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tread Sep 2011
Silly, silly, silly me.
To think I'm free, and that I'll be somebody?

Silly, silly, silly me.
You can't be free, and that's just it,
All you are is 'somebody.'
"Some body."

But that's not true!
Look at Trostky and Lenin,
Michael Myers and Lennon,
The other Lennon.
It's hard to differentiate in name and legacy,
Because both Lennon's were revolutionaries,
Marching around like the freshman from heaven.
But neither believed they were the result of divine intervention in the affairs of man,
Because this convention would threaten their worldview and beckon away their sanity...
In the same way that the Pope or ****** let their divine vanity commit greater blasphemy and bring them future agony.

Now neither Lennon nor Lenin came anywhere close to being men from Galilee,
In fact they were more the men of the galaxy,
Or at least, John was, with his peach fuzz beard and his belief that love is greater than fear.
The other Lenin implemented the New Economic Policy, to starve the proletariat and start his revolution on an already hypocritical trend that would continue quite the same until the very end.
And it proves something, does it not?
Violence sends a message to no one but the instigator,
Changing them to justify, and claim is wasn't misbehavior;
But that's a lie, no idea of mine is worth the death of a human mind,
And to pretend otherwise makes one delude themselves that they aren't an instigator, but an illustrator,
Painting in the blood as if ****** makes an innovator.

And for ******, there is no vindicator,
Violence is an image breaker,
Indulged in by poor imitators who think they're right, and the world is wrong.
Unaware this makes them weak, not strong.

Now John Lennon was the true revolutionary;
Although he succumbed to violence, he veered away from it, even when it was necessary.
He fought the war, and yes, the war did win,
But at least he didn't cover his scars with artificial skin,
Or deny his implicit wrongs as a result of all original sin.

John Lennon used the word '******' to the opposite effect.
He used the word to trigger something bigger and correct,
The wrong that seemed so propagated by the last colonial tide,
Of which the other Lenin defected and took colonialism's side.

John Lennon was Utopian and told us of a better world;
He interjected definition, and caused old thoughts to curl away in fright,
And bite the dust despite their might and past dominion of industrialism,
It was a schism, and it still plagues us to this day.

John Lennon understood we over-complicate way

Silly, silly, silly me.
To think I'm free, and that I'll be somebody?

Silly, silly, silly me.
You can't be free, and that's just it,
All you are is 'somebody.'
"Some body."

"Some body" is something,
And some body can change the world.
Faithful traitor,
My own vindicator.
Loyal to the end,
Still disguised as a friend.

Stalwart paragon,
Among those too far gone.
Betrayal a means to right,
Cleanse corrupted insight.

Faith placed in you,
misguided, yes its true.
A traitor,
makes salvation all the greater.

Now I see,
the pain you caused me.
Was meant to steer,
Your reason, I would not hear.

Faithful to me in betrayal,
Painted a dark portrayal.
Of the kindness you did pay,
What else can I say?

My faithful traitor.
My heart you did break,
Still not free of that ache.
Cast a stone at my brow,
Your love I did disavow.

You take it in,
my failure my own sin.
Saving me from my own-self,
Brought this down on myself.

Traitor yes to my eyes,
brought free from my demise.
Thank you for your trust,
the truth solely your lust.
brooke Oct 2017
love a girl like pyrite
when you found me in the mines
shook me from your baskets
saw me glint in the sunlight
said my  irises shifted like tiger's eye
i was never what you thought

love a girl like pyrite
if she's your gold then i'm a
shade of amber, a copper quarter
if I was hard then she is soft and
quick in your hands like a gardner snake
faint and without teeth, tangling through
the grass and you love the silent chase
the girls that flip belly up and
kiss your corners, kiss your
borders, rub away the ash
and lay themselves over your grenades
your sticks of dynamite you blew
me away with

love a girl like pyrite
because I was a fool's gold,
the normal luster of something
grand, sieved through your tables
back into the river, the unspoken
daughters of not-good-enough
lying in wait, picked up by farmers
by men who sell, who hock, who
pawn, washed down in Vindicator Valley
run between thumbs, turned up amongst
rocks the ordinary, run-of-the-mill
we can only be imitators of
the greatest

love a girl, who's fool's gold
would you find her?
would you keep her?
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

a phrase that's been on my my mind for a weekq
She wore endurance as a cloak.
Tried ever so sorely and wrongly,
she committed all to the Vindicator.
In her resolute quietness, she spoke volumes.

For her ardent disparagers,
her payback was tireless hours of intercession.
As she stoically embraced undeserved tribulations,
she gained character, wisdom, and tranquility.

Who dares put out the brilliance of a star?
Her sublimity resonates evermore in the
darkest patch of the night.
Though seared with scars,
her stellar virtues are glaring,
illuminating hearts and inspiring minds.

She can’t feign ordinariness,
even if she hides behind her own shadow.
Detached from a frenzied world,
she derived her essence from heavenly fire.

Oh, had they known the fount from whence she drank,
they would not have, in malignity,
ensnared their own souls
in a bid to put out her luminous radiance.
They have murdered sleep through their ignoble gestures.

Behold the star as she abides in the firmaments!
Purified by the trials and tribulations,
she stoically endures and thrives.
The sky may be bespangled with twinkling stars,
but her brilliance stands out in luminary distinction.
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Cut to the chase
giving you a brand new leash
Returning to what I was
Never forgetting
What you've been

Bite the knife
'Cause you've got another day
and Another time
to be another gambler
Another vindicator

Get up off your knees
and smell the rain
The smell of death
mingles in the air
Aisha Sapphron May 2015
A Heartseeker, punishing those who have unjustly broken hearts.
Condemning them to a place most suitable for their parts,.
We shall leave them in the darkness,
For us to hunt later.

An Aristocrat, money is no issue for me,
I’ll hunt those in darkness, and have some tea,
This is my Final Hour,
Let that be known.

An Arclight, hunting the undead making them sleep,
Forevermore they shall not make a peep,
We shall be known,
The silvers bolts strike now.

A Vindicator, allowing those who have betrayed to have revenge,
Letting them go or stay shall depend,
If they shall go into the night,
and never return.

A Dragon slayer, the serpents of betrayal,
There hides shall be re-tailored,
Taking the sight, taking mind,
We shall hunt the darkness until our Final Hour.
Lennox Trim Mar 2021
At night I close my eyes and dreams are morbid
And Nightmarish nights turn to mournin mornings,
As I toss and turn,
I'm wide awake in this coma
Dreams crash and burn ,
I'm more Bart than Homer,
A trouble maker lookin for an audience,
Or the vindicator for this awful gaudiness
A fallen gladiator that refuse to call it quits,
The great debator to the proof of godliness,
A trailblazer despite my Mike Conleyness,
A heart breaker in relationships,
undertaker when it comes showmanship,
In this time of need some chose to watch like the view from my skinny wrist,
these life choices I choose come with plenty risk,
Its ten past anxiety,
A quarter to dyin,
Its half past my misery ,
And I'm almost an hour early for this journey to Zion,

Joseph said..
"The skys the limit and that's what they told the ****** fool,
I disguise my limits so I'm aiming for the sun and moon"
But peep
The sun watches all I do ,
the moon know all my secrets,
My bed knows who I am at night,
My mirror knows my weakness,
These clothes cover my scars,
(My)hearts the reason for this thesis ,
My pillow knows when I cry,
My brain knows I'm a genius,
I am not my hair, 
Feelings not welcome here,
I dont ever care,
Let me take this time to share...

I'm bigger than my body,
I'm colder than this home,
I'm meaner than my demons,
I'm bigger than my bones,
I'm sure enough to know better
I'm doubting the unknown
I'm old enough for new endeavors,
But I'm cold enough alone

Im tanning in the eternal sunshine of my spotless mind.
I'm relapsing and im napping on this bed of lies,
I'm planning different ways for mama son to shine,
I'm collapsing and unpacking my decisions are unwise,
At times I cant stand myself, I be paraplegic, 
Still want the fair one with my demons, 
Lord knows they deserve a good beating,
J hova spoke to me , and I been sparring with jesus,
After the bout, I ask what his pops been askin bout,
As he spoke, I stamp and shout, almost walked out
The more I knew the more I wish I didnt,
The more I saw the more I wish I didn't have to see,
but I realized what was bein Asked of me , as for me?
I wonder if God charge late fees ,
I wonder if moses would shop at Macy's ,
I wonder if Judas care about the babies,
I wonder if kids see ghost like Patrick Swayze,
I wonder if Allah accept collect calls ,
I wonder when karma comin to collect costs ,
I wonder if you know what it means ,
To only see the bad in goodbyes, 
Or to the good in bad habits
The love in the lies
Or that evil is a talent. ©️
May 2018

— The End —