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Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
that one night where we both hung over. from that unforgetable night when it was only me and you.
i have the feeling like i just need to start running on the beach with the waves crashing behind me. i cant stop laughing when i read your text you sent me.
every night i get waked out  on the energy drinks i cant live with out.
i set a huge fire spelling your name out pouring gasoline all over it.
every othere day i wach the world go bye.  i lay on the beach looing up at the blue sky day wondering will i have to live alone in this world. no matter ill just walk the nigh sky following every shooting star that fly's by. that one night we both had so much fun that i wish i could have again. i never knew you moved where i lived in this quiet sleepy littel town.

i listen the the wases crashing down making littel pools drown the small ***** that scurry to not posible drown.
the wet sand feels soft and makes my mind run lose with not fear of what will come to me next.

i never slept with out seeing the night sky with all the pondering memories that drive me crazy.
day or night the beach makes my heart skip abeat seeing every one frolik with energy  that never last with out a couples date.

i run every night i adopted a fluffy husky names shelby. every night the sky plays a great light show.
i set the fire on the ****** with drinks and my  guitar. every not i played touched your heart when you were finally moved in.

the song i wrote played out for any one to run out my heart.
i take my lighter and light the lantern that shows the way back to our small cozy house.
my dog has a big heart with no lilits to swimm across the oceans with me if i was stranded getting swept out the see.

that one night i finally feel asleep with sweet dreams making my frown turn in to a smile not a plaster fake.
i sprung up in the morning my phone started ringing out.
the caller id i read out was your name.
the day grew long with the most pretties sun set with red pink skys.
every fire i make in the night i set the fires to show no hate.

i went out at night with my husky shelby taking off running threw the crashing waves the water is cold but its all worth it.
i thought i saw you checking me out.
i dont think im going crazy.
my dog and me wresting.
i started looking right in your big kristsl clear safire blue eyes light my heart on fire.
when we meet again after years moved in with me and we started our lives to gather.

i gathered my bag with my guitar my pen and note book. with my mind open with thoughts.

i looked up and saw the dark side of the moon.

ill never walk this deslet world along.

evey night me you and our dog shelby light a fire and undress in to our comfei clothes.
we drink the night away dancing away threw the night.
with the full night sky with every star shining.
the night light show we run and dance till we both feel sick and fall down.
i had a feeling deep down ill be with you again some day when i saw you name id on my cell phonee.

that night where i was just wresting around with my husky i  never thought i would live life with out your warm heart exitment.

that night your text i read out loud has brought both our worlds to gather

i never knew when you told me you were searching for me.
now we are happily to gather till time runs out

i never knew that we both cross echotere  that bright starty night with shooting stars.

i never knew i would ever see you agin to be crazy.

i knew my future would be this amazing with tears of love.

i never knew we would pass echoter on a beach with waves crashing all over the shore line

i never knew if i would ever see you again

i live life with exitement .

i will break the limits to have fun weather were all wacked out on somthing

i never knew my wish i made on the shooting stars would make that night crossing us by
run wild free make life intresting with carles ideas be willing to try insaine games food or what you never thought of doing
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
i walk threw the night with my Russian blue eyes the night lights up when the full moon glears. the world is turning as my life turns. every night my blue eyes light up like safiers and fire flys. the delicat nature holds my mind as the wild call out for the first time.
my heart skips a beat when the tables turn same as the demonic elements that linger around my safe haven. the night sky is like a canvas that i can aline the stars above to lead my path to survive.
no candel lights aloud nor fire cause my blue eyes glow like a safire lit up in the mist of the moon  light.

every night i follow new paths but when day breaks i'm vanished from sight. the night sky has so many tricks only the beauty never breaks the cold weather comes around but my blue eyes will never freez or lose the dreams of my life.

when my blue eyes glow i can call to the wild my calls to the wolfs bring happiness deep down with exitment and freeom.

i cant be held back for im nor threat only the wind and moon light can passes my soul.

when winter is hear so do i my blue eyes light the way to my next place of joy

i finally have escaped the werched and divine but my voice will never be heard untill summer and spring arrive.

my russian blue eyes can lead me to love hope and the freedom to fly but the night sky calls my blue eyes traping me drawing me life bye
im crazy russisan
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i'm completely insane im not afraid to do any things you give me to try!i cant function with out my music playing but ill do anything that is crazy.i take thrill seeking rids that last till im called up on the phone saying your insane. that means noting to me cause i already know that! is there any thing this world that can be done cause whats the point if you dont have the exitment in your life to try new things. im insane cause i dont think stupid i think smart before its tested. my parents think im insane cause im not afraid of what the consequesnes that come with the dangerious ideas. im insane cause i think big not small . this world has never showed what my insane mind can build. im insane cause i show no fear cause im willing to make sure the road is safe for my own friends and insane cause im not afraid to prove the skeptics wrong. im insane cause i want to improve this world better with new ideas. im insane cause im not afraid to speak my mind wen my heart starts to cry.
im insane cause i can read a chapter book and build the storie around society.
im insane cause i have so many things to try. im insane cause i have a big heart and im always caring even when things get dark. im insan cause theres no fear when it comes to the new suroundings that blind the beauty in  life as we go. im insane cause ill never let go of what the truth has told me . im insane cause im inovative and mechanicaly inclined. im insane when riots break out i stear the grouyp the right way. away from the danger. im insane cause i only follow what my heart and mind say to. im insane cause my family tells every one im not afraid of what dangers wait for me. im insane cause i'm willing to get answeeres for the hopless who needs to be insane cause ill risk my life to help you in the most worst conditions. im  insane cause im not afraid to help you fight when your insane cause i want more answeres to help societys troubls. my family thinks im insane cause im always crating someting crazy to solve a problem even if its really stupid. my mind is insane cause im not afraid to take things to a new level. every one i know thinks im insane cause i want people to fell free and not traped that slaves them to. people call me insane cause im always working on new things to improve my theriories that might be insane but what if they became the next thin g to work for societys lies. im crazy insane cause theres nothing im willing to try so follow me in my foot stepf and be com what you truly want to speak your mind. speak your mind with me and society will be come opened with ideas to try for future hope . so follow me and we will open a world with ideas that will never be silenced by fear

thank you letting me speak my mind

follow if you dare for change
my heart and mind split it all out
Angelique gamble Dec 2016
I miss you
I miss you like hell
My chest aches in physical pain
The sadness
Its fiery cold grip
It been two year
Two freaking years since I had a taste of your lips
Sweet like antifreeze
I'm trying to remember what made you so special
How I ended up loving you with ever beat of my heart
I said goodbye to you
I regret not holding on harder
You were poison
But you were full of exitment
My figures brushing your skin was enough to send sparks flying
I have some one now some one I love
Someone who is my whole world.
So why do I crave you
Why does it still hurt
Dear John please tell me
Poetic T Dec 2015
Water fell into a thoughtful puddle,
Awaiting that moment as feet jumped.
And like a tsunami of exitment my
Once clean wears were dotted like
A dalmatian. But i smiled such is
The thoughts of a fathers day.

Like a whirlwind of excitement
You ran around my feet, intuition
Redid my words. Still my little
Bean for the wind will stop and
You will fall to the ground. Words
Blurred in a moment and kisses
Given to scrapped knees.

Eyes look up and see amazment and
Love returned with a smile, new
Experiences seen with fresh eyes.
Two hands hold as three words spoke
One, two, three.
And then i am a spaceman launched
Into the sky. I look up and see the
Love for me in both their eyes.
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
you may call me crazy but im not parenoid butv ill show you my free time and fun side of me .

we could be togather fight to the end but i only live by this rule if your nice or ind ill show you a life of fun but if you turn on me my alliy my brother my friend my family if you turn ill turn showing you a life of riots and set a blaz of fire into the eyes of me!
your lies spread killing you and any one who follows in your path.
if you lies spread ill have no choice to flip the switches along the path of me.

your threat hits like wild fire but you know this world should know you should all be afraid of me. for what price youl have to pay to gain trust agai.
in this world i run freely threw the woods in felids like wind. but one little white life has lit the fuse of totl destruction.

you cant put me in a cade and hold me to go ape **** on your ******* face.

you hant imprison me you cant hold me down you cant tell me what i am .

your lies have set fuse on fire as all your words that come out of your mouth lead my anger that will make you fuse exploed.

your my life if you show me kindness and love all show you a life full of exitmen and joy. ill take you by thehand a lead you to a undder world life on none stop exitment that will change your opinion on dull life.

the only thing is you show me threat ill show you a life of hell and my eyes will set your mind on a down world spire .

you cant take a force as strong as me and my life down only kindness and love you have a life of endlesss joy and thrills..but kindwill grant you acseesto life of free thrill no night mars
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
father said he would show
up after work me
and my mom waited
for him we called
him he never picked
up his phone
I was too anxious to
see him I was standing
on my toes at the window
waiting for  father to
arrive then after an hour
my little toes couldn't
carry me and the exitment
disappeared my body was
of an electrical cattle
I tried to be cool but I had already
reached my boiling point
and my range coming out like
steam from my body

father said he would come
and he did I had no patient
I had a great night with
my dad I love my dad
funny dad
awesome dad
he came
Paul Donnell Mar 2017
Too much coffee or a bundle of nerves gone bad either way inside the confines of my lower intestine i hide the makings of interstellar war. nebulous hyperions hypothesize the comings of a gratuitus turbulant gravitational trebulation. The trumpets will sing im sure as i scream towards a silent night I am but a silent sight.
I think im just nervous. Get this, its worse and, im trying but its.. Ya never know where friends stand aint done much for them been a long time since I found a new storm to set up in. lightning rods making neurons here we are,
i am a social *****.

The bubbling bravado of new hopes to swaddle are dopped and crushed. the fontenal of my chitinus exterior is pressed and my fear is here to be pulled out and dangled in my face it feels shameful.
Words pass the throat and are shreded by smoke stained teeth and i think if i fumble enough my bumbling lips may stitch the sentence back up and i might just make sense.

My hands are shaking again
My heart is racing and then
My mind races and bends
Anxiety is the buzzing bashful brother of exitment and bravado
Lashes out in spazzy gestures
And sends my head space on a trip to burning pastures
Bragadosious i am not
Bed ridden sad sappy ******
Pent up and
My thoughts derail again
Where the hell are my friends
They didnt go anywhere
Its all in my head

Twitchy turbulance tackling full force into tubluar pathways my blood
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
all around me i see the crowd moving like lighting. i start to spin with my eyes gathering information.
my eyes fill the storie i wrote on a blank page.
my world is suronded  by change every where i go.
i don't think i could shut my eyes to blink cause every this is exploding thriving with exitment.
down the street a new house is being build by my othere side a mountain side has been colapsing.

my entire suroundings have been changing.
my mind cant keep up when my heart starts pounding.
where true love comes right in front of me.

my surondings have been exploding with hange
i don't think i can keep up but i might just go madely crazy
you get that
Blank Jan 2016
From my earliest memories
To present day
I have always filled the emptiness
Found in any situation
With incredible adventures
Fabricated by the imagination
Some of them would be a dream of envy
Wishing to escape my own world
But no matter what book, movie, or story I entered
They would eventually fall apart as they grew tiresome
Because there is nothing substantial in envy
Even in the fun it could bring
Reality will always win against our dreams
But dreams give us the conviction
To work towards our desires
The other variety my dreams came in
Was that of exitment and curiosity
About how a situation would or could unravel in reality
These dreams took take place in my world
Still, they would fade as well
Because the moment and opportunity that I dreamt of
Would eventually pass
Whether it had gone the way I imagined or not
At the end of the day
Our dreams are no more, and no less
But if there's one thing I've learned from them
It's that all of our stories
Are something we write
Even if they're affected by outside influences
And the one story that will stick by you
Is the one we call reality
Paul Donnell Nov 2016
My hands are shaking again
My heart is racing and then
My mind races and bends
Anxiety is the buzzing bashful brother of exitment and bravado
Lashes out in spazzy gestures
And sends my head space on a trip to burning pastures
Bragadosious i am not
Bed ridden sad sappy ******
Pent up and
My thoughts derail again
Where the hell are my friends
They didnt go anywhere
Its all in my head

Twitchy turbulance tackling full force into tubluar pathways my blood
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2018
I live on the edge of danger every steep I take is a risk like playing a game of poker and Russian roulette every day I seek the fast track the speed I seek is the danger of going down into a firery BLaze welcome to madness this is you last chance of seeking the dangerous exitment or it game over the faster I go lightning crashes everthing burns to ashes the faster I go the more I know how to push my self to the limits if I go down I'll climb the heights I'll jump off cliffs to feed my addiction the life of a thrill seeking death addick
Anooba Hamza Aug 2018
Happines is what you are..
You are the promises of the
Roads yet to be taken..
You are the new things thats
Waiting in each turns....
You are the surprise to be found
You are the rush of adrenaline
Of a bunjee jumper
You are the exitment
In every explorer, when he unveils
new adventures , in a new place..
You are life...
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2018
Every day I wake up I feel drained the same old routine everything I did is slowly killing me one breath at a time everything feels black and white the exitment grows when my soul lights the fire burning down everything in its path all people do is slowly **** me only driving me crazy till it ends up like a ******* train wreck only leaving me with now energy just aches and pain not ever the pain meds will bring me back to like only start a destructive path of of self hatred and addiction

Not even pills or ***** will bring me back to life

One problem after the other it's like a rainy day only bad part is it's nothing but electric and explosive

As I look at my self in the mirror all I see is me dead deep inside with no way to recharge or even breath I feel like I'm suffocating under all the ******* life throws at me

I feel like I'm a loaded gun ready to go off with a load bang the target is me with a bright red dot on my back

I am mentaly drained sic of the same routine but to **** tired to start a new routine

Let's face it I feel like I'm slowly suffocating

Everthing is killing me one breath at a time
Conall May 2018
The light was fading and so was hope
Encased and locked up
It was now or it was never
And I didn’t agree with the latter

So hurl and gauntlets and off I set
Across field and hedge to them I must get
Encased and locked up
Feel of exitment,trill of right doing

Wrapped with wire , they could not ever leave
Set back , gather clippers to hide up my sleeve
Snap ! And he’s free , sky high magpie
But she ? Still , Encased and locked up

Clatter and pull and struggle
Ferocious fluttering of feathers
He watches from a solemn shed
Like a mourning widow

Time passes like the night breeze
He excepts ones faith so to does she
A sudden rise and dissapereance
Yet she stands still and stays

Encased and locked up.

— The End —