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Sorry old man, I think you thought that I would stay
Look after your girl like no other man, like only you can
I thought I would, but in the end
i couldnt stay, couldnt sway her that i cared
could say that i was scared
could split my infinitives
curl in a ball i feel so small
that i have failed you so
i could see in your eyes
I was so high to be approved
so close to you so accepted
you dont know how good that was
that you would trust me, and now ive bust me
dont look me the in the eye again
dont trust me with her care
she dont need me, got love to spare
i got other fish to fry, but i cant lie
i need her all the more
why did you have to trust me
betroth her with your eyes
make me see her need
where she lies
where you now lie, in your shelterd tree
Of a loves dog that died, what a dog, what a love
Just Me Aug 2015
Hey Mr. I used to say
Hows your morning
hows your day 

Your my wisdom my teacher my caregiver

When I need you, you said you'd be there
I did my best as a kid to give you attention and appreciation for the simple life I lived

Presents and notes to show I cared
Thank you cards of admiration and words of ill always be there

I was a kid, it was pretty much all I could give
Mr. you said one afternoon were going out to dinner when I get home
then I remember how you bailed
That’s ok Mr. I know your busy  
You would say then Mr., maybe tomorrow if time permits me
I remember Mr. a few times you said get ready in a while we will go shopping… 

But we never did 
Maybe tomorrow Mr. said  

I know now its better not to hold my breath 

Help me pick up this house Mr. said 

But I am tired and on my way to bed…
Ill do it tomorrow I promise 

To that Mr. replied tomorrow never comes
And he went on to explaine, tomorrow there will be tomorrow… And another one…
Out in the world now 
No longer a girl...
Hey Mr. I  hate to ask… 
But I need your help and I need it fast 
The bills are do, my checks on its way but I need to pay my bills today 

I know tomorrow my check will arrive I can pay you first thing in the morning
I remember you were fast to say I'd  help you.....

but you would learn nothing and then you would say...
you say you will pay me tomorrow…  
but I know better if you need money now tomorrow you will be no better off

Sorry Mr. your probably right…  
I'll be ok its just one day and one night...

you were strict all my life, but you taught me well to never count on anyone…
not ever in my life will I be optimistic

I'll never be anything, but protected and shelterd

forever never free all my days...

when I was a kid...

I remember it all to well

you gave me what I needed… 
and nothing els 
no memories of fun
no memories of any extra attention...

sometimes I feel you as cold as ice  
Mr. I remember I'd  often look at you twice
You never smiled you were always in a rush
I was a child and in the way… 
Way to much... 

Mr. I wish I learned your lesson sooner
that you were a promise maker...  
and most importantly a promise breaker
I know you may have not meant it,
but finaly…
I finaly learned your lesson, Tomorrow never never comes
And Mr. when you say Ill be there for you tomorrow…
I know now tomorrow never comes 

Still Mr.
I love you today… 
I love you forever,
but never tomorrow.. 
Never ever
Ill continue to wait though for you to come around to all the love I gave

All my love you never found 

Ill wait today…  
I'll wait forever 
Ill even wait for you tomorrow again  
even though I know tomorrow will never end……
From my life, My heart and my heartache
BrittneyForever Dec 2016
And when we become of age,
Who are we really when we are not with the ones who raised us? Who shelterd us? Protected us? The ones who stood by us through all our mistakes. The ones who helped us get back out there and fight another day. The ones we'd go home to and laugh the night away ? Who are we when we're all alone in this big, dark, empty, yet busy world around us? Is it then when we're facing demons alone we discover what our core selves are capable of? Or is it then we realize that we are who we were raised with, and with out them, it's just one step harder trying to figure out who we were and where we belong.

— The End —