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blackbox Dec 2018
Another night savoring of loneliness,
when he stumbled upon a pretty countess.
Her gleaming eyes ready to cast a spell,
as she goes round and round on a carousel.
Galloping up on the wooden horse,
wishing to get ahead of time,
She couldn’t care less about the crowd
as she took off on cloud nine.
Enchanted with her grace and beauty galore,
He didn’t realize he was a mere paviour.
Expressing his love for her will be nothing but a crime,
When a voice interrupted his thoughts,
“Get off lady, you have no dime”.
Embarrassed and disheartened,
she ran off into the woods,
That moment it struck him,
she possesses no worldly goods.
In the hope to chase her through the blur,
the only fear in his heart was of losing her.
There she was sitting alone by the pond.
One gaze, and they instantly felt the bond.
She sobbed “I’m no princess”,
but he firmly said “will you be my bride?”,
And, this is how their love story began,
on a beautiful Carousel Ride!
Beware,I am the wolf stood at your door,
the bloodhound that wants more and more until you break and I will take you,make you mine
and you'll resign yourself to me for all eternity,I am the dog that barks,the rustling in the trees in parks,the sounds you dread to hear,I feed your fear,fear me.

I see and count your secrets one by one,throw them away but they're not gone,I save them in my tinder box.I am the pox of centuries and people,they don't mention me but I am all that you will see,locked into my eternity.

I am the paviour of the unlit street, a saviour some would say, then look away,you would not want to meet me,treat me to a tea or two, you
would do well to keep clear of me,
the wolf and his eternity.

— The End —