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It's a shame,
That roses have thorns,
But nothing's ever easy,

We're the same,
We learn to crawl,
Before our footing's steady,

Through the pain,
We all learn,
To find the meaning of beauty,

Thus, you came,
And made me fall,
And love is what you taught me.
 May 2023 Michael C Crowder
And like that
my voice has been stolen away
Anxiety barricades like invisible steel walls
Trapped, I’m left banging with clenched fists
A prisoner within my own head
My brain a chemically imbalanced warden
My mind in solitary confinement
i've been denied bail | h.t
 May 2023 Michael C Crowder
An account of life
A breathe of air
An ounce of care
Inevitably to live
The plants grow
The water flows
As the wind slows
There is life everywhere
Flying and swimming
Crying and grinning
Crawling on my hand
Unending cycle
With touch it tickles
Surrounding filled infinites
Tinier than tiny
I am killing them all slowly
As I live.
the angel on my shoulder
picked up smoking,
the devil on the other
took up yoga—

they don't know
how much they have
in common.
is all you have. Are you
going to listen to all
the **** empty men
that turned cold
fed you?

One move
is all it takes to make
or break you. You can’t go
down without a fight. This isn’t
a rehearsal. It’s life!

One woman
is with you. Look inside
the mirror. I can’t speak it
clearer. If you won’t fill yourself
don’t look to a man to fill you It took years
to let go of my fears that people
are talking about me. Now I do for myself –
no apologies
garbage out

see the world
and everything in it
as dark

crop up as weeds
full of disease
do nasty deeds

don’t like themselves
so they ruin it
for you
it’s all they can do
Share your secrets with me
And I'd keep them from the world

Dream your dreams with me
So that I could catch you if you fall

Tell me your fears
And I’ll be your armor

Whisper your deepest, darkest thoughts
And I’ll save you from yourself

Show me your insecurities
And I’ll give you my eyes so that you can see your perfections

Love me with all of you
And I promise I’d do the same
Para mi amor
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