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Carmelo Antone Jan 2013
I’ve been looking for the dark side of the son,
I’ve been trying to poke holes in what props you up,
I’ve been desperate to bring your generational growth,
To a stunted halt,

Founding Fathers to doubt,
Slave owners who colonized under god,
A place ripe for ideological blows,
And the collapse of what we believed before,
We had a chance to see,
How much isn’t known,

I’ve been creeping in your crib,
Under the bed with the boogie man,
The sadness you feel throughout your adulthood,
And the death you see after your midlife awakening,
Please fear me,

Growing amongst others that act like humans,
Grouped amongst an idealistic species,
Where they’ve preached individualistic babies,
When your genesis,
Exemplifies our resemblance,

Beacon of truth,
I will end you,
How dare you dismantle me,
Despite my invisibility,

We will end your corruptive ways,
The enemy in the corner,
An American insurgency,
The lack of the people’s ability,
To fight for the freedoms we perceive!

Erroneous burn in hell,
I’ll make sure I continue to swell,
Instead of letting you become the reason I fell,

Revelations will become your reality if you think I’ll be exiting,
You insignificant ****, how dare you think I will spatter like mud,
I didn’t come from violent thrusts, and a mother infected by another’s muck,

I rose because of your intolerance,
I am the after birth of a racist,
Founding Father’s with economics,
Not bothered by the ******* of another human,

Not to deny the atrocities of my ancestors time,
Yet we are the turning of the tide,
We are the generation that will correct the rhyme,
The ones that will begin the age of man’s prime,

We are the flow of a barbarian bloodline,
We are the evolutionary wonder that continues to surprise,

Learning to compromise is not a means to survive,
You fool humanity is a fire burning out,
And I am the evidence of Mother’s doubt in man,

A germ was your genesis
And I am your omega,
You insignificant residue,

I will end you,
We will defy you,
I will smother your existences,
We will overcome your dominance,

Justifying my social anxieties,
We need to fixate this desire,
To set foot on the land for the free,
To cultivate minds of humanity,
Ken Pepiton Apr 2019
when no man pursues
the truth,

the idea which contains all true ideas, aha

ideas are ideas, roses roses, names names
all true
evil ideas are in the set of true ideas as
sure as pi is in the set of true numbers,

i think

When the wicked rule the people mourn,
I think

How are all ideas equalible?
How is any idea equalible quant wise re
(long turbulent selah, lts)
help, this is a talking point.
okeh. for the future, I see.

we can make these faster with ideas pouring
into words flowing from gentled
untame-ible tongues,
----- untame-able is not
----- untame-ible, this may be an object
----- ifier lesson

-tension that re
darts, bullets(silent kind), missles, hymns'n'such
pointy grippy handles for cud
chawn story points upon
which any true story
idea must stand.
in spiritarian.

spirit and image of your father.
Clam slam shut, swoohoosh

The infer
(implication layer upon layer,
thicker and thicker
naquering laquering query, could be dem pearl-ly gates,
early version o' Feynman's reversible tristatic NAND gates,
which work on ideas harnessed...)

see, there's the rub. one wee tetrahedral
trypointy foursidy sort of pearl maker
with words made

versus insane unsane saners saved
by grace unmazing ungnostic
mumbling glosalialy
knot knox nor any o'them
puritans detected the
leaven in the game,
the periment
let out the

"a republic, if you can keep it." unsaid went,
we cast all our cares to the gyre giver
guiding the great gulf river of pro
sperity providing us
our perspicacity.

Would that one might see one day,
the outcome of our American
experiment in leaven
in forming idle words mit ganz alte wahrheit

in dem Erste Zepto Planck Sec

just now. The idea that won was thought.
Good think you think.
We shall see.
Call your truth true.
Stand under knowing good and evil,
both, how and why, then chose,

knowing, my side won.
I only ment to write some talking points and the the points started being made faster than I cared to row against, so I meandered with the stream to this still pond.
I was a child then , but now am a teen , um in the stage where my life is strange , hopping to get better but getting bitter , um not a child, not yet an adult but in the middle of them all, in the middle of the ocean where i have to fine my way out, where i have to make choices that my life will depend on them "wrong or right"choices      um a teenager and um a thinker , i think of all the bad and wrong things that evry sec of it will change my life as a whole , i thnk about my life now, but what about it in future? I think about myself but what about others? I think about the new days but what about the newer ones?                                 Im a teenager and my days of being a child are long gone and soon my days of being a teen wiil be gone too , the day will come for me to face the real world  , my days will come when my choices will lead me..            Im a teenager , um in a crazy stage where nature drives me crazy my life as a teen may seen good..but its not , being a teens is like living in a horror movie , lts like the world has shown me its worsts site its like the world has turn its back on me.             I am a teenager and i have a future ahead of me and i have to make my country a better place tommorrow coz my decision now can build my future and shape the person i am tommorrw and make me the person i wanna be    "thats my teenage life"
Teen   future....dicisoins   good  bad   child
fraudelle Aug 2019
    C D E F G A B
         C D E F G A B
              C D E F G A B
                  C D E F G A B
                     C D E F G A B
                         C D E F G A B
Do re mi fa so la ti
Do nt
Re peat
Mi stakes
Fa ke
So rry
Ti lts
I wrote this poem 2 yrs ago... Lol
When I walk into a house of mirrors.  I see the root my very soul. Complex and diversified  more than anyone will ever know. Fragmented pieces of my existence that has been worn down by the river of life,that I've tried to glue back together this is my plight. I've exhausted myself trying to fight, and fixing, myself at every decision made. The goal of happiness seems to be slipping away. Worry comes and chokes the goals that I have set before me.There's an coldness there .lts me...
What is going on , why are so many people speaking the words of wisdom truth the grace of the Almighty Jah/God, lts not a joke or a game any more 2 many mistakes, may be not , only you can answer that.
It seems that we have many speaking on the platform going somewhere depending ' knowledge.

— The End —