,
in playful tones.
1.0k · Jan 2014
swamp monster p.2
L Jan 2014
i also wish you'd stop waking me up at
3 am screaming that the "swamp monster"
touched you and turned your limbs to gangrene
slowly rotting your once-peaceful slumber
to the bone.
946 · Nov 2013
perks of being depressed:
L Nov 2013
there are none.
none at all.
depression isn't artsy.
depression isn't beautiful.
depression is depression.
and there are no perks to it.
939 · Jul 2013
a relatively easy innuendo
L Jul 2013
so much blood
from the late summer nights spent awake.

so many scars
on the kneecaps of children,
fallen on hot pavement.

so much hatred
of green head flies,
buzzing in the hot air.

so many ways out
of the corn maze,
far into the field.

so much pain
from sunburns,
from being out in the sun too long.

                                                                    so many suicid-
                                                                    al thoughts,
                                                                    created over that summer.
920 · Apr 2013
L Apr 2013
i met a variety of faces,
and along with those faces,

14. female. attempted suicide.
17. male. self harm.
12. male. homicidal tendencies.
16. female. anxiety & eating disorder.
16. female. drugs and violence.
15. female. broke parol. gang violence.

these were the people i was with,
but i swear to god that these kids,
were the nicest ******* humans you'll ever meet.
and it just goes to show you,
that those with many problems,
seem to be the most supportive of yours.
L Jul 2013
"that's weird",
sorry i'm not normal.

"Why do you even want to do that?",
because my pleasure manifests differently.

"that's really ******* disturbing",
you think i care how you feel about it?

"have you talked to someone about this?"
no why should i? it's not taboo, you ******* close-minded *****.

"not a lot of people like that kind of stuff.. isn't it hard to find someone that shares that interest?"
yes it is hard for me, but that's because i'm socially disabled.

"have you managed to find someone?"*
yes by some ******* miracle.

this person likes pain in their pleasure as much as i do, and it's incredible.
820 · Nov 2013
L Nov 2013
i cannot close my mouth,
it's agape and creaking and
there's dust and dirt,
it floats inside but never
floats out.
my mouth is a chest,
wooden and old and
full of stories and
full of the past,
that can be salvaged randomly
on a hot summer day,
and brought back to life and
given a new meaning.
but instead my mouth is dry,
and collects dust over dust from the
already passed times,
and it groans and
its bottom has warped from
that one time the basement was flooded.
819 · Aug 2013
L Aug 2013
i'm trying to be positive,
but this week has ******* ******,
and it's brought out,
the worst parts of me,
that aren't temporary feelings,
due to hormones,
but instead hidden ideas,
that i'm strong enough to keep from you.

and so i'm scared to talk to you about these issues,
and so i'm being indirect,
and so i'm scared of myself,
and so i'm scared of my capabilities,
and so i'm scared of my knives,
and so i'm scared of my razors,
and so i'm scared of my thoughts,
and so i'm scared of killing myself.
778 · Jan 2014
swamp monster p. 1
L Jan 2014
i know what keeps you awake at night
half asleep mumbling in the shower
you talk to yourself and i cannot help
but to listen to your empty words as
your tongue stumbles over them.
755 · Dec 2013
L Dec 2013
i've turned into something awful,
something grotesque and bent,
sitting in the corner on the line of grey and black,
and stewing words inside of an open cranium,
mixtures of insecurities & dysfunctional thoughts,
it sits and spews this bile into a bowl,
held out in hands to catch it,
every night,
one hour,
shaken & stirred well,
poured down my throat,
*self-induced nightmares.
L Nov 2013
i haven't been on much
because my grandfather just died,
and i have to go to church
even though i'm jewish.
705 · Aug 2013
L Aug 2013
week-old water marks,
stained sapphire rings,
and continues through countless cleaning attempts
to be seen.
705 · Sep 2013
L Sep 2013
peel back skin
and reveal your bones,
that have withstood endless
amounts of suffering,
and notice that the scars you've made on the outside,
are much deeper than you thought,
and have left a mark under layers of cells
to your very marrow.
676 · Jul 2013
L Jul 2013
i'm falling so d e
into this pit,
so f

into this hole,
and the only thing that can keep me from hitting the bottom..

ar     ound
m        y
673 · Jun 2013
i saw it coming.
L Jun 2013
atleast i know,
that you'll move on fast.
and that you'll grow,
and leave me in the past.

i can't make you remember,
i can't make you forget,
when we first met in december,
hearts filled with regret.

i'd hoped for something longer,
something lovely,
something *stronger.
L Apr 2013
oh you called me up the other day,
saying how you'd been missing me,
well yeah i've missed you too,
but we've been so busy finding who we want to be.

you said you weren't free this week,
that's okay i guess,
but my dear friend i've waited so long,
this has turned into a mental test.

"i'm headed into boston" you said,
"then to vermont i go",
i told her then "maybe some other time",
and she said "let's make it so!"

well yesterday came around,
and a quarter to three,
the news came on and i was shocked,
fear took hold and gripped me.

they said it was a bomb that went off,
it was a terrorist attack of some sort,
but i knew you'd be at that finish line,
and my blood ran cold & my breath became short.

i called you up,
to see if you were okay,
you didn't answer the phone,
were you to live another day?

ten minutes later you called me,
with sirens screaming in the back,
i was on the verge of crying,
"i'm so glad you're safe i almost had a heart attack".

you said ten minutes before the bomb,
you had asked your father to take you to eat,
you had been standing right where it went off,
they would've covered your body with a sheet.

we may not see eachother that much,
but i sure as hell know,
that if i ever lost my bestfriend,
i'd have nowhere else to go.

662 · Jul 2013
a tyrannical fantasy.
L Jul 2013
wearing the finest robes,
i sit on a coward's throne,
adorned with jewels on my head,
lies my crown of bone.
when i stand,
all must kneel,
and if you're a rebellious swine,
there are ways to make you squeal.
with the slight of my hands,
a child will die,
and the mother will watch,
and the brother shall cry.
my breakfast is gold,
and lunch: the peoples' hopes,
dinner are those who defy me,
who can be found hanging by ropes.
now leave me be,
for i have a kingdom to rule,
and if you dare go against me,
you're a ******* fool.
658 · Jul 2013
L Jul 2013
my heart has become calcified,
and it's begun to sink into other vital organs,
i've tried telling my doctors,
but all they do is give me pills,
and they don't numb the pain,
of this weight inside of my chest,
and sometimes i can feel it,
the subtle yanking of strings,
strings that are supposed to be attached,
to my most private *****,
and strings that are supposed,
to be keeping it in my chest,
and not allowing it to sink,
and crush my stomach,
and rip a hole through my insides,
and **** me.
654 · Jul 2013
it's been a tough week.
L Jul 2013
skin stretched tightly over bone,
web-like veins float on your surface,
blue like the cold in your heart,
my hatred of you re-surfaced.

i've tried to forget remembering you,
but i'm so forgetful,
i've tried to keep you in the past,
i don't want to grow more regretful.

there's a story of you on my thighs,
each line depicts a time in which,
you told me i was worthless,
and even a selfish *****.

i've got more seams then a puppet,
sewn up from other stories too,
but this poem was just a friendly reminder,
*that i ******* hate you.
if any of you know me personally, this wasn't about anyone specific. it's actually about me so try not to flatter yourself.
651 · Apr 2013
who.. why..?
L Apr 2013
who do you think did it?
maybe it was a child,
or maybe a grown man?
a bully in high school back in the 50's?
what about some stoners too high for common sense?

but let's just take some time to admire it,
the beauty in such an odd state.
there is beauty in everything,
the tree had already started chipping the paint,
bright blue paint.
and it looked to be eating away at the basket,
the bike looked uncomfortable.
644 · Oct 2013
L Oct 2013
my stomach acid is ascending,
slowly bubbling to the brim,
vomiting vile vinegar-like substances,
because a beetle burrowed into my brain,
and pulled and plucked at my pendulant fears,
and developed into a disgusting demon,
that sits and stews sadistically,
hiding in my hideous head.
637 · May 2013
tales of a neurotic fucker.
L May 2013
he told me to fall,
back into him.
but when i tried his face twisted in disgust,
and he told me i was insane.
he told me he'd be gentle,
but he would turn around and grab me by the arm,
and leave bruises,
big purple bruises that i had to explain,
why they were in the shape of a hand print.
he said he cared,
and that i could always trust him,
hold him near,
have his love.
but he must've told that to all the other girls too.
625 · Jan 2014
swamp monster p.3
L Jan 2014
and i wish you'd stop coming to breakfast
with two black eyes and a dry
tongue unable to create words
behind your tired lips because
you were up all night screaming
at the "mud" dripping down your walls
and please stop trying to convince me that
there is a creature living under your bed when
from what i can tell, is just in your head.
606 · Sep 2013
i am disgusting
L Sep 2013
i don't wanna tell you

face : face

about my insecurities regarding

            x                    e
                           v          r
but i can't get o

how she can see you more

than i can.
L Jun 2013
i want to be thin,
not too thin,
but a gap between my thighs.
it's currently filled with remnants of late nights crying,
eating too much,
and hating myself.
i still hate myself,
so how can i achieve this?
i want to stop eating,
until my skin shrinks and i see bone.
i just want to see bone.
586 · Sep 2013
L Sep 2013
i'm sorry that lately,
my poems have been ****,
but it's hard to keep trying,
when i've already quit.
573 · Mar 2014
pressure temple crown, ow.
L Mar 2014
getting better but not quite,
still plagued with nothing good to write,
string me up like a flying kite,
because this low, i long for height.

but now that i'm coming down,
oh hush please you're far too loud,
head is aching like i'm in a crowd,
pressure temple crown,
563 · Sep 2013
L Sep 2013
well **** yeah i love the affection,
but my mind goes in two
different directions,
and my chest sinks under
a touch of rejection,
and finally my everything collapses.
563 · Aug 2013
L Aug 2013
trace the lines of your body,
with my hand by yours,
and take me to a different world,
unknown to most,
but known to most,
and tell me how to touch,
and tell me how to kiss,
and tell me how to love you.

because i don't know what the **** to do.
558 · Nov 2013
decayed friendship.
L Nov 2013
greetings once again
from me to my only friend,
within this card i do send
a note with an amend.
saying the fault was mine,
that i knew you weren't "fine",
and instead letting you cry,
i stayed away to wallow in my own brine.

this is me trying to save,
the friendship that i gave,
to you the street i paved,
for our feelings not to fray.
**to you i know i'm dull,
but i just wish for you to mull
over thoughts inside your skull,
and to sleep our memory will lull.
L Dec 2013
didn't think i'd make it this far,
or actually have someone see
something in me worth asking to
partake in their system for,
but here i am,
coming home to a letter saying
that i'm not a complete failure,
that my parents are "proud" of me this year,
my mother cried and laughed,
and to be honest..
i almost did too.
554 · Aug 2013
L Aug 2013
sometimes when
i'm in too deep,
i lose feeling in
my hands and feet,
and i start to
breathe too quick,
and my cold palms
become slick,
my vision is now
a blur of light,
keep calm now
my mind is a fight,
i pull at my
hair and skin,
as if there was a present
under layers so thin,
do not touch
me for i will scream,
just leave me alone
to blow off some steam.
553 · Jul 2013
L Jul 2013
cold hands touch lips,
slip down a neck and fade into collar bones,
and completely sink below a ribcage,
and come back out alive,
along sharp hip bones,
still just as cold,
and still moving downwards,
but they warm up once they
                  reach their destination.
551 · Aug 2013
be safe.
L Aug 2013
i am crawling on hand and knee,
hoping to draw attention,
to cause a distraction,
so that you may slip away
                                                        and find safety.
543 · Jan 2014
L Jan 2014
when they pulled out your body, you were almost unrecognizable.

soft, peach-colored skin i used to kiss had peeled off into a blueish-grey.

your body, bloated, from the time you spent under.

oh i wonder what you were thinking during your very last moments here.

the police tell me the water removed all traces of evidence.

i'm so sorry that the last time i saw you alive, i told you to leave.

and you did.
542 · Jan 2014
L Jan 2014
these words mean nothing and
should just be considered a
blank space in which anyone can put
their deepest thoughts into.

i should've crashed_the car the night_i drove alone_
533 · Jul 2013
a new bone structure.
L Jul 2013
i want to hold you so hard that my ribs break,
and re-arrange themselves into a new structure,
that keeps my chest from collapsing,
but creates a new part of me,
that i can keep your memory with,
and whenever i feel my missing ribs,
i'll be reminded that you took their place.
sorry to be spamming with poems; i just can't control my writing tonight.
L Nov 2013
i'm scared of my imbalances
within my cerebral chemicals,
that the doctors try to fix with
pills and a locked room
with no windows and only
a bed that feels like paper,
with no strings allowed in pajama bottoms,
and blood being drawn every day,
then given a slap on the wrist,
and sent out on the false promise of
"i'll never do it again."
522 · Jul 2013
seventh grade
L Jul 2013
i remember my friend laughing,
even in the worst situations,
which would usually cause the teachers,
to yell.

i think she did this,
to cover up her other emotions,
to drown them,
keep them silenced beneath a pillow.

she was loud and "obnoxious",
and she very much annoyed,
other students when,
they tried to work.

she sat next to me in math,
complained to me about everything,
i never thought to really listen,
but maybe i could've helped.

one day here,
the next day a cruel joke played on the class,
"the highschool councilor is here if anyone needs to talk",
"she took her life last night".

how'd she do it?,
"she hung herself in her closet",
this is a terrible sick joke,
"we're so sorry to have to tell you".

could i have helped?,
"this is none of your fault, kids",
but what if i had tried?,
"she was far beyond anyone's help".

she was only twelve,
"her thirteenth birthday would've been next month".
and for the first time in my life,
i prayed to a higher being for her safe travels into,
another kingdom.
513 · Dec 2013
L Dec 2013
i don't know what it is exactly,
to the human eye it looks like smoke,
or a shadow of someone that has gone off course,
it likes to sit in my nana's rocking chair,
and stare across the room at me,
it has a tendency to chuckle or groan,
but it has no mouth,
whatever it is:
it seems to have one move left,
and i have none.
503 · Aug 2013
i feel achey.
L Aug 2013
you says things to me
that always catch me off my guard,
like the other day when we were in your bed,
and you told me i was "beautiful."
and i told you i couldn't respond,
or even think of something to say,
to the wonderful compliment you gave me.

but that one time that you told me,
you thought i was how a girl should be,
your idea of a girl atleast,
i went home that night and i wanted to die.
501 · Aug 2016
L Aug 2016
It came to me again the other day & sprawled itself across my skin,
trembling like a Richter Scale,
The Great Valdivia Earthquake,
blurred my vision,
slicked my tongue,
sharpened my teeth,
I felt it give out beneath my feet.
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