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Brandon Edwards Jun 2014
They not understanding, I see glimpses of death.
I keep telling y'all I'm not right, but i guess y'all are deaf.
My last straw been plucked, holding to sanity by a stitch.
Im on my last leg, but i feel I'm 'bout to slip.

Body bags and blood splatters, those pictures flash in when i blink.
I'm laughing at the pain i feel until i can't think.
From the outside I'm ok, on the instide I'm wrecked.
I'm like building with bad foundation, i need to be checked.

I feel that point is coming, when the me y'all know disappears.
When my heart and soul welcomes the darkness, the hate, my fears.
When nothing will reach me, when I'll forget the word calm.
When my last tick, ticks and i explode like a bomb.
Natalka Feb 2014
Roses grew in the depth of her heart,
Daisies sprouted from her lungs.
Daffodils arose frome instide her stomache
and lillies formed on her tongue.

She spoke so sweetly,
innocent and kind.
But as this little girl grew up she found
That flowers will die.
and weeds will grow.

— The End —