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JL Dec 2011
My darling My darling
I have watched you sleep these three nights
And I have whispered into the deep
"There is not a more beautiful creature in this plane"
You are an angel
Your wings curled beneath your fragile form
The gentility of your breathing...
The rising and falling of your supple *******
I would not dare kiss you in this form my darling
I would not dare caress the curves of your earthly body
I have drunk the wine of infatuation
Until I could hear the great beast call your name
We shall be wed my darling
Our two hearts melted into a blinding holliness
Forever entwined
Blood to blood
Flesh to flesh
Fear not this blade my darling
Fear not its mortal sting
Fear not it's cold touch upon your silken skin
Let it find your young heart quickly
Feel it cleave the muscle in two
Fear not my darling
Fear not the sadness of our mortal plight
For in the darkness
A flash of silver will bring you salvation
A sacrafice
A moment of stinging beauty
For an eternal moment of ethereal bliss
Annatman Jul 2019
A vibrant violet crown, majestic fibers,
Prominent ***** allows for bearing of
Gently-sweet fruit

Suffering is where the flower got its name, the bittersweet martyrdom of Saints in the name of Holliness

How strangely appropriate that pain and passion be herein so intertwined,
Beauty and death so delicately linked

Scarcely can we tell apart the pain and pleasure that life's vessel holds
A poem hardly doing justice to this metaphor
Nigel Isidore Sep 2020
Plant a seed of holliness
Plant a seed of righteousness
Plant a seed of faith,  hope and love now.
For all is gone with the wind and tomorrow we bow.
Going up,going down  working hard
For a perishable crown.

Drums beats in echos of sorrows
Broken cages with featherless birds

Running fast, walking slow, nothing will unravel  the real mystery of life

Get well soon  or  night falls as the invisible master calls.
No one cares , yes some say they do ,what is in it for me? what is in it for you?

The smoke has left the chimney . He is gone, and will not return. Gone to where, but he is here now, look and  see but in the deepest sleep. With prayer ,hymns and teary eyes  will take a trip to the sand , sea and golden skies.

All i can say is  why why why but bye bye !

— The End —