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Bill murray Jan 2016
East coast bombed with snow
West coast with fire.
They should make a baby together
Call it the abominable snow hotty.
Wonder what their babies would look like
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
Pieces of a woman
Gloom, glee, distance and intimacy
Attitude, gratitude, strength and vulnerability
Heartbreaks, Happiness, Longingness and poetry
Calmness, boldness and a bad *** stree.

Pieces of a woman
Stretch Marks, cellulite, miscarriages and then bossy
Shallow, Intense, blur and then some glossy
Cute, cheerful, lazy, sane and naughty
Benevolent, bizarre, shy and much hotty

Pieces of a woman
Family, friends, kin, acquaintances
Risk, safe and then out of the world chances
Society, sub-urb,rural and them glances
Some music, some writing, some shying and couple dances

Pieces of a woman
Marriage, adoption, career and grace
Clarity,focus,concentration and haze
Red,green, black, purple and beige
Independence, freedom, self-doubt and cage

All this and endless…..
And then some and then some
Nothing can totally define
The ultimate human
The beautiful, the wonderful
Pieces of a woman.
Just gave a thought to pieces of a woman on Women's day
peter oram Dec 2011
lived attety-at
the top of our block
in  a flattety-flat.
He hadn’t a name
as far as we knew
except Doggety-dog
of floor seventy two.
He was blackety-black
with a belly of white,
he would oftenly bark
but neverly bite.
He didn’t go out much,
he mostly stayed in
(and I’ll tell you just why
in a minitty-min).
But once in a while
he’d goggedy-go
To visit Miss Whizzit
one storey below
to borrow an egg
or a spud for a stew
and carry them back
to floor seventy-two
for Mr MacWhister -
he  also lived there
but he spent all his
time in his armity-chair.
and he never went out,
no, alas and alack
cos of terrible pains
in his backety-back.
Now for Doggety-dog
there was nothing such fun
as the days he went down
to floor seventy-one.
Was it cos of Miss Whizzit?
No, it wasn’t that –
It was cos of Miss Whizzit’s
for as soon as Dog-doggy
caught sight of its face
he would chase it and chase it
all over the place -
up the walls and the curtains
and out through the door
and all down the stairs
to the bottomest floor
and then, when he’d made
that poor catty-cat shift
he would quietly go back
to the top in the lift,
while Cattety-cat
(and the egg or the spud)
remained somewhere below
in the rain and the mud.
Now eveything might have
gone on in that way
for ever and ever.
It didn’t. One day
(I remember it well,
for there was an eclipse)
while Miss Whizzit was frying
bananas and chips
she heard on the landing
a terrible din
and the door it burst open
and Catty burst in
with Doggety-dog
hotty-hot on her trail -
oh how Doggy did bark!
Oh how Catty did wail!
Catty leapt on the stove,
Doggy-dog did the same
and both of them ‘mediately
burst into flame.
“Fire! Fire!” cried Miss Whizzit
“What creature is that,
that  is chasing my highly
inflammable cat?”
- but then she remembered
what mother had taught her
and over them emptied
a bucket of water
Catty leapt off the stove,
simultaneously so did
the dog, and the stove,
being ‘lectric, exploded
Now Mr MacWhister
one tall-storey higher
was sleeping and dreaming
when someone yelled “fire!”
so often, so loud that it
made his poor brain sore
he leapt from his chair
and grabbed hold of his chainsaw
his blanket and telescope,
blue-and-red braces
(you never know what
you may need in such cases)
and threw them all into
a velvety sack and,
forgetting those pains
in his backety-back,
cried, “Oh, how many years
have I waited! Oh is it
not time now to visit
exquisite Miss Whizzit?”
- and he ran down the stairs
with a rattety-tat
and burst with a yell
into Whizzety’s flat.
Now when poor Miss Whizzit
observed him appear, oh,
she blushed like a beetroot
and whispered, “My hero!”
MacWhister meanwhile,
overcome by her charms,
had lifted her up
in his spindelly arms
and  sighing “my love,
oh my lovetty-love!”
he carried her up
to his rooms up above
Now Doggety-dog
and Cattety-cat
Were left all alone
In Miss Whizzety’s flat
where normal conditions
were slowly returning
and both now had almost
completely stopped burning
(though if I am honest
I have to admit
that they smelled pretty bad
And still sizzled a bit).
“Come, Catty,” said Doggy,
“let’s get this place tidy.”
They did so, and when
by the following Friday
they’d heard not a peepety-
peep from upstairs,
they decided Miss Whizzety’s
flat was now theirs.
And now life for the two of them’s
twice as much fun –
it’s a permanent chase
round floor seventy-one,
while MacWhister and Whizzit
gaze out at the view
from their flattety-flat
on floor sevently-two.
May Oct 2016
It was made by her hand
Just like other days
Adding tea milk and sugary sugar
Except one thing
That was her love
Her beautiful hand
Left she used for all her works
With the ring
Represented the bond of life
The tea cup was lucky and happy
To be carried by her hand
Smooth and soft
The tea cup was overflowed with happiness
It smiled
But she thought it was steaming
Due to hotty hot boiled water
It was the destination of its journey
She kept it on a table
Clear and well organized
With a laptop on it
A man kept staring at it
But he did not notice
That she brought a tea
Did not smile with her
The tea cup felt strange
The man was ignoring it
The tea cup was boring
The morning breeze came in
From the opened windows
Tea cup felt sad
The smile started to fade
The curls of steam started to fade
As it was crying hard
One hour left
The man was gone
The tea cup was alone
The steam too has gone
Cold it was
Arcassin B Oct 2014
By Arcassin Burnham

Has the hots for me,
Stomach slim,
In foreign memories,
I look to you for lust,
Even a blind man can see your figure,
Loving you is a must,
I loved taking all your pictures,
You have the perfect body,
Every boy notices when you walk by
Known as the hotty,
I won't let you pass me by.
Leonardo Lollini Sep 2014
I know I've been knotty
I know I'm no hotty
But girl I don't want to ***** this up
I said I'd do certain things
Unfortunately My word I've not been able to bring
I hope you  come even though I've been smoking
All I want to do is some toking
All I want to do is relax
I need to hear your opinion
I'd choose you over a super fine legion
I want you to know
That I've still got to grow
Smoking has been helpful
Please don't make my decisions dreadful
Casey Rodger Feb 2022
Have you ever had something taken away from you?
Stolen from under your nose,
And you wondered what to do,
We all know how the story goes..

Was it was irreplaceable?
An experience to say the least,
Something so disgraceful,
As though your body was a feast.

Do you know what it feels like?
To carry such a secret?
Ashamed you didn't fight,
Ashamed you didn't keep it.

Have you ever wondered if you're wrong,
Set out to try and find it,
The place where you belong,
A place that you can hide in

Does your body resonate,
With a numbness and a pain?
A place reserved for hate,
And crying in the rain.

Or how about the moment
When you ripped away the carpet
Never mind atonement
Because everyone said "fark it"

When the next one had a go
And you didn't do a thing
Laid there waiting for the blow
You just copped it on the chin.

It's not your fault.
It's not your fault.
Lick your wounds
Lay off the salt.

Let go of shame
Forgive yourself
It's not a game
It's about your health.

You've had to learn
To respect your body
Scars that burn
Don't make you a hotty

Exploitation is not a regret
No one told you how to be
Finding your way, don't forget
Don't let that **** cloud what you see

With such a love for all existence
None of them snuffed out your spark
Your light is shining with persistence
You made best friends with the dark.
Ammar Younas Oct 2018
Winter is
too cold...
And no one
to hold...

Nights are
too long...
to no one
they belong...

Memories are
too sad...
And make me
so mad...

I called you
too hotty...
My heart was
so naughty...

And you were
too bossy...
Now all this
is messy...
Preceeding self fulfillment
Was a wasted land
The makings of a safe hand
To raise the heavens
From a place of self deprivation
Deprication and deliverance
From a slipping time
Wishing lies
Would lose the definition
Of words to fit
Emotions in a gifted mind
The light becomes
A different split
That rips existence
Into Jean's that fit my thighs
And twist my *** too look like
Michelle. That **** little
Hotty fox
Your my oxygen in a misty fog
With ****** softness in your body's
The water of a drop that stops
The flow of Carter to a halter top
Like falters not
An option
When you rock with god
He frees you all
To beat the odds
Feeds you all
And believes you all
He loves the life you possess
He seen it all.
Like believe me y'all
Do you believe in god?
Or Do you dream at all.
I'm not swallowing
This intolerance with out you
Seeing all the love
With in
A sea of loss
And still needing god to grieve your loss...
I'm his *****. And I believe it all.
What once was demonly involved
And seemingly self involved
Mental health a fleeting thought
In lots of drugs
And disconnection from the human
Law. A meaning
Of connection feeding all
A seamless logic that sees every angle
Untill it reads em all
The very script against the bleeding
Words written on the christmas wall.
Not finished all...
I've controlled every aspect.
Of perceivable existence
Untill this prison
Seems so distant from conviction
Of a different law
I'm more in witsec. Hiding
My self from criminals
That all live in similar walls
I'm sick of my intentions
I need some different walls
Or either in a prison
Meant for ****** thoughts
There not
Their really hot
I need **** alot
Oh **** that little thought
Sending love.
You know its iffy.
Something of difference
Between my operation
And my present existence.
Pray for bravery and courageous
Behaviour in collision
With oncoming decisions
Two minutes of fear
With a final bliss of timely
Final rights to finish the mission.
A matching package to my
Inner equipment
Body on space ship.
Race the shooting stars
On horizons of visions.
Seeing. The meaning of rythym compared to staring comparing eyes that pit you as **** fit and a *****
Of witless inspection.
Intention to further inspect. The condition of my physical fitness
Hes a hotty wanting honey
I'm a little honry comb you know I'm wet and dripping wanting a busy bee to drop attention
In a sisters direction.
Infection on disaster. I fear I'm incapable of feelings that matter
I get turned on so hard by laughter
But its god allowing
Half my stupid thoughts
To cause happiness in after math of an earth shaking rapture
After every bone detaches
Its attachment from reality
Fat comes after
Slapping stamps on body parts
Naughty part is I must get naughty now.
Hot body comes after.
It doesn't matter. I'm still hot I think
Or so I've been told.
Let the story unfold without
Fear hate or revenge
My head is best kept in lock and key with god and his men
Amen last thing I said.
Was now to long for me to mention again.
Shut my mouth make my bed thank god and amen

— The End —