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Métis, Themis, Ma’at, their banter was for naught.
All the tides and tithings wisdoms and their teachings, Daemonium forgot!

But the heavens cry  manna as Nix cried out reprieve!
An act that loosed the flood, the chaos of her sea.

Her pain arose a champion to tend to all her needs,
Formed of Celestial Ocean he bore down on the freed.

A giant wave of madness, thrusting mist of sadness eradicating gladness... One led the ruthless breed.

Opaque in their beginning, formless shapes in twining.
Conjoined but not together, accompanied the weather.
Thalassa’s stringy tether wrapped them all forever.

Come or go in seasons, live or die in age.
No Spring to Fall in reasons, travailing of the mage?
Black tentacles the streamers, rooted into wave.
Witness the all-wise and snaking phantom phage...

Chiron watches while he prances, his dressage on the shore.
Arising liminal of beings wettened ambiguity of yore.
Even Iblis is impressed, such black rotten to the core!

Merkabah or egg, mountain, belly, tree they squabble.
All elements do I cobble, such are actions of the wobble.
vircapio gale Oct 2012
the ego is a balm
for watching herds--
ezra pound is dead..

withought the ***** to make it rue
of wittier witter aphorisms never trilling forceful to undo

singular muse,
where do you come
in head or tip of head?
elusive beauty, disappear
i act in other barefoot dreams

typos bless the will to mean
of finality
of seem seam flawless be
i **** the emperor of ice cream
with concupiscent "words"
that verb the still to be a yogurt burv

single fractal frog
jumps like rhyme of toggle cog,
cutting grandma's mind

empty cup fills want
with other bristle sip+
eclipse Hypatia naked at the shrine
failure of a form
cones another phage
with peaceful loving bawl

freedom fighters flaunt
masturbatory rights of congress whim and taunt
crackle jackal fire sights
sing single missile lights

do i jest
or do i best,
lest simple techne tumble kite of waiting in the dark
of politician's lark
inventive lewd
of plaintiff plea
and rumble drum democracy

venous cud
of bovine mewing in the mud of affuenza's motherhood
strikes painful cords electric suds
that lather in the lackey's trodden figure's utter
venus aphrodite's *****'s foam

hopkins is at home
manley in the rub of constant loathsome comb
that preens a matish apparition's tomb

hello kind traveler
that takes me by the hand
rolling in the grass has never been as such
the band plays off Genghis Khan
like Gandhi spitting soup
in afternoon reprieve of ignoramOus fun

the meaning is ajar
i know i war with Stevens too to
bear the furry calousness of wartime's endless true
a bond of moneylicsious new accounted even in the dew
that sunders sounds to recreate a farflung brew
of history's adieu
which only sPeares you in the gut
(an existential reference here to trope the nom)
elusive Lear that wanders in the Foolish storm caressing cave to find
another mind
that only someone special kKnew of Kent
encapsulating time in brands that offer (a[0I]ether dust for tolling flight
growing down into the mushroom ground
spanning subtentious fraughtful nocturnes in the night
to bide that meaning's plight i wish i
wasn't altogether through
though happy to be here iwth yew
apparitions in a crowd
petals on a wet black bough...
“The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet black bough.”
Graff1980 Dec 2018
History is a pendulum
swinging perilously
back and forth
over our shared humanity.

Slicing bitterly
at the air above me
with a visceral hatred
for all the good things
I hoped we could be.

Kinder to hater,
forgiving to denier
loving to crier
sharper it slices
cutting the air cleanly
leaving me feeling it keenly.

Wild rhetoric
going viral,
virus of ******* words
spreading like the plague,
a poisonous and bubonic phage.
I struggle to stop it,
this rising tide
of tired tirades,
republican charades
turning different skin shades
into the enemy.

These neighbors are our family,
but the pendulum sees them
separated by the serrated blade,
exhausted by the hate
and violence that blazes.

History returns to sicken
my sorrowfully stricken
kainat Mar 2021
Fear of unseen
is terrifying, every being.
men are aloof,
no matter under the same roof
your loved one is ailing
but the dread of phage is prevailing.
Alas! that lethal plight
robust mortals are losing might
I W Jun 2013
Beginning to sing, some eyes upon the floor,
their voices do bring long lies to my front door,
lies that I never left far enough behind
to lose them from my mind.

Never have I left those stages of early life,
the times bereft of phage and surly strife,
yet feelings of disorder always envelope
my musings. I'm older but can't grow up.

Singing and dressing for you is what I know,
and it's depressing when I can't let go
of the memories I'll never live again,
so I sort and file desire in a bin.

In waste basket of a room I exist,
such a tragic jacket does persist
to tie my arms at my waist.
My life is such a waste.

It's all my fault.
I can't accept fate.
Bits I'll certainly plate,
but subsist on the malt.
Drowning in insanity,
Reeling in reality,
I break down every evening,
and leak out weary screaming.
Graff1980 Apr 2017
You meet in committees
with shareholders from
war contractors
watching them proclaim,
“We need more money
and less oversight.
We need to expand our
external influence.”

Their words spread
like the bubonic plague.
Such a phage,
yet they still say,
“We have to delay
and Russia
from doing the same.”

So we put up
the TTP,
while the drones
we made
other countries.

You say, “we are
the only people
who can save
the whole world
and it will take
business interest
to truly preserve
our military power.”

You say……

I have to turn you off.
I have to turn away,
because my tears fall.
They are tears of rage.
You never hear me
no matter what I say.
So, ******* America
you are not great,
stop putting your greed,
inhumanity, and stupidity
in display in a parade
of such extremely
violent charades.
Jenish Mar 2020
To conquer the kingdom,vainly he tried
Her minutest army ready for siege
Oh, the flying flu booming like a phage
Begging on his knees, for kindness he cried.
Bard Jul 2022
I just want to **** my rage
Put two bullets in this age
But I can't find the keys to my cage
Got these needs chaining me with a wage
Emptiness in my eyes the void is a phage

It propagates from nothing
Springs from empty living
This police state is sickening
Its body is rotten and decaying
Can we euthanize the nation of slaving

I worry that progress is over
I worry that its now or never
And I worry that we will pick never
All while I clock in and work the levers

Living is so ******* incredible
It makes me ******* miserable
Always knowing I'm not on the level
I know its lame to be so cynical
But how am I supposed to be hopeful

Everything is buzzwords and clickbait pandering
I hope its not too foreword but we're all dying
And if words are stronger than swords then bloods flying
We know the times are trying and say bullets are coming
Viruses, diseases, and pathogens  all the same thing

Death cults on their side they fight so we all die
Ancient evils six decades old still grasping fading lives
They rule our feeble lands pervert our will as a nation fades
Some souls tremble and say this will be the end of days
Some souls shake and say they will ******* pay

Maybe I'm cynical by I say its just another day and they're gonna get paid
The critics will wax they will fade lives for cash thats always the trade
Tell me whats your wage you in the fields or the house do you have it made?
Just tell yourself atleast its not a third world like the ones we made
We get to feast while the poor are in famine now thats a trade

— The End —