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Allie Rocket Apr 2020
Sometimes I wake trembling with love
And in the rambling moments of my waking mind
Where the unconscious flirts with the conscious
And the mental seduction finds
thoughts not yet shaped to the daily plan
gone anyway
in this lockdown land
In those moments
early very early
I know he’s there
with me
Lays beside me
trembling with love
That’s on a good day.

Allie Rocket May 2020
The birds are singing louder this year
And in the winging insect to nest
They seem to know that the world has changed
you can see the pulse in their breast
Something is better than before
that the air feels fresher
and the trees speak louder
as they perch awhile and rest.

Have you heard the birds?
Go in the park and close your eyes
listen clear and just hear.
They’re talking now no traffic noise near     
No cacophony simple melody                                              
Singing their voice of spring on the move
music to soothe our lockdown nerves
The birds bring a balm sweet-smelling to calm
filling the air with an offering
to soften our suffering
if that’s the mood we’re in
bringing gentle strength to us again.

Have we got a new song to sing to them ?                                        
I’m wondering.


— The End —