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It's been 47 days now and I really don't know when  all this is going to stop so I could finally gain access to you.
The sweat that dripped down my body each time I honoured your invitation.
At first the sweats were irritating, I would whine about it or hurry home to wash it off but with time I got used to it and appreciated it.
Most times you leave me in a lot of body ache that takes days to heal....
47 days, that's all I needed to truly understand how important you are to my career, most likely my world.
I grew up dreaming and making up stories in my head about being an actor but not really you.
I always get angry each time I had to choose you over sleep or fun time with my friends.....
Little did I know you meant more than the fame or awards being an actor would give to me......

47 days and still counting with no idea when I would stop cause even when this is over, I'm not sure the rules that would be enforced to contain this virus, would favor us.
But the few times I spent with devoting certain hours of my day to you was and would most likely be one of memories i can never forget.
The bonding, the jokes, insults, anger, joy and fun you always give the people that comes together under you.
I'm really looking forward to having you back to either dance to drum beats or music and move from one stage direction to another, giving life to dead scripts.
             Much love from your biggest fan
        Pearlspoems 😘
It only takes a moment to realize how beautiful things you take for granted is
It's been a while....
I thought i was done needing you but today....
Today is a reminder about how the past few days distant from you was a mistake..
I guess I'm back to the number 1.
I laughed so much that my tummy really ached
Nothing was funny actually but I laughed and I do that mostly when the pain refuses to stop as you already know.
So, here I am
Really broken
Really lost
In a pain so deep but
Still laughing though
And I want you back
Cause yea, I would never really remember the memories of true laughter if you don't help me get through this.
I forever be in hell (in life or death) cause that's what it feels like right now.
And this time, I don't want your healing to be temporal but Eternal cause that's what you truly want from me right???
I mean that's the essence for creating me right??

I'm lost
I'm in a crowd so I guess that's why I feel lost....
This feeling is not of one who's voice is faint and can't be heard cause of the crowd
But I'm really lost
I'm lost in my dreams
And every struggle to find my path brings back memories that I buried
And....really.... I'm lost
I hear his voice even in my dreams
The weight of his hands tore into my will and made it broken
I can still feel the lust in his face when he pulled out of me and poured his sticky liquid on me
That feeling of satisfaction he had ruined my path
I tried so hard to forget but his voice still shouts "I know you want it to baby...... enjoy it........" And even though he is so far from me now I hear it loud and clear every day
He stole mother's words from me
I'm sorry I thought you wanted it also, you just needed a little push....."
A little push he called it
A little push
That hunts me so bad
And leaves me at the mercy of
              -#say no to ****#

— The End —