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Apr 2018 · 239
Confused in love
Justanotherpoet Apr 2018
I love her...
I love her not...
I give her my heart...
She takes it and run away with it...
Then she gives me heartaches and depression.

She loves me...
She loves me not...
Today she loves me...
Tomorrow she doesn't...
She fills me with joy and at the same time sadness.

I love her...
She loves me not..
Addicted I am to her...
Addicted to her smile, scent and touch...
She's addicted to torment me, and make me less of a person (imperfect).

She loves me...
I love her not...
I love her...
She loves me not...

Dec 2017 · 457
Encounter with death
Justanotherpoet Dec 2017
Help! Help!
Someone? Anyone?
Doctor! Doctor!
Please help her, she's dying,
Don't let her die, doctor please,

Quickly to the emergency room,
She has lost a lot of blood,
We can't lose her, we won't lose her
Not her, not while I'm around... No!

Doctor their is nothing we can do, let her go,
You tried your best, she couldn't make it.

Doctor! Doctor!
How's my beloved? Did she make it?
Why the silence?Tell me doc, tell me?
I'm sorry... It was too late, she succumbed to the gun shots,
I'm sorry,

My beloved... My source of joy, my ray of hope
Why her? Why us?
Doctor! Doctor!
It's a miracle,
She's moving, Doctor!
Who? How?
Don't cry just yet, she has pulled through... We won't lose her, not for the second time,
To the surgery room,
She is now stable,
Call him, let him be besides his joy.

Just when all is lost... Keep your hope
Dec 2017 · 475
How does it feel
Justanotherpoet Dec 2017
How does it feel to be wanted,
To have someone to call your own,
To hold her so tight,
To feel her soft skin close to mine,
To kiss her in the morning, afternoon and evening,
To gaze in her eyes,
To whisper in her ear
I love you
How does it really feel?
Coz I want to feel that way too

Tell me about love

— The End —