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Colin E Havard Mar 2014
To my Sisters and Brothers in Arms:
Hello, Hola, Guten Tag etc. and Salutations
For the Tribulations and Trials we've Endured...

...I'm sure by this Present Frame
You all (or most) know who you
R and what you THINK? You're
Supposed to B DOING.

I'll start to unwind and
Integrate slowly from here on -->
This Q.C.[O.I.^3]

I already have a ready (but nearly untapped)
Network that should be able to
Mesh me into the Bigger Picture,
At both the Local and Global Scale.

Chow, for now (or until I get bored/BOAR'D/Barred?!/Abroad again);
I'm sure to see you (or you'll see me) down the track sometime SOONISH!!!?

P.S. Would someONE look after me missus until I make it Home?
Hasta pronto, me Amigos.

The Devil's Advocate, Day 10, Concord Mental Health Centre
CoDa Jan 2015
Once I caught a shooting star...

Yet, I found it far too heavy to hold...
Soonish, I lost its grip,
quickly I watched it slip...
ashamed, not one soul I told...

So, now these days, high's come in waves...
colorful rememories, from those sweet times of old...

Still, if I could; I would rewind back time and tame it as mine...  
Maybe it just might have reversed this black hole...

But, as I now know:
as it is -irresistibly hard-
to not try to catch a shooting star...
Perhaps, it's easier just to let it go...
Milton Robertson Mar 2020
In the not so distant future, just can't when although I think about you time and time again. Soon we'll meet becoming the best friends, you are my Godsend.

You'll probably laugh when I try to croon for your lovely heart I come to swoon, even though I'm off tune it will be soon, I'll be placing a ring on your finger the stone will be the moon.

When we have our tryst, our own paradise, in the midst becoming inflamed from the first kiss, I believe you know the gist.

For now I pray, I wish, I'll even fish for a way to come to you such an enchanting dish. But I can definitely say... Soonish.
Dennis Willis Jul 2019
Is this a joke
kinda sorta maybe
Most of my stuff is
I'm laughing
when I finish writing it
When I come back later
Not always so much
I awesome soonish with
(I love voice to text)
I often finish with
That's hilarious
And expect someone
To ask me this question
For which I have this answer

I think you're all
too serious
Except when
I'm serious
U clowns

As I write myself
further into

I realize
I'm wrong
about "most"
of all
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
For the movers and shakers -
My utmost respect and love.
To the artisans and craftsmen -
My appreciation for good works.
To the warriors - need I...
To the Mums and Dads -
Thanks. If not for you...
For the big-girl's-blouses -
You know your worth.
To the funny-bunny's -
I ****** myself, in a good way;
Those great educators.
To my Teachers - Hail! Hi!
For the unsung and unstrung -
Don't worry - I'll wait.
And the courageous explorers,
What can I say?
Tell me all about it, soonish;
You help anchor me in reality.
Enough is Enough, 8 of 9 (Night)
mikecccc Sep 2015
crawlin up and down
my person
I can feel it
but I cant see it
its dam uncomfortable
but supposedly
if I take this and that
I can battle the invisible menace
I will feel better soonish
if it doesn't **** me.
Donall Dempsey Apr 2018

My ghost hung around
waiting for me to kick

the bucket so it could
take my place.

I shouted: "Now, just hold on
a moment I am

not dead...gasp....gasp
-  yet."

"Oh hurry up and get on
with it!"

it screamed back.

Well...I never.

"It's hard being here but
not all there

if you know what I
mean...a ghost's gotta do

what a ghost's gotta do!"

Anytime anyone
came into the sickroom

my ghost crawled
up the wall or

hid behind the curtains
blending un-successfully into

the dreadful wallpaper.

But somehow
the kicked bucket

stabilised itself and
regained an equilibrium.

My ghost
assuming the worst

had now being
caught out

of its comfort zone
and had to pretend

to be my shadow
or my reflection

and learn to smile
at me through gritted teeth.

Me now the picture
of health.

I haunting my own ghost
with my continued living.

"I'ill get you for this!"
it snarls from the mirror.

"Oh go rattle your chains!"
I yell and flounce out of the room.

It hopes I die
Mr Haiku May 2020
My stomach is loud.
I think I will eat soonish.
Probably waffles.
David Zavala Nov 2018
in San Francisco
It's not
clouds I Denton, Texas, Co-Ops -
mat(Oh my)ter alone again,

Yes   I'm
         I'm inside a art house            I suppose            
Can't      the country of
    China? -  god -  We
Coke Blues
                     eternity painting

Sometimes Conceptual Space

       are brighter
Your mac will sleep soonish


theaters, It's  
a fact.
will be coming home soon.
It's not condescending.

Names are boring, sweet brooks, Chinese restaurants.
(a car crashed)

— The End —