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DR GODDY Jan 2019
How To Cast A Death Spell On Someone
Death Spells That Work Overnight
Death Revenge Spell
Voodoo Death Spells
Black Magic Spells To Harm Someone
black magic death spells
spell to make someone sick and die
i want someone to die, Death spellcaster, Revenge Spell caster, Voodoo Death Spell casters, Black Magic Spells, Powerful Astrologer, Death Spell Caster, Anger Spells, ****** Revenge Spells, Black Death Spells, Voodoo death spellCaster, revenge voodoo death spell
Call/Whatsapp- +2348125909477
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Spell caster
kyle Shirley Apr 2018
She is but a lonely spellCaster
love sewn in her Linens
to touch is to fall in love.
With luscious silk
draped down her smooth curved body,
her hair fell like gentle rain on her robe.
I can feel the poison
coursing through my body
love has its grip on me.
A knight, turned a feeble old man
Wise to loves touch,
Yet never learns his lession,
for the Sorceress gets what she wants.
As my persistence dies trying to fight
so does her enjoyment
Making me jump through hoops
to get her to notice me..
and I'm released from her vicious spell.
I'm  left with nothing but emptiness and shame
for my love still lingers
for the treacherous spellcaster...
Rachel Ace May 2017
Thought of all those stones hitting my window

The crush lover is like a austere sword
Marble frames
Blue veins

Ducheess ice skies
Pure white sheets
Padded look
Wavy gold hair
Lighthouse freckles reflections

The spellcaster in her room
Gentle sender
Captivating eyes
Creator of edens

She prepares her cotton spell
Si           tele             swee
lk           pa              ts
Mi        dia                 du
lk         mond        st

Thought of all those instants gemstones pictures

- Codelandandmore //23:50 PM ©
Gold hair
GaryFairy Nov 2021
they come after me
i try to become a faster me
die laughter me
spellcaster me
the laster me
master me!
The Master, me
black and white America
I'm in the hood just doing good ...
for my brothers
I wish I could
make it understood
I'm not like
just like the others
I wish you would
stand where I stood
Then we could
both have our drothers
You broke a fragile hand
On a fragile man
I won't shake twice
I'm twice not as nice
black and white America
untamed land of the brave
the depraved can't be saved
oh John would you behave
were you raised in a cave?
In black and white america
In the land of the free
Why can't I be me
Without you looking
Every single time you see me
In black and white america?
stories come and stories go
But only the glories know
For more and more we go
More seeds die more we grow
oh ***** on the floor, we know
You gave John a sore we know
Rotten to the core
That's how the story goes...
That's how the story goes
Black and white america
Buy me a coffee and I will tell the truth
Descovia Jun 2022
Your kisses revives my fading light.

Your eyes resonate with brilliance and admiration.

Your voice is a melody in my head, I hope never ends.

You are the music to my soul and you're the beautiful symphony, enhancing and strengthens my heartbeat.

My soul longs for you. A vision of pleasure. Peaceful to bring tears of happiness to my eyes. Through wellness and sickness.  You're never alone.

My words wish not to entice you, but I'm alue to embrace you. My words are not the only things, I will present in disposal to love and celebrate you.

I wish not to tie or clip your wings.
I love you from the moment I watched you fall.
Sorcery and fairy-tales, charms and magic spells.
I'll make home anywhere with you. Heaven or hell.
The shining star of day arise, until the moon calls for you at night.
You're my everything and you give me flight.
Descovia Love Spells.
Descovia May 2022
Donkey Kong SWING!
I'll jump on a krool
Got nothing to lose
Already got a few screws loose
Duck, duck, foo I am going ghost
If youu think I am the goose.
Big Bird. What's the word? I hate Amber Alerts!
I got idiots driving wild
kids out here, they gotta hit the curve.
I rather it be them before my babies
cause life, aint so sweet if you only crave deserts.

Salty saps trying worm they way in
on the surface, I am not breaking
anymore promises within my purpose.
The distance, you don't deserve it.
I can feel the pain, you feel so
trust me, I know what you mean
when you say, "I been hurting"
the scars only go so deep.
Dispell the malice
For it will haunt me
in my sleep. I got many destinys to fufill.
obstacles fall to be obsolete.
Evil will pay for every soul
it decided to reap, that's one of
the promises, I made to keep!
I am not lyin, I am a beast, I am a Lion!
We will all feast, sure of that, better believe
anything for our liberty, cause I always
been head over hills for justice to bring peace!

I am a warrior,
I am a spellcaster.
I got magic and the strength
I am not only flexin
I am going through progression.
No pawns in my way, stomp any boss
like a pesant. You peon. Crack your ****
like you if ran up on Chappelle, if you get
the reference!
I am a lover.
I am a believer.
I need him and her
To unite and save us all.
Why wonder in fault
insteading finding resolve.
I feel my power evolve!
Too many times, I have been told
You got wisdom beyond your years.
I learn from the ones with hearts of gold.
Silence the hate in this world.
Speak no evil into existence
to any enemy it's cut throat!
In my family, I was the black sheep.
Now I am the goat! Blast off like team rocket
always ready, lock and load!
I'll make you get put in place
like what I have in my stock holds.
Duality. Two sides of me.
Heading through trails, troubles on my tails.
I am making my way down crossroads!
Get smoked like Gelatto. I said it before tho.
I am going to bounce back like Demi De'Vato
Show off like a Queen
and akkido flip a man
Come on baby do
the monkey with me!
Heh. Ha. Huu! I go smooth, like Peter Pan
and make you laugh like Johnny Bravo.o
I'll hold it down like Security.
No need for 5-0
My fire is my son.
I feel my light outshines the sun
I am on the rise, yo!
We gotta live. This is more than for survival
The legends of upcoming legacy must lead
to immortalize the values of lost idols.
In the wake, of my next life
I am going to do it the same!
so remember me when I am gone
before incarnation cast my
soul to be granted another chance
through the cycle of revival!
If in fact such a female and/or male exists
an insufferable existence clamors for surcease
against riptide of ineradicable anguish.

Living hand to mouth
for majority of mein kampf
(elle ex vee orbitz
roam'n around the nearest star)
punctuated with disequilibrium,
a comma date ting me
with penury and perdition.

Mental health issues aplenty
wrought courtesy congenital characteristics
manifestation of nasality
(thank submucous cleft palate)
linkedin with body dysmorphic disorder,
(whereat skinny legs
veritable spindleshanks of mine -
easily mistakenly
belong to generic flamingo)
laughably mismatched

and abhorred by yours truly,
a rather diminutive sexagenarian,
(okay, I stand tall)
at approximately seventy inches,
and weigh about
one hundred and forty five pounds
converted into British weight
equals10.3571428571 stone
whose reedy voice
easily increases in pitch,

when he (regularly)
experienced social anxiety
attendant with concomitant
physiological symptoms
such as: vertiginous undulations,
sweaty palms (palmar hyperhidrosis),
surge of adrenaline,
racing heart, and queasiness to boot
eased compliments nine medications
lastly pinhead (in my mind) caps off
anorexia nervosa scarred physique.

Academic and employment travails galore
dogged, hounded, lobbed at frangible psyche
I marginally experienced
high marks in school
but suffered cognitive difficulties
witnessed courtesy poor grades,
and getting promoted by skin of teeth;
A similarly unflattering track record
exhibited upon commencement
acquiring and retaining
sporadic gainful employment,

which stints getting hired
frequently quickly found me terminated
much to the chagrin
and anger from parents,
whereby strong emotions
(laced with colorful expletives)
found yours truly standing silent
allowing, enabling, and providing
rage against singular son
to internalize verbal assaults
upon my consciousness

further exacerbating
predisposition to psychological maladies
ill suited to marriage or fatherhood
both endeavors embarked upon
at the expense of now grown daughters,
whose childhood years
festered with indigence,
and pathetic excuse for father
plus emotionally immature
absolute zero worthiness as helpmate. surprise
Wrath Of Khan chosen as theme song
replays itself reminding me,
I never did nor ever will belong
to human race, a punishment
accompanied by other outliers among
the forbidding and desolate tract.
Xanny Riddle Jan 2021
Your lies ***** me
You laugh and keep on laughing
Your soul is only already had a binding spell intertwined with his.
As you shake your potions and wave your wand. I, the one who is called the wicked one is afraid of the next spell that'll spill into the thorny tongue of yours. But then a flashy vivid light catches my eyes it carries all yellow and grey memories of ours.
Then the next spell you cast entered my body. It hurts, it hurts— Why? Why?
This more than death. This eternal misery. A spell that only have one loophole, a reverse spell, the spellcaster must die. In exchange for my freedom— At that moment I know that death is the only option I have. Avada Kedavra

— The End —