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99 · Mar 10
I hate every second of hopes and waiting for an illusion that is never existing.

Why am I in this?

A Man that is messing up my life who never remember me and.....hmmm... Who seems to never remember I ever lived... All I got is his brutal lies and gbam I forgive and let in but all to see him slip away cowardly.

Smile... I am just a fool...
Remembering everything and still can't see the reason why my life is entangled In this ******* lies.

I hate myself,I hate the time I spent with you.
I hate you with all my heart and being.

I am fun to be with.
Everyone fights to be with me but whenever I see the commitment, boom 💥 I blow it up for no reason. And if I couldn't get them off I blocked them and try to change my location.

What a demon in me!!!
What a wasted time I have been since I know you.
Don't want to be a fool again
97 · Apr 2021
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2021
Reading your status makes me sad
Walking down our past
Makes me feel how hurt your heart feels.
Feeling like to come your door if you can open it
So I can help you get better

But I know it's not the heart that
Needs to be healed or fixed
But it's the mind
That stores pieces of memories
That still hurts and makes you cry.

But opening your heart
And speaking your truth can
Open the gate to your total Happiness
That you may thank the universe for
Because if you can see clearly
The past help you to be who you are today.

How I will you can call my name
In this hurt state you are
And I will open your heart to the true
Desires of love.
I wish you all the best
94 · Apr 2020
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
All day long, over a long Straight rails.
Like an inflexible wind over the endless sand.
Across parched lads and lasses where the lads twisted their arms in torment.

All day long,all along the lines,
Past the same little station,
Past black lads jostling like birds at the gate of schools

All day long, sorely rattled by the iron train and dusty and hoarse.
Behold me seeking to forget you in the pastoral heart of since!
With all my heart...❤️
93 · Jun 2020
Gone Too Soon
Bolaji Temilola Jun 2020
Waking up to hear your voice calling me "Tosynnnneeee" but all I heard is a man's voice saying you are on your way to eternity to be my angel.

I rushed out to check on d day maybe it was a dream.
I checked my call log to check d last time you called me which was 10pm.
And now 10hours later you are so eager on your journey to divine.
Leaving me in this dilemma

While I was thinking how your wedding will be.
How proud I will be to make your day wonderful but alas, You are gone to the world beyond.

You left without a trace.
You called to say goodbye but sleep had taken me
You gave me love throughout our time of knowing each other.
I love you so much but destiny can never be changed.
That is how the divine written ur story.
Thanks to God that you left without a sickness or accident.
Thanks for being my guardian angel above.

I love you but God loves you more.

Good Bye
88 · Apr 2020
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
Beneath a foggy down of today,
I see my tomorrow!
Beckoning like a beacon,
Let this Vista
That I see bring me world
When creative minds
Wins crown of humor
Calling out love
86 · Apr 2020
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
We are often let down by the most trusted people.
And loved by the most unexpected ones.
Some make us cry for things that we haven't done while some ignore our faults and just see our smile.
Some leave us when we need them the most while some stay with us even when asked them to leave

The world is a mixture of people.
We just need to know which hand to shake
And which hand to hold!
After all, that's life,learning to hold on
And learning to let go.
Sunday Quote
85 · May 2023
Bolaji Temilola May 2023
Looking through my page,
Coming to a friend who betrayed me,backbitten and mocked me after being a true friend with her.

We fought,we separated and went on our own way.
But I just looked at her page and find nothing to say than

"The Universe knows the best."

Life is so wonderful,that the person, who you think life should be punished is the one life will favour most.

It took me some hours to check deep in me how I am and the life of a betrayal...

Then I realised nothing but to be grateful in all. For only the universe knows how and when!

Grateful for my life ❤️🧬 xo
Forgiveness matters
85 · Apr 2020
Divine love
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
Ordinary love is selfish, darkly rooted in desires and satisfactions. Divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change. The flux of the human heart is gone forever at the transfixing touch of pure love.

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.
Bolaji Temilola Jul 2020
How do we measure closeness?
Not in miles alone ,for I feel closer to you every year even though you're far away.
Although I miss all our casual hellos and chats. I miss reading your messages where you addressed me as my love or my sugar... Oh it hots!
I missed your touch,your sweet voice that usually sing a song" Oh baby! Oh,baby!" I missed your sincere love that was painfully waiting for me which I was blinded to by actually insecurities and fear. I miss everything about you.

I wish the universe can tell you how much I missed you. But still I know waiting for you will never be regretted. I am still at your beck and call my love.
Love you
78 · Sep 2020
Missing you
Bolaji Temilola Sep 2020
When we are apart, I felt so left out
Everywhere feels hell like,
Everythings seems so burdened
But sometimes,a phone call
Or a text message can bring is so close.

Most times when it did come
I will see how happy I am but once the call ends or I finished reading your message,I always realized once again the distance that seperate us.

I think about all we have shared
The dreams we shared them
Our thoughts that were one
And our unmatchable love we shared.
I miss seeing you
I miss your voice
I miss everything about you.
And I can't wait to be with you again.
Loving You Always
75 · Sep 2020
You Make Me Proud
Bolaji Temilola Sep 2020
Each morning I wake up to a new day
I always look forward to your heartfelt message which always come in handy.
I will read an read till I start laughing.

You are a God sent
You are beautiful at heart
You are the most precious thing I could ever dream of
Your the BEST
You make me Proud to be a woman.
Living you all the way
73 · Apr 2020
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
There are 12months throughout the year from January to December. And the primest month of all the 12 is the beautiful month of April.

A month when rain begins,giving the earth the most wanted water and to the man,the purest water in all. The dying grass flowers. Leaves and crops bloom out it's beauty. And fruit ripe+Yellow,come showering down for the consuption in the bountiful day of April.

There are flowers enough at the same time,more flowers I could describe. Many butterflies came out with their beautiful colours to attract flowers and to nourishes them. But none with yellow,brown and dull Pink. That makes the flowers of April more pretty,the gorgeous flowers of the month, beautiful and pretty butterflies of April.

And the weather gives the best comfortable weather where you'll not be cool or hot. The sky looks through a clearer blue. And the moon at night gives a clearer light given a parabola shape.
Oh! This bountiful flower of April is your wonderful and special day, Nathaniel Enyinnaya. And I am here to wish you a happy birthday and all the beautiful thing that life can give.
Always in my heart!!!
71 · Mar 10
Waking up today and feeling so ***** like never before.
Tried all I could to be myself throughout the day in service.
Gotten home quickly to work on cooling my body that is on fire of fantasy.
Which has been an ages I have felt like this.
I told the lion that woken up the ghost In me
And he tried to help but has to go.

I slept off while trying to cool the fire in me
And when I woke up,I got a message that you need to go out. Which was so ok for me.
But alas despite the wait to hear your voice which I thought will cool my ache one way or the other,
Then... Boom 💥💥💥..... You have to go!

And the feeling got so hot 🔥🔥🔥 and painful.

Wow.... When I felt nothing we used to be for an hour or more now that I feel so ***** thinking hearing your voice will help then boom 💥💥💥 you're off...
Why love is always hurt?
Why others don't feel the pain?
Why am I always fall into these?

I think I always get it wrong.
And I need to choose me.
Wants to be me
70 · Dec 2023
Bolaji Temilola Dec 2023
Life happens to you when you're making other plans.
You start with your own dreams and ideas
You plan your life accordingly
And then you realized it doesn't work that way.
That things don't work out as you planned

Changes forces you to ask questions
You have to face your fears and question yourself.
And that makes you stronger 💪
I am enough
Bolaji Temilola May 2023
I've been living with a shadow over my head
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been alone for so long

Stuck in the past i cant move forward
Been hiding all my hopes and dreams
Just in case I need them again someday

I've got time set aside
To clear some space in the corners of my mind
All I wanna do is find my way back to love
I cant overcome without a path back to love

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been looking but i don't see any signs
I know it is somewhere
It’s gotta be something for my soul somewhere

I'm lookin for somebody to emit some light
Not just someone to spend the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I wanna do is find my way back to love
I cant overcome without a path back to love

What if I open my heart again
I guess I'm waiting for you to be there for me in the end
There are times when I don't know if this is real
Or if anyone else feels how I do
I needed an inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I wanna do is find my way back to love
I cant overcome without a path back to love
What if I open up my heart to you
I hope you show me what to do

What if you help me start over
You know I'll be there for you in the long run.
May the good Lord pave the way for you.
67 · Apr 2020
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
Searching my heart
I can see nothing but true love.
You may search your heart too
Maybe we got the same feelings.
You may search your soul also
Maybe our feelings is not different.
Then I may call our souls,

Looking to my heart
Then you will find only the true one
Darling,take my heart
Then I will sacrifice it to you.

There is no other love in the water.
There is no other way
Maybe of a golden on the earth
All the way but inside the "SWEET HEARTED PERSON"
Missing You
66 · Jun 2020
Waiting For You
Bolaji Temilola Jun 2020
Keeping in faith.
Trusting in God. And waiting for you to come back soon.

If waiting for you take a life time
I will endeavour to wait patiently till you realize I am here waiting and come back to me.

Loving you I all I want
Having you by my side always I all my job
But if loving you from a distance is the solution I will patiently love you that way.
Because you are my life. And I am waiting for the universe to do His magic and bring you back here next to me.
Loving you so much my soulmate.
64 · Jul 2020
Encounter Of The Mind
Bolaji Temilola Jul 2020
Waking up to see your beautiful quotes from my page makes me feel like a woman.
Your words sweet my heart and make it more younger each and every day.

How I wish I am with you to feel each words in my heart,to hear then with my ears. Showing you how happy I am. And how wonderful you make me feel.

Here is my gratitude from here to you. Loving you would have been the best thing but.... Distance is my darling enemy. But still my heart is so glad I have you❤️.
Happy to know you
63 · Dec 2023
Bolaji Temilola Dec 2023
It's very hard for people to find their right place in life.
It's even harder for them to find their right person.
Young people may not understand
But if you find that person

If you let go, then you will never find them
The road never end,
You can move on your own way
But you will need a friend to accompany you on that way

Our ancestors once said and I quote
"Choose a friend before choosing a path"
Those who look will surely find.
And when you do
Don't ever let go!
Don't Let Go
62 · Oct 2020
Bolaji Temilola Oct 2020

Cocooning away with my
Lover David P Carroll today
Falling in love with him feels so beautiful every day,

It's like climbing a mountain
Once your at the top you truly
See it's beauty between you and me,

Together in love we'll be with the Lord's
Blessings shining upon us
Every day we thank him and
Pray to him for our happiness and joy we share together every night,

So just listen to my heart
Every day it's beating
I love you I could never love Another man darling
As much as I truly love you.
61 · Apr 18
I don't care how you are
I don't care who you're
I only care for whom I see
What I care for is a true person in you

I don't care where you come from
I don't care where you live
Tribe or race has no place in me
I care for our safety and heart 💜

No matter your color,
No matter your pocket,
No matter where you are
I care for what you love and who you are

I don't care what my people says
Or what your people thinks
I only care for our happiness
I only care for our peace ✌️
Care for you
60 · Jun 2020
Bolaji Temilola Jun 2020
Knowing what causes delay makes me feel down.
Asking for your forgiveness is another tragic.
Wishing for second chance is understatement
But waiting for the universe to turn the table around for good is divine and fate.

I am waiting for you cos I know it will be eternal love.......
Loving you is all I want, darling.❤️
Miss you
57 · Sep 2020
Beating With me
Bolaji Temilola Sep 2020
I love looking into your eyes.
When I see them
Every time you smile
And I love kissing your lips for a while

And when we hold hands
Our love shines so bright
And I softly whisper
I love you then
I love you today and now

In my arms he'll be
And in my heart he'll live.
Beating along with me

I love my life so much
Because you are forever
In my heart beating with me..
My my ever
Bolaji Temilola Dec 2023
What a rumbling heart I have been feeling since daybreak?.

Why is my heart feels so happy?

why is your name keep threatening me this way?

Can you hear my heart calling for you?

All day long,all what my heart was saying is soon I will see you.

I tried to distract myself but I only end up feeling you.

is it possible you too are yearning for me

As my heart and body is?

Can you hear me calling into you?

pls talk to me, I am dying to hear your voice,my love.
Calling for you
53 · Feb 11
Oh! What A Feeling!
Seen your hi, I can't understand the feeling.
Reading from you make me feel butterflies swinging.
I don't know when I start telling you the truth about me
I talked to you as if I have known you for ages.

You make feel like a woman even without seen you
You feel like home while chatting with you.
You make see through me without seen me.

I bless the day you choose to say hi to me
I thank the Universe for this connection.
I believe this is my new beginnings I have been waiting for.

I wish this feelings become something tangible.
I will love you with all my might
Wish to live you more
48 · Sep 2020
Believe Power
Bolaji Temilola Sep 2020
What online blessing you are
When I first saw you on that planet
I thought I saw a mistery
But when I look deeper
I realized I saw an Angel from above,

When I got to know you better
I fell so much in love,

When I started loving you
My heart skipped a beat,
And fear of the unknown filled my soul

And now... My gorgeous sweetheart
You mean everything to me
Even though you are far away
I realized I can't see any other to occupy your space

I Love You,

And on that warm day
You took my breath away,
You take me to the ninth cloud
I'll never forget that magical day!

And all what I see
Is the happiness and joy in my life,
The peace in my heart
And you in my arms.
Icing my cake with love

And forever in my heart
I find all the love I truly need in you

What I see in you,
What I experience in you
Is everything I need in a man
Because sweetheart
I truly feel  I love you with all my heart..
Till Eternity
46 · Feb 6
Even if I can't see you, I can feel you.
Even if I can't see you,I know you are okay
Being silence doesn't mean I don't think of you, it just means I respect your space and your will.
That's why I succumb to ensure I am happy in whatever I am experiencing.

For you are my heart.
The only one my heart calls his name
The only one that made me loose control of myself.
You are my then,my now and my ever be.
My love for you can't fail. But it will surely wait for you my one and only love.
Love is patient
43 · Apr 18
Oh,Star! Make me bright
Bright as you are
Like a diamond in sky.
Make me bright all the time
Make me a star just like you are

Oh, Star⭐! Make me proud,
Make me a best in all endeavors,
Wish to  be my friend throughout the time
That I trust you with my life

Oh,Star ⭐! Make me the best
In all I do and what i say,
Let my voice be heard
And make me a legend
With you by my side,
All is possible
Written by my daughter
41 · Feb 7
Whenever I think of losing up,
I always remember your cool eyes
That always reminds me of the shock you are battling with.

This kind of feelings that makes you unsure of your emotions
This look that truly shows your fears and insecurities

This look that makes you feel like running all the time.
This feelings that is killing you gradually that you lost your confidence for.
This feelings that makes you so dump that you can't truly express your true feelings.

I sure recall it all and I got no choice than to succumb to the flow.
I pray 🙏 it worth the wait eventually.
For I realized I can't love any other person the way I love you
Still very much in love with you
40 · May 22
Good relationships don't just happen,
They take time, patience
And two people who truly wants to be together.
True love doesn't mean being inseparable, and no flaws.
It just means being separated, accepting each other's flaws,love keeps bonding and nothing changes.

You are the sun that always shine on me every morning
You are the moon I gaze on every evening
My body keeps mentioning your name
And my heart beats for only you.
You are the source of my joy, The center of my world
And the whole of my heart.
If I did anything right in my life, it was because I gave my heart to you and you keep it.

Forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.
Through the best and worst time.
My heart will always remember our beautiful memories.
Not a night goes by without you being in my dreams.
You are the man my soul yearn for
You're my wildest imaginations,
You're my fantasy!

Even though you are far away, you are close to me as my breath.
You bring happiness to my life.
I want you, all of you, your success, your flaws, your mistakes, your imperfections.
I pray you overcome your fears
And wear your confidence which fall in love with them.
But despite it all,
I want you and only you,
Every other thing is a mirage!

You're my forever Go-To
Forever in my heart 💜💜💜
39 · Apr 10
I can't just love somebody
Just because I see their highest timeline.
Who you are has no meaning.
I have to be with who they are right now.

To enjoy who they truly are right now.
For I deserve better
For I am love.
And I deserve truelove
I don't need to sweat it before it comes to me.
I deserve it all
Eternal love
38 · May 5
It's very hard for people to find their right place in life
It's even harder for them to find their right person
You won't get it because you're still young
But if you find that person,
Don't ever let go.

If you let go of them
Then you'll never find them
The road never end
You can move on your own way
But you'll need a friend to accompany you on that way
Our ancestors once said ;
" Choose a FRIEND before choosing a PATH"
Those who look will find them.
38 · Apr 10
Emotions feels like a wailing
Of the ocean
Thoughts filling up my head.
Can't keep them all straight.
Maybe I am in my right state
Do I love him, or do I hate him?
Do I want him either way?
Or he is only playing games.

He's all I've ever thought about.
No matter what we have been through. If I held out a little longer, loved a little harder, would all my dreams have finally come true?

I tried my hardest to show him, just how much love I had. I told him,
Severally I assured him
I gave him space,
just to please understand.

When I met you
You're all I've ever wanted,
my dreams come to life.
The unbelievable, undeniable love
My fairy tail love and passion
But then came the sword.

The two eye sword to my heart
When I thought I was finally yours. Not able to be myself anymore.
Hiding behind doors.
Hoping not to ever leave you

Scared to do anything,
Afraid you might get upset.
Losing my soul because he doesn't trust me again.
I find myself constantly confused.
What have I done?
Is loving you a curse

Battling my thoughts.
What happened to him?
Why did this all start
After I opened up my heart
And let him in?
When our happiest of times were ahead of us.
I thought I need to show you to my world
And we must be having a day together.
Hoping he loves me..

He can't think I'm this awful person can he? I don't know what I've done wrong?
I just want it back to when I felt like we belong.  
Never feel I'm good enough for anyone,
No matter how hard I try.
Always thinking I'm doing something wrong,
Sabotage myself and won't allow myself to fly.

I was mad at him for so long, not understanding what happened to us. When all I ever gave him was nothing but my trust.

My love turned to fear and I became scared to go on with Ife. But what am I to do now. I'm feeling so lonely.
Will I ever be enough for him? Will he ever see? My true heart and soul. I just want him forever with me.

All I kept wanting was things to go back to the way they began.
When we were so happy. Always hand in hand.
Although years went by and time has past,
My thoughts of you have managed to last.  

Wondering what if?
What if I just stayed and not accused him?
Would he have finally seen what I've been trying to say?

Will he see I love him with my whole heart? Without him I've been nothing. Feeling ripped apart.
How could he do this to me? Yet still have my heart? There must be something else between us.  Something hiding in the dark.

Asking the universe if he still thinks of me. I just need him for a minute. Please show him to me.
Then after so many years, I finally found you. But now what do I say? What do I do?  I know I need to see you, I need to talk to you.

Tell you my side and hope to know yours. Find some closure for each other. Finally close some doors.
Is that what I want? To close all doors? To never see or hear from you? The thought makes me want you more.

Is it just me that is feeling these things? Or tell me you feel them too. Because not one day has went by that I haven't thought of you.
Now please don't get me wrong, I don't only think of the bad.
I remember all the amazing, loving, treasured moments that we had.

All the times you showed me you loved me. I could see it in your eyes. The way you cared and held onto me, I knew it in my mind.
I knew you were the one for me, with you I would have stayed. You made me feel so beautiful. Every single day.

For that I thank you. For making me feel seen. I just wish you have believed what you seen in the beginning.
I'm just a girl, who got hurt by the man she loves. Never truly forgot him, and this is because...

Because what we had was real. The most real I've ever felt. Our souls created something together, but unfortunate hands were dealt.
I lost so much that day, you see.
The man I loved, myself and my fashion dreams.

Going through that alone was the hardest thing. Not to  understand one ******* thing. No one to empathize with me. I felt so empty. Literally life ripped away from me.

Tried for years to make sense of it,
But I realized letting you go
Is the best solution
Which is feeling more at peace with it now.
Although, ****!
I can't stop thinking about you. But I will work on it.
I can see that the spirit and the Universe has my back.
I will find love again
And I will tell you how I got it back whole?
April 1st 2024
Ne journey, beginning of life
37 · Sep 2020
Your Dreams
Bolaji Temilola Sep 2020
Believe in your dreams
Believe I the raindrops,in the sun
As bright,happy flower grow tall....

Believe in the future of your dreams
Believe that shadows are gone with the dawn
And hope will be shining anew...
There's a magic you know,
in believing the best
For believing makes wishes come true.

Have faith in tomorrow
Believe in yourself
And your wishes are sure to come...
For there's happening waiting
To happen to someone
As nice and special as you!
Only You Sweetheart
Bolaji Temilola Jun 2020
Waking up, felling you so much making me remembering the song of Dolly Parton and I played it as I am writing this to you

I can't forget you
Ever since the moment that I met you
You've been on my mind
And I need to somehow let you know
That I think about you all the time

So when you think about love, think about me
I can give you more than you'll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me

We were strangers
Now I'm already wrapped around your finger
Oh what's a heart to do
'Cause it lingers
And the thought of you
Wantin' me as much as I want you

So when you think about love, think about me
I can give you more than you'll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me

Makes me blue
I'm not holding you tonight
'Cause only you can satisfy
This heart of mine

So when you think about love, think about me
I can give you more than you'll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me
Always on my mind
36 · Jan 26

She met him on the street
Hustling for white-collar job
Under the scorching heat with dusty feet
She accepted to be his heart throb

Her first visit to his house
She saw nothing but charcoal stove
He lived like a mouse; how could she possibly be his spouse?
She looked into his eyes and gave him love overdose

She watered his head with ideas
She planted wisdom in his heart
She gave him strength and took his weakness
She turned his cart into an art

Days drove into months and months strolled into years
He stood on his feet
She buried his fears by lending him listening ears
In a twinkling of an eye, his bitter sweat became sweet

Those were her decisions
What are yours?
Did a guy sell his television to give you provisions?
Love is not looks that lure but trait that cures
Power of real woman ♀️
35 · Apr 10
Looking up to my life.
Seen only your image
Searching my heart,
Seen only Your image and name
Then I know you are my true love in life  

Each day,I fight to stop seen you
But you kept on making ways into my life and heart
And I love you so much
Every day your in my heart.
With me to stay.
You are my best friend in life
My best companion and adventure half

And one day the father of my children. 
 I wonder how my heart always come home
To discuss my day with you in 5D. 
 I see us growing old together.
Having a bright future forever.  

Becoming a life legends
Hand in hand we go watching the sunset
And in the glow of your bright eyes. Watching myself laughing in your pupils
And your special smile killing me softly.  

My gorgeous sweetheart 
 I know that I have found my perfect soulmate in you
Because I love you so much
Even when you're this far
Your love is New in my heart everyday.
And there's a special place for you and me.
Together in my heart we'll be..
....Till Eternity!
35 · Mar 10
Having seen it in a rough way
Knowing waiting is killing you gradually
And looking for the real always end up to heartbreak 💔
Then I succumb to flaunt it
To keep enjoying the moment!

Go for it, babe
For many times when I think I can ler go
I keep trying to do what you tell me and focusing on the brighter future
But the past just keep kicking me in the ***.

So I am off the real
I am on my way to fantasy.
I will explore and enjoy it all.
No more waiting
No more hoping
All I get is having it hot🔥🔥🔥.

Yeah 👍!
That is the new life I am going into.
That's my new beginnings
That's what truly matter now.
Freedom of a broken 💔
30 · Feb 8
Lately,I got this feelings,
Even if I can't understand it's meaning
But I know it's strong
And it's about you
Because all I want it to be with you
For living without you is nothing.

Most nights, different city with brighter light and melodious music
Which should be pretty
But they can't be compared
To your rhythm and the light from you

Can't wait till you come back home
I know it's late,hold you above the phone.
It's so hard getting on by myself
So call me, leave me messages
At the tone I know.
I know we can make it work
Only for us to communicate

I'm waiting... So hurry back home!!!
Bring the shiny boy,
The confident chap I know.
You better follow the path,
Board the car,bus,train,or go and get a cab or just fly here,jet park
Just ensure you are right here with me.

For I am your puzzle piece,
That you need to solve
So come and solve me.
Our future I see so clear

The Moon,the Star and The Sun
Shine each day telling me it our time
To be happy and rest
So come and take your space,my love.
For I wish you are here
To make the music better
Light more brighter.
For I just wish you are here right now.
Waiting for you my love
27 · May 26
I cried again.
You promised to be better
You came again
And swallowed your promises

You left again.
Sun went down
All for gain?
With a lot of broken promises

Try try again?
No never again.
There’s no blame.
Same of the same.
For I see you're not even happy
Where you choose

So I will get back up
Try it again
With another name.
Ignite a new flame
Open my heart

***** out again
Not a cake
Flame of soul
Someone’s trouble cold

There it goes
Another’s mended soul.
Broken for show
Of a fool I think I am
Thinking they are in control
Not fully grown
Invisible heart necklace

Most painful part
To many hearts
You’ll remember one
One that laughed
Into your eyes.

But they looked back
And shattered it
The soul slithered
Away to hide
No more playing
Had it’s fill

Maybe it’s time
I finally grow
Then you’ll know
Oh you'll know
Who laughed last
The best game

Who got played
And could’ve lasted
But now alone?
They are there
But you're alone
Am I sorry?

Well of course
But lessons are
they surely are
Who can glow
Who is true?
Well it is
I did implore
To save you
To protect you
I cry not

But you’re unsure
Made you name
Without your consent
I am sorry
There’s no try again.

I now know
All I got
Was illusion
Was just a dream
Trying to convince myself
But I have gotten it right now
I only have me.
My heart will go on
26 · Apr 10
I see pass that feeling of not being able to leave the karmic love.
I see pass my feelings of being detached from love.
So I decided to let go of what does not serve me

I let go without given up.
I let go and make it a dynamic and friends at the same time.
Now I choose to be in love
In absolute romantic and friendly

I am having this new love beginnings
For the love for myself
I am in love deeply in love with my joy
I am in love unconditionally
I have to ensure this 3D experience
Is an evidence always in play.
I let go of all that is not bringing happiness
New beginnings
23 · May 5
I don't want your hope to wither
Justice can't be defeated if words are made of glass
Believe me,I won't forget you my love

Even if you're my hell, I'll rush to you without thinking
Just like the world beats with life,
My heart beats with you
If I ever try to leave, hold on to me,
Don't let go of me.

For love is my burden and my troubles
Do we give up our happiness just because of stubbornness and ego?
It's not too late for us
For love is our cure

If you still remember without without freezing,
If you can make others feel you by their side while you're alive.
Isn't that a great miracle?

True love won't freeze,
It'll only melt all the ice,
But only when the love is true
But you're unable to see that truth

You're still waiting,but life is passing by my love  
Just like the world beats with life,
My heart beats with you
If I ever try to leave, hold on to me,
And don't let go of me.
Still here

So happy to say goodbye
For I see it pays at the end
No denying
How I wish we are one.
But I have seen a better and loving days .And they have passed

I look forward to see better
For I have to let go of you
And hope for a better day
I thought it'll be so painful
But now I see better

When I look Back,
I feel i was in a cage or prison of love
I couldn't open up to another person
I couldn't allow love to reign
I became a snob
I became a bully and I couldn't even try another soul

My heart is broken into pieces
Waiting for you to mend it
Hoping the bright sun will shine one day
Gradually, hope becomes delay
Year after year, you feel like a fiction that never true

But when I thought our chance had passed,
You saved the best for a minute
Then you reverse the best
You ghosted me for years
You pretend you never care
And I feel it here you're dying for me.

But whenever I say goodbye,
You rushed to hold me back.
But this time around,
I mean my good bye
It's for the good of all

The last you came over
You left a part of you with me
I had your feelings
I ate so much that I got so worried
And my worrisome was proved right

I was carrying the fruit of our love
I was happy but sad at the same time
For I don't know how you'll react
I don't know what you could say
I was so down of insecurities and fear of tomorrow

What will you say?
How will you react?
No one knows
So I looked up to the sky
And dialogue with the Universe
To do the best for me

And then I felt the pain in my below belly and back
I was scared at the same time I was hoping it goes down,And before I know it
The pain takes away My happiness
Though fearful but it's still my joy
But I lost it for good 👍

Now I am free of you
Don't want to look back
Don't want to keep being a loser
Look into my eyes
You will see how tired I am
Where I think my dreams are blurred

Now I close my eyes
For the last time
I hope I will wake up
In a space and time
Where everything is not broken

Don't want to look back
At what I have left behind
I want to move through the cloud
And fly like angels
And taste sweet serenity
Experience sweet love adventurously

A shadow of our love
My memory will be
Heart will continue to look for you
But I know,my good bye
Will worth it now.
For everyone will be better now
For I will be free and happy
Any make life a better place to live.
What a sweet goodbye!

#happygrief #letgoandletgod #waitingforHismagic

Bolaji Olutosin Temilola
#happygrief #letgoandletgod #waitingforHismagic
22 · Apr 10
I hate every second of hopes
And waiting for an illusion
That is never existing.
Why am I in this?

A Man that is messing up my life
Who never remember me And.....hmmm...
Who seems to never remember I ever lived.
All I got is his brutal lies
And gbam I forgive and let in
But all to see him slip away cowardly.

Smile... I am just a fool...
Remembering everything
And still can't see the reason
Why my life is entangled In this ******* lies.

I hate myself,I hate the time
I spent with you.
I hate you with all my heart and being.
I am fun to be with.

Everyone fights to be with me
But whenever I see the commitment, Boom 💥 I blow it up for no reason. And if I couldn't get them off I blocked them and try to change my location.

What a demon in me!!!
What a wasted time I have been since I know you.
Tear of the heart
16 · Jun 3
You called again, I picked again
You promised to stay, but you left unnoticed
I cried again.,for you left again.
Sun turns yellow, All for gain?

Try try again? No never again.
There’s no blame. Just a lesson
Of being a better me.

Get back up ,Try it again
With another name.Ignite a new flame

***** out again,Not a cake
Flame of soul, Someone’s trouble cold
Walking away unnoticed,once glimpse of waywardness noticed

There it goes,Another’s mended soul.
Broken for show
Of a fool I think I was
Thinkin they are in control
Not fully grown
Invisible heart necklace,
But healed and strong

Most painful part,To many hearts
You’ll remember one,One that laughed
Into your eyes.
One that makes you feel like a goddess
That supported your dreams
But turned to be the runner

But they looked back,And shattered it
The soul slithered, Away to hide his fear
No more playing, Had it’s fill

Maybe it’s time,I finally grow
To explore the world without you
Then you’ll know,you'll then understand
Who laughed last, wins the best game

Who got played, And could’ve lasted
But now alone? They are there
But you're alone, Am I sorry?
For it's what you called for yourself.

Well of course,But lessons are there
They surely are.
Who can glow? The healed heart
Well it is,I did implore
To save you,To protect you

I now know, All I got
Was illusion.Was just a dream
Trying to convince myself
But I have gotten it right now
I only have me.

And my peace stands.
For I chose me, myself and I
And I give me a pat on the back
For lessons gotten write.
I am Enough

— The End —