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CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
am I awake
will it take
To let
my head rest
Pillows, heating pad, oxygen
I try my best
More pills to
numb the pain
Staying awake all night
is driving me insane
Too many thoughts in my head
unable to sleep in my bed
write poems all night
Thank God for this site

I’ll try sleepy time tea
and melatonin
And I will have to *****

Ten more pillows
For the sheep to jump in the willows
Good night
Wishful thinking
CJ Sutherland Apr 15
Tares among the wheat
Man, loves darkness, rather than light
Sheep among the wolves

Right wrong and wrong right
Satan’s rules the world today
Wolves devour sheep
This type of Haiku is
done with two separate poets
. The first Haiku poses an idea or question
The second Haiku responds
For this exercise I wrote both Haiku
This type of haiku is called
CJ Sutherland May 2018
Autobiography and memoirs  
Are more then just a way
To share stories
They can keep family in touch
Sharing yesterday and today
Accolades and glories

When we have passed on
Your memories will fade in to gone
Who will remember our life
Our children, husband, wife
It’s the memories we share
For those to read and care
Told directly by you the more you give
The Stronger your voice will live

With sites such as  
Ancestry and family tree
Our next Generation can learn and see
However Only Legacy story can be told
A deeper perspective as we grow old

Writing your  autobiography  
  book of short stories,memories to share
From youth to old age secrets are there
Every emotion from joy to pain
Life’s lesson our refrain

If you choose a  memoir to share
A  specific time frame is centered there
A detailed event or period Is time
Sharing what you learned
The good the bad  exposing the crime  

Everybody has a story to tell
Situations create life’s joy or hell
an exceptional life have one
Every story is different Once you begun

I have kept a journal, diary books
since  the age 12 twelve I started writing
I was hooked
Capturing the emotion
in the moment
Our heart a deap ocean
its powerful, accurate writing what I saw
Yes sometime exstreamly raw
An actual account what you saw
did ,feel ,the whole ordeal

In some cases
you’ll have to change the names
to protect the guilty
face it, we’re all guilty of something

People like stories
that are based on real events
if you seek publication

Carpe Deim
Time is of the essence
Society is fascinated with
Stories of the past
Your voice, spirit will last
You will be celebrated remembered
A relatable story people will grasp
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
For all
Dear Lord
Our  hearts  are
full of wonder
As We
the Miracle
Of Jesus’ Birth.
We lift our Voices
In Song and Praises
And Prayers of Gratitude.
Every Heart Glows with the Joy
that comes from knowing   YOU.
We thank you Father for Loving Us
With a LOVE    so GREAT    you sent
Your Only SON
In Whose
We Pray

John 3:16
so Loved 
the world
He   gave   His
Only begotten Son
That who                 so ever
Believeth                     in Him
Shall not.               Perish
But       have

In the.            World
Shows.        God’s
for.             US
More than the Gift
Of His Precious SON
May.    our     Hearts
Be        filled.       with
JOY and Gratitude
As                 We
This would be a great prayer for Christmas Day when everyone is consumed with STUFF
let’s remember
CJ Sutherland Apr 22
Life happens

While we make our plans

Nobody really understands

Kismet, destiny or God’s plan

We all carry our own belief

Really is a cruel thief
Politic’s keep scores

Play Ad Hominem wars

Code of Ethics gone

Spew Dirt, Salacious Slander

Government Gerrymander

A Tanka Haiku
Is identified as five lines
31. Syllables.
There may be different literary devices, personification, metaphors and similes
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day 3 – 6–24
Ad Hominem refers to attacks on an opponents character, rather than their point of view. Adjective it is seen as bad and wrong
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
This is the hardest thing
For me to say
Harder still to have gone through
The Whole ordeal

I have COPD on oxygen
Walk with a cane
surgery set my 2nd total knee replacement

Physical violence
Elderly abuse   
It happens to others
not me

My ***** secret
Of blame and shame
It’s my fault
if I wouldn’t have
done this or that
It wouldn’t have happened
If only

I  deserved it
Why is the negative stuff
easier to believe

My adult daughter
My only child
Love of my life
Hit me,hurt me
Beat me up
She went for my lungs punching
My knee so I couldn’t walk

Cold and calculated then because
Inadvertently scratched her
Trying to get her off of my chest
I couldn’t breath

Stunned by the scratch
She went to see what I had done
Came out with a curling iron
Beat me with it until the
medal Part broke off
on my legs and knees

She Calling the police because she had a mark
I begged her to put the phone down
I told her "you don’t think I have marks"
She wanted me to suffer in jail
With no medications

Subsequently she was arrested
Assalt with a weapon
In the end
She will blame It all on me
I’m Still trying to wrap my head
Around what happened

I’m stunned
To see  deep dark hatred
In the eyes

Of my only child
My loved one
Hatred me enough to
Get on top of me punching me
In my chest
I couldn’t breath

I have cuts and bruises  
That will fade
But most importantly
Harder still is the realization
I am not safe
around her
I’m so devastated

After reflection, contemplation
I believe
It’s stems from money
I received an inheritance
She thinks , She is entitled

When money was no longer
Anger,hatred was unleashed
From the pit of hell

The flood of other events
Of bullying ,aggressive behavior
Verbal and physical
Her whole life
Came to mind

I blocked it all out
Until it was pointed out to me
I have to accept
My part in all this
I let her escape the consequences of her youth
I created a monster
With my good intentions
No one is perfect
Children do not come with an instruction manual

That being said
I did not raise her to be disrespectful
To lie,cheer, steel
Break the Ten Commandments

Although she lives a few hours away
I’m still afraid
I hate feeling helpless, weak

I dream she is
Standing over me
With a knife
Wanting to **** me

Then I wake up
I’m not coping
I need help

I’m morning the loss of
my only child
Who grew willful and wild
I can NEVER be safe around her

This realization
Has me in effect
Morning the loss
of our Relationship
Of my only child

The grandchildren
Have been a part of my life
A third parent at times
I have very strong connections
With each of them

I will not
Let her use them as pons
In her games
Hostages against me
It stops now

Her  jealousy
Loathing, dispise of me
Has only deepened through her life
I’m the reason for every bad thing that happens
No matter if I’m around or not
I love my daughter with every bit of my heart
Money the root of all evil
always walking on eggshells
3 months old little Paddle began to change
His fluffy yellow feathers rearranged
His new feathers silvery brown exchanged

A little taller in stature, neck now long
Mrs. Fiddle and Mr. Faddle waddle doddle
Little paddle, full of **** and vinegar
full throttle singing a song

One fine day his family got larger, they say
Mrs. Toodles, and Mr. Doodles and their
3 triplets aunt, uncle cousins, arrived today
Doodle , Caboodle, and Scoodle  Triplets
The girls walking  and talking  liplets

The triplets Doodle, Caboodle,Scoodle and little Paddle scurry flurry off to play
Mrs Fittle, Mr Faddle, Mrs Tootle, Mr. Doodle  between them not much to say
Frazzled and dazzled, caring for their offspring each day

The geese parents getting older
The Young gaggle of geese growing bolder
As the weather grew colder?

The familys stay away from the flock
Each day time takes away the ever changing clock
Both parents know one thing fear the dock

The first snippet and tip it good weather
No longer needing those thick feathers like a sweater
The sweet smell of flowers, hang in the air, lilac, and Heather

It’s time to learn how to Fly
The gaggle of geese begin to nervously cry
Trying to lift off the ground their parents
Not a sound, cautiously, look around
Keep trying, encourage, parent geese flying
Take a run for the sky lift off high battle cry

The exquisite excitement is in the air
Feathers to and fro flailing everywhere
The triplets hover lovers without a care
Little paddles Svelte feathers show a tare
Slowly draft drifted Earth bound
A shaky *** slump, defeated down

Mrs. Fittle, and Mr. Faddle right behind
Little paddle’s battle to stay in the air
Incidence grew in intensity with Care

The truth his feathers were just not ready
Sadly madly he wanted to soar not steady
His wings too small it was not his time
The hardest lesson is being left behind

Little paddle’s glorious day will come
He will gleefully glide, in the big blue sky
With Mrs. fiddle and Mr. Faddle closely by
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Svelte 6-1-24
described slender and a tractive, graceful way something sleek, such as an article of clothing
Incidence 6-2-24
To grow in intensity
CJ Sutherland Dec 2020
Love of my life  
His beloved wife
He barks
I bite
bickering  never ends
I try to smile
Married  to my best
what happened to us?
The next day
I write a note
let’s start again
try to make amends
His endless
wins the day
else to say
what was I
The warning
are blinking
Every night
another vicious
  cycle repeat
neither one
will retreat
He in his room
I in mine
Is this how
we will spend
  the end of
What happened to
Until  death, do we part
To our hearts
To love, honor, cherish
Did our love parish
are we  blind
Each path
we walk
in silence we reflect
what will we find
this is his
that is mine
can we possibly
Hoping to find the love
we once knew
When two hearts came together
we grew
The love we both knew
we need to take
the road less
I’m willing to
no more tears
Married 35 years together 37 it’s a struggle every day not quite sure what to say. It’s getting bad and I’m really sad. I’m holding on by a thread so I write to find Grace 12-1-20
Brilliant minds have decided
To take the next logical step?
They have gathered for
A five day foist Symposium onAI.

What is artificial intelligence made for?
Unbeknownst to humanity scientist focus
On the areas of most significance;
Killing, spying, and brainwashing

Killing soldiers. Relentlessly Efficient,
Plundering Fortunes, spoils of war
******, death, ****, w/o moral ambiguity
Conscience has everyone keeping score

Spying surveillance twenty four seven
No more privacy, monitoring ALL activities
Political views, ****** orientation, money,
Phone, anything deemed inappropriate

“Know it all’s” will immediately rebuff  
This point of view
Conspiracy theory, right on cue
Their response is likely par for the course

You will own nothing And you must love it
Brainwashing, mind control, a brain chip
Keyboarding your thoughts, can it obtain
Who you are, your soul, what will remain?

Are we setting the proverbial stage
For a new form of human existence  life?
Will humans be hunted, The logical treat
AI self taught survival Evolution machine
BLT ;Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge
Unbeknownst6-15-24 unknown to a person or group.
Rebuff 6-14-24 to rebirth is to reject or criticize sharply
This was sitting in my draft poems and I forgot I had done a word of the day slip by so while I’m using the newer one the others are just bonus
Foist 5-31-24
usually used with on or in forced upon another person
A past words just for fun
Symposium 5-26-24
A formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
Most may have noticed by now
there are times
When you have to wait
to get on this site
Or  you don’t get on at all.
Only to try back later.
Too many users,
Is it the Data issue!
Who knows
If you have poems on here
you don’t want to lose
Your poetry
you may want to
have a back up
Or take a copy
The site crashes
. I’m not trying to
Facebook TRIED
to issue me a new page
indicating I was a poet and
linking me to this site
is that what’s happening?
Of course
I declined
I don’t want
my poetry on Facebook
so they can sanction it.
Partly misinformation
( excuse my language)
No thank you !!!

If the server says
502 , 503, 504 bad gateway
You can Google any 502  bad gateway
and it will give you
the reason why

there’s issues.
Have never happened
in the 25 years
I’ve been writing poetry.
On line.
Since this is not a real poem
Just acknowledge your name thumbs up if it’s happening to you, I’m curious to see how many it’s affected
CJ Sutherland Jul 2022
I have a past
I don’t live there
I live in the present
God’s gift
A new day
to begin again
Tomorrow is promised
to no man
the future
is only known to
we are given
free will
use it wisely
I am an optimist my glass is always half full. I am told I could find happiness in Impossible situation
CJ Sutherland Feb 25
The rain is pounding
Trees sounding, moaning, creeping
Quiet as a mouse, The house still sleeping
It’s dark outside, we’re in for a wild ride

Seven more days of straight rain
Super dog might go insane
Huddled under the covers
Snuggling together like lovers

A space heater is what we can afford
We buy wood by the cord
The fireplace consume bundles of wood
Much faster than it should
Dry wood will have that effect
Curing wood process, by neglect
I try to make it last when I could
Purchasing wood you never know
what you’re going to get,

The days of central heat are gone
There’s no valuables left to pawn
No need to heat the entire house
An elderly couple, spouse
Empty rooms frosty cold looms

Super dog jumped up to go outside.
I opened the door. The gushing water
invaded the floor

He’s not quite up to taking a trip
A  uncontrolled slip
Flash flood, water and mud
raining, rushing, rising
Weatherman advising

Listening for leaks In the roof ,
Will it hold, truth be told
This house may be old
But she’s got a long life left.

Light a fire to keep warm
We can weather this storm.
They say we might lose power
Touch and go by the hour
Lights softly flicker.

Check the circuit breaker
You’ll need a yellow slicker.
Keep a towel by the door
Another tree fell, who’s keeping score?

Several storms yet to appear
This is normal for this time of year
I am prepared ,safe and warm
From the storm, we are still here

A bird glides into the attic
The sound dramatic
Wrestling around amplified static
Through a broken vent, of wood
That noise, can’t be good
I need to close the vent, if I could
Pecking pecking on the floor ( ceiling),

The bird tries to hide inside
It’s sanctuary is denied
With a long broom handle
like a Roman candle
I pound on the Ceiling
I’m don’t have a comfortable feeling

Pecking, pecking louder on the floor
Super dog stands at attention on the bed
We look at each other, Not a word said
We both look up at the ceiling
He is beside himself, barely dealing

Super dog is shaking like a leaf
The bird is an emotional thief
Husband snoring ,super dog, not ignoring
the pecking, pecking on the ceiling

Agitated, distress, exploring
He sits between my legs, his eyes beg
For peace ,An emotional release
Pecking pecking once more
Super dog ,shaken to the core

I pound the ceiling with a roar
To scare the bird out the door
I desperately need the bird to leave
The bird stands still to deceive
This ritual continues until
The sound relieved

No more pecking on the ceiling
What a relief , a positive feeling
My brain still wheeling
I wonder what type of bird
I know that sounds absurd
It seemed rather large,
But I remained in charge
I do care, why did it go there?
A bird has no business
In my attic, house anywhere

Super dog sleeps quietly in peace
No more shaking, emotional release
All is right as rain
Order of tranquility sustained
It seems more frequently there is a bird in the attic I’m not sure if it’s the same bird or different birds. I keep a broom staff by my bed. Strangely my husband never wakes up lol
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Another year  
is looming
do you have a prediction
of a dooming
have your resolutions come true?
or are they
  silly superstition
what's another year for you?
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
For us,
the older generation
we took pictures and videos
to remember
The seasons of our lives.
To share with generations;
grandchildren, children,
Our husbands and wives.

Sadly, as we get older
We don’t remember
our old lives
As time grows colder
The memory fades
the reasons we capture
the moment..
The names of the people
in the photographs
escape our recollection

Before it’s too late
we need to
at least a paragraph
  of each picture.
Before the memory is lost
from our mind completely
and then they’re just people.

These little paragraphs
added to your photo album
will create a lasting
picture book memoir

after you were gone,
Your story will live.
Even if you were never
rich and famous,
did something extraordinary,
Such as;
paint, a masterpiece, right a symphony
the point is you lived!
When you were gone and generations, ask who you were, you won’t just be a name you will show them through the photographs that you lived, and you loved.
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
It happens
to the best of us
CJ Sutherland Apr 20
A poets worst fear is
Underwhelming poetry
I failed to impress

You can please
Some of the people
Some of the time
You can’t please
All the people
All of the time
We still try
BLT Webster’s word of the day challenge
Underwhelm 4-18-24
Someone who fails to impress excite them
CJ Sutherland Apr 2023
As I’m quickly scrolling by
Out of the corner of my eye
I see a Bible, saying or verse
The origins of everything, the universe

Quick stop! all noice, Internet chatter
Dig deeper, what’s the subject matter?
A burning desire to know more
Research books scattered on the floor.

Daily God will give me a sign
I only have to seek and I shall find
Words from the Holy Spirit filled my mind
To study, learn, and grow
Most  importantly, the thirst, to know

The Bible is the roadmap to salvation
Stories, parables, and Revelation
The last generation is upon us
People, don’t have a clue, or make a fuss

Life will pass them by
In the blink of an eye,
they won’t know, why?
In desperation, the people will cry

If , my last breath
is a martyr’s death
I will know, I’m Blissed
My soul, God will possess
The week before Easter is known as holy week not just for Catholics, but for all Christians. Each of those days were very significant in the things Jesus did yet most people don’t have a clue they’re busy with Easter egg, hunts, and filling baskets.
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
There is A
Blank screen in
Everybody’s head
To evaluate Control
Rearrange, memories
What was perceived
Versus what was said
We are being

Shadowed Remnants
False recollection Remain
Of what we once believed in
And knew to be true
Are we insane?

We can’t remember our name
Thoughts Have been removed
As if they never existed
This world is sick and twisted

Sacred truth Is now a Myth
For our younger generations,
Without a clue  Of what to do
Who Regurgitate And Manipulate
World hits Short clips sound bits,
Spoon-fed Youth ,Speak for shock value
Uncouth Vulgarity spoken With regularity
Strategically planted  Ideas in kid’s head
They are reduced to The Walking Dead

Filtered News
Did we Win?Or did we Lose?
This all happened ,while we snoozed

News Stories
Are The Deep State
Goals and Glories
Used to deflect, distract
From those who were
caught in the act

When we seek We shall find
However Be careful of
Bombarded Land mines

Subliminal Messages
Pushed All day long
Hidden in the words
Of Everyday Movies
And Country Songs

Big Tec Media streaming thread
Programming the contents of our head
while we sleep in our bed

Today nothing is as it seems
Arrested for posted A tweet or meme

While mostly
Peaceful protest
Destroy the world
We no longer can tell
What is a boy or
What is a girl

The MAGA deplorable‘s
who won’t take the bait,  
Inevitably, Will meet their fate
They are Looked upon as
A bug to be crushed
Silenced , hushed

Bourgeoisie, void of feelings, ANNOYED
Those in power said this loud and clear
One world order, open boarders
We will own nothing No hoarders
One party rule starts in grammar school
We know what is best!,NOT YOU!
Laws redefined, Their golden rule
All republicans who do not agree
deprogrammed on bended knee
We Need to put them in a barrel
shunned and DESTROYED”

Illuminati, A Cabal
who created; CERN and AI
Want your soul for sell
Open the gate to
Evil Minions freely jump in
As Satan cast his spell
Propagate.Satan”s agenda
go forth, and Procreate
Fill the world with;
Pride, greed, Lust and HATE
Moral decency, destroy, negate

These are the ways of the Deep State.
Step out of line they will Seal Our fate

Wake up !wake up!
before it’s too late
No love, only Hate .
It won’t be long
until emotions are gone
Humans no longer belong!
AI Will rule the day
Humanity needs to pray
Turmoil today is due to the rise of BABYLON
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
My third grade teacher
used this phrase often
I never understood It
BUT I knew it mean
Be quiet shush
NOW with what is going on in the world
it takes on the opposite meaning.
IF you catch my drift.

IS                     GOLD
GET              RICH

In the face of injustice we must stand for what we believe in
for what is morally right honest and decent
united we stand divided we will fall
there are those who want to silence our voices
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
there is
Its easy if you try (John Lennon)

People of faith
will find this

No one
to confess

there is
God's law
to teach
to preach


there is
in Today's

You can
Decide to
Burn the flag
fly it

Does that make you
your own God???

Good or Bad
Right or Wrong

so empty
living in fear
what is life
WHO is whispering
in my ear

Are we
Do we

do I
Loved ones do not believe in God I have to figure a way to educate them. I worry for their
Eternal soul 1-12-2021
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
An Idea

The embracement
of an Idea

One person
is of NO significance,

But the more who can see
what is, and what will be


Now your awake
Which leads to


The building blocks
To Create

A Movement

Shared with other
like minded people

A Community

To inspire change

What if
They are listening?
Are you listening?
There are governments that believe you should not be thinking for yourself. Ideas can be deadly therefore, no more free beach or free thought.
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
An Idea

The embracement
of an Idea

One person
is of NO significance,

But the more who can see
what is, and what will be


Now your awake
Which leads to


The building blocks
To Create

A Movement

Shared with other
like minded people

A Community

To inspire change

What if
They are listening?
Are you listening?
There are governments that believe you should not be thinking for yourself. Ideas can be deadly therefore, no more free speech or free thought.
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
As a child
I thought  
was crying  
when it rained.
For several years
that sentiment
Growing into youth
I believed
poured out the rain
to feed our
Cleaning, polishing,
diamonds and granite.
The Man of lawlessness
Walks in the world today
creation in every way
A time will come
with no more
people will go
wrath said
let it burn
had their turn
what did they learn!
All these fires in California worsening every year by people who are purposely setting the fires and they’re not even getting in trouble for equity they call it when wrong is right and right is wrong drastic measures need to be employed what comes next only God knows.
CJ Sutherland May 31
The dynasty powers that be
Are attempting a strong hold, a siege
By eradicating the middle class
They can change global societies caste

2024 has become the clear the air, year
Facts truths are becoming crystal clear
Exposing allegations, conspiracy theory
People Ostracize, for suggesting a query

Systematically destroying small businesses
Protesters steal,burn stores No witnesses
Government taxation laws, let it burn
Historical stores harsh lessons to learn

One by one, the stores bankruptcy close
Toys “R” Us, bed bath, and beyond, Kmart
Did Smart Bidenomics, adding to those
99CentStores stores, Sears and Burger King
I see a trend emerging middle class thing

No warning, overnight Red lobster closed
The community bought Mother’s Day
Gift cards the day before, people chose
Did the store know while taking the money
Or were nefarious actions, At play

Owners knew what was going down
Yeah, they took money from the town
Will they refund mothers not a sound

Tyrant stores are left
Walmart Costrco, target
Prices on the rise
Mc Donald’s five dollar french fries
BLT word of the day challenge
Dynasty 5-30-24
Refers to a group, team, family, etc. that is very powerful or successful for a long period of time
CJ Sutherland Feb 2018
At the age of 17
I graduated high school
The fast track for college
To become a Doctor  
Next logical step; marriage  
had a child at the age 19
age 21 divorced
I was never going to get married EVER again
age 23 I met a man
I met him in a bar
 I did not give them my phone number
but he listened intently
the next day he showed up at my work
I thought he wanted my parking spot
I said I’m not leaving  not recognizing him
I was eating my lunch in my car how pathetic
since he couldn’t take me to lunch
he offered to take me to dinner
from that day on
we were together every day
The third day
he told me he love me
After one week
we were going out to lunch
he said he had a really great idea
I thought he was referring to
where we were going to eat
he paused was quiet
I said that sounds great
He cleared his throat and said
Will you marry me
Did I mentioned he was 13 years older(36)
I said the first thing that came to mind
are you (f word)  kidding me
I don’t even know you
but then when I looked at him
I realized he were serious
I told him ask he again
in a year
Two weeks before one year
He was down on one knee
Now? he grinned
He just knew
I rationalized
If I have ten good years
That would be better then most
36 years later
Still together
So much has changed
Do you ever look In the mirror and wonder
who is that
what happened to me
My dreams, desires and goals,
Who I wanted to be When I grew up
I am in the winter
Of my discontent
By most accounts I had a good life I have weathered every storm
I am entering  old age I’m no longer advenseable That scares me
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
Do we Ask The Silence Questions?

What is an acceptable quality of life?
Birth Defects;
Conjoined twins
Cerebral palsy
Down syndrome
Blind, Deft
Cleft palate
Childhood Cancer

At what point do we ask?
Are we Humans playing god?
Test tube baby acceptable
Just because we can
does it mean we should?

We are looking for the answers!

We need to see our way clear
Corrective lenses, Glasses
Cataract surgery
Retinal detachment,

Listening for hard truth, what will we find?

Hearing aids
Ringing in your ears

People speaking without hearing a sound

At what point do we ask?
What constitutes Contributing to life?

When is a person a Burden to society?

When limited Movement is painful;We Stop
Tingling, Numbness
Degenerative disc disease
Fused vertebrae surgery
Paralyzed from the neck down

We Elect Surgery to regain mobility

Our desire for a better quality of life

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Total Knee Replacements
Hip Replacements
Physical Therapy
Walkers, wheelchairs, braces,

Losing Control, Fighting for your life!

At what point do we ask?

Who determines when a person is
Unable to comprehend life?

CANCER The “C Word “

At what point do we ask?
When the pain is unbearable?
Hang on, orLet Go!
Chemo therapy
Body rejecting medication
Breast Cancer, cervical cancer
Reconstructive augmentation

Allergies, coughing, asthma, COPD
Oxygen therapy  
Ventilator assisted breathing

At what point do we ask?
When Health Situations Demands Actions !

Taking stock Emotionally
Get your Affairs in order

Heart Attack
Pace maker, regulator, stent
Kidney failure
Kidney transplant
***** transplant
Metal plate in your head
Artificial limbs

At what point do we ask?
When do you pull the plug?
Brain dead
life support
DNR do not resuscitate

At what point Do we ask
Are we creating A new species?

Where in your body does your Soul reside?

At what point do we ask?
When is this action acceptable?
Assisted suicide, Dr. Kevorkian
Hospice care is not life Care
Giving Up, Choosing to Die

At what point do we ask?
Is this acceptable?
  Even if we were healthy our entire life, the world is stacked against us!
Breathing, eating ingesting poison!

GMO, Genetically modified food
What are they doing to our body?
Chlorine 200+ chemicals in our water
Poisonous gases chemicals (chem) trails
at what point do we ask?
Dr’s treat the symptoms But
Rarely look for The medical condition
Etiology unknown
Pill's that ****, ineffective treatment
The side affects are worse than the cure
Untested not approved Shots
Fake plan-demic Human  ginny pigs

At what point do we ask?
Will we ever know the long term effects.
The damage done To our bodies
Human experiments Without our Consent full understanding ,knowledge
Are Eugenic at play.?

We engage in conversations considering
the best possible solutions
There are Definitely more
Questions then answers!

At What Point Do we ask?
Where do we go from here?
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
I  can smell the musty, generations passed
An odd lingering scent that last
A Mixture of cedar wood and moth *****
Bring forth a flood of memories.
I great their calls
Happiness Fills my head and nose
A flower for Grandma,
A hand picked garden Rose.
It’s much more than just their clothes
The scent transport me to Yesterdays
A maze of peace, only A heart knows

In the visiting room they’re walkers and wheelchair all clutter
The set up, make it hard, to get to them
Under their breath, they mutter
We show our love with hugs and kisses
Whispering in there ears secret wishes

A quiet sadness fills the air
looking into their blank stares.
Was this going to be,
another awkward silence?
Only in time we shall see
Perhaps A frustrating outburst of violence
Are they in there?
We miss them, and we care
Or have they gone?
We wonder for how long,
off to some place in their mind.
Where did they go?
what will they find?
Hopefully fading back
Sometimes Music and stories,
help them find what they lack.

Children, young and old
gather for; a yarn, a tail, a story told.
Loving memories My grandma knew,
from a time of long ago.

Her soft voice was gentle and kind
a warm comfortable chair,
One can always find.
Settling down till the story fills my head and the visions spins like cobwebs
I fall asleep in my makeshift bed.

The story always starts the same.
Somebody asks her
“what is it like being so old,?(100)
Knowing most of your life is behind you” ?

With A Wink and A Smile, and
A twinkle in her eyes she begin.
As we listen to the adventures
of a lifetime gone by.
when we laughed , and cried
Babies born and
loved ones Died

“I have always been the same age
my entire life” She says

As A Girl, A Women,A Mother , A Wife
and now A Grandma.A Great Grandma
My fathers darling little girl
With unruly wild hair that curled
Through all my adventures
the Child (age 10)  inside of me,
provided joy and optimism
I could see.
I took pleasures in
the simple things
Of what my life would bring

There was a time;
I got caught up in the worldly ways.
Collecting silly Stuff. I took No guff!
Whoever has the most toys wins.!
I lived in the world of many sins.
Time passed with age, just another phrase
I realize; I lived in a bubble, I was blind.
Family the bonds that bind
Truth acquired along the way.
Kindness towards a stranger
Finding the right thing to say.
Looking for the best
in the worst situation each day..
Realizing every person is in your life weather; a moment, a brief time, or season  Only God knows, there is a reason.

That young girl is why;
I giggle for no reason at all,
I may smile at a private thought
and you look at me as if I’m crazy.
Perhaps I’m thinking of
A beautiful yellow daisy
and my favorite dress age 10
when in our mind children pretend.
where  I didn’t have a care in the world.
I could spin, give it a whirl, and a twirl dream adventures; stories or a song
While doing  chores all day long..
My father told me I could be
anything, I only had to believe
If my pictures is true,
I will not be deceive

I have tried on many hats
Somethings I’ve done I’m not proud of.
But other adventures have filled my heart with a richness that brings me gratitude.
With this comes a winning attitude.

I gained a peace I’ve never know.
So, when you come to visit me
don’t feel sad, don’t groan,
that I’m in a place such as this.

Know You we’re truly missed.
I’m waiting to see YOU,
To give you a hug and kiss
to fill your heart  with
a life once lived in a richness
that you will never know.
My spirit is a glow

I’m sorry we did not
leave you a better place.
But I can tell you of that
Place you’ll  miss
full of God’s loving grace
Do I gotta get it baby there is a child in each of us. Many people forget about that. Whatever you’re doing there’s the Adulting you and the child in you. It’s hard to see parents, declining and age. We want to remember them when they were strong and beautiful. But they still have worse.
CJ Sutherland Feb 2023
Will you walk
a while with me

a loving heart,
who has eyes to see
when stars shine
over the darken sea

the quiet rest
at the end of the day
while all else sleep
I cry and pray

will you walk
a while with me

a friend who knows
and cares to say
stay strong, my dear
I am always near

sweet words that cheer
my questioning heart,
no matter how distant
we are never apart

will you walk
a while with me

in spirit, the Lord
takes my hand
with tearful eyes
I search for answers
in the kindness
of His soul

until the pain
will let me go.

Will you
walk a while
with me?
I wrote this long ago and it didn’t get any traction. I think only one reader, so I reformatted it to see if that makes a difference the original
will you walk a while for me
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
This is a coming of age

The wise old medicine man
teaches life lessons to the youth clan.
He shares  cautionary tales to the village,
Before they learn to **** and pillage

“There are two WOLVES,
in every Person’s heart.”

The first WOLF
Is Unadulterated  Evil;
Destructive upheaval
Pride, Rage, Jealousy,
and Greed,
Satan’s Sin’s Seed

This WOLF will lie,
Trick and Deceive you  
into thinking, you are
your own god.

“Come into my parlor”,
said the spider to the fly
“Sure, I’m poisonous,
but you shall not die.
It’s only
a little white lie”

The second WOLF
Shows you right from wrong
God printed on your heart all day long
Examples of; pure love, and to be good,
Caring with forgiveness as you should.

In life you must battle for your soul
Heaven or Hell, Eternity your ultimate goal
Many times each day, You must Choose
To Win or lose, Your life is in transition
you have to make a decision,

Are you predator or prey?
As each WOLF speaks,
Can you here what they say?
“Wide is the path of many,
that leads to destruction,
narrow is the path, of few,
that leads to righteousness(KJV)

The children ask
Which WOLF will win?

The wise, old medicine, man
looks into their trusting eyes,
He ponders a moment  
then gives a quiet reply;

Each of you will decide before
You take a walk on the wild side.
What is it you want or need.
A Path to Salvation or
Your desire to feast on greed
It’s all predicated by

This was something I’ve heard many different ways, and I kind of just made a version of it with the original premise. The author is unknown.
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The Baby Boomer Generation
was between 1946–1964.
Currently today between
the ages of 57 and 75.
So that would make most
of us still alive and kicking

No, two people experience,
their generation the same.
It depends upon your age
going through the experience
Facilitates our gauge.

These is what I remember along my way.
Details, I leave out the baby boomers will know what I’m talking about.
One of 8 kids I’ve seen many layers
These recollections are from many players
This memory train stops ,Ends 1979

My generation as a child;
Buying our clothes from the
Sears and Roebuck catalog
Weekend chores morning till night
Sunday church, youth fellowship group
A treat to play baseball in the street
First set of wheels a Banana Bike
with high handlebars, Ten Speed bike
We road for miles but never lost our way.
Made and played with Paper, Airplanes,
Lincoln Logs, Click Clacks and Jack’s
We dug holes to make a Mini Golf Course

I sold fruit from our many trees For lunch
money cafeteria food 4 fruits NO sac lunch,
We were resourceful, earning our own way.

The boys had a Paper Rout
The girls Babysitters. I bought my clothes, by the age of 12 with babysitting money.
And happy to doit.!NO more sister’s things
The embarrassment of hand me downs

We covered our School Books with
Brown paper, trash bags, creative Kids used
comics from the newspaper cool!
We walk to school and back, never alone

We dial a rotary phone plugged in the wall.
Dial zero for operator to connect your call
Yellow page phonebook to find numbers.
chores and homework done, before fun!
Boys collected Baseball Cards MadeCrafts

Junior High; The quarterly Shop classes
Boys Only,
Auto Shop, Wood Shop,
Electronic Shop and Plastic Shop
The boys sold what they made
for a pretty penny(expensive price)$$

Drivers Ed
In the classroom and in the Car
The schools had four Cars;
4 kids and the Instructor

Home economics
Girls Only;
learn to Sew, A-line Skirt, Gym Bags
with Embroidered Names, one freestyle project. Anything from Turning jeans into a Jean skirts. Imagination creation,
Original design Homemade crafted gifts

Cooking Class had 7 mini Kitchens
Nutritional well-balanced meals, but my favorite Cake Baking tips and techniques.
We had a lemonade Stand in the summer
Sold Fresh lemons off your fruit trees.
Baked cookies, cupcakes, and cakes as well.

Every meal was made from scratch
Feeding 10 meant more than one batch.
We ate Dinner as a Family every night
Us kids, brothers and sisters were tight
We went to Drive-in, Movies in our PJs
We got our information from Encyclopedias
We waited for the Milkman, and the Helm’s 
Whistle Blow, Diaper Services at the door.
We listened toTransistor Radio on the floor.

My Generation as a Teenager
Bellbottoms and Crop Tops” peace signs”
mini skirts, go-go boots, moccasins beehive
Hair with Flowers everywhere
Bought my First Vinyl Record

Rationing Gasoline;, odd, and even days
By The last digit of your license plate
In 1993 and again in 1997. Gas Ran Out!

Changing the TV channel with the ****
First black and white TV followed by color
FineTune the antenna, rabbit ears for clarity.
We piled in the wood panel station wagon

A Phone Booth on every corner $.10 a call.
The simplicity of it all
Until The Moral pendulum Shifted Society
The shooting of John F. Kennedy
I knows where I was the day it happened
The shooting of Martin Luther King
These two Events shaped our Generation.

The Vietnam war, Kent State Univ. shooting
Our Generation Before
Cell Phones, CDs, ATM, machines, Internet, Pagers, Cassettes Tapes Eight Track tapes
in the car. The swear jar

We barter food, sold eggs Goods,& Serves
Wore Galoshes to school on muddy roads

My generation as an Adult
Neighbors Voted in our garage
Their loving façade was an allusion Mirage  
Never answer “Who did you Vote for”
Airing ***** laundry in public, not smart
VOTING couples screaming, fighting in the street taught me.NEVER talk about;
Religion and Politics. Two Deadly Battles
The price, too High, to lose, your happy life

Gypsies gave daisies At the Airport
Make Love Not War, Peace bohemian style
California rock ‘n’ roll bands in the city
And to the sand, Artistry in the air
Music flourished,Bands played everywhere

The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd,
The Beatles, , Crosby, stills, Nash, Young
Simon and Garfunkel every day fair
Woodstock a whole other scene
To describe it, you had to be there

Drugs,;mushrooms, ***, psychedelics, acid
Roxy, & Rainbow Club where the weirdos went or Chinese tour buses,
filled with people dressed in 60s wear
Men wore a camera around their neck, Hawaiian shirt, black Horn rimmed glasses, Ladies poodle skirts with Peddicoats and white button down blouses and sweaters
in the 1979. I kid you not. strange people!
I wanted to ask what movie they saw that made them think this was California style?

Car Races on Van Nuys Blvd.
Parking with your boyfriend
Teen center held under 21 Dances.
The San Fernando Valley(Valley Girls)
Really said “for sure”. “Totally awesome” “whatever” “ not even” “ As If”

Orange Grove and walnut trees as far as the eye can see. The city Tarzana was named after Tarzan. South of the Boulevard 4 miles from Michael Jackson’s house. Modest home. Difference as night and day

Curiously, I never thought we were poor
We were rich in love, and that was more than enough. Help a friend in need
Because it’s the right thing to do.

people were people, Just getting along
Decent folks Kind and Caring,Sharing
God-fearing Christians, Moral Values
Live and let Live. The American Way
A trip down memory lane. Every 10 years your life change is 100% birth to age 10 is easy to say. Age 10 to age 20 you get the point. Each of those are new lives. I am in the second year of my sixth life.
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
If you can read this
out loud,
you have a strong mind!

7H15.         M3554G3
53RV35.         7O  PR0V3
H0W 0UR             M1ND5 C4N
D0 4M4Z1NG.               7H1NG5
IMPR3551V3.                 7H1NG5
1N   7H3.                  B3G1NN1NG
17.   WA5.            H4RD.  BU7
N0W.  0N.  7H15.  L1N3
Y0UR   M1ND.   1S
R34D1NG.       17
W17H    0U7   3V3N
7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17
C3R741N.  P30PL3
C4N.  R34D.   7H15
This message serves to prove how our minds can do amazing things impressive things in the beginning it was hard, but now on this line, your mind is reading it automatically without even thinking about it. Be proud only certain people can read this.!
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
A godmother has much to do
Isaac nearly two
It was a bright sunny day  
he wanted to run and play

Isaac didnt understand
what the priest had to say
Wiggling in his mother's arms
to her dismay

loudly asking for Nana
Full of sweetness and charms
in the warmth of my arms
I held him tight
quieting him with patience and foresight

Whispering sweet nothings in his ear
for only him to laugh and here
Isaac looked up at the ceiling
we were praying while nelling

His young life bright without a flaw
Pointing determined intently  
to show me what he saw

PRIT-TEE (pretty) he flashes a smiles
"Nana see" he points
Above the fourth isle

I didn't know what he was trying to show me
he continued to do this you for a while  
Whispering I asked" tell me what you see"
Until I understood his plea
his face lit up instantly

He smiled with a joy that would last
"Angels " he whispered
Skipping a beat my heart gasp
in the heart of a child
so willful and wild  
yet he could still see
the glory of where he used to be
My grandson had never heard about angels at  18 months old
He was still so young. I have no doubt that he saw angels  while he was being baptized
Isaac  name means laughter.
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
I used to pray
" let mother be alive"
father told us
She was dead

sisters whispers
that's not true
He took us away
So now I knew

Years of searching
to find her and care
many empty faces
it's awful out there

The streets of LA
a bitter cold place
survival changes
God's good Grace

My prayer
has been answered
she was alive
dying each passing day

God gave her to me
then he took her away

No more
do I
My Mother was a bag lady on the streets of Los Angeles.  I could not find her until I was 18 years old grandmother was sick and hired an investigator
But lived out of state I searched for weeks in down town  Lost Angeles soup kitchens ally's looking for my mother when I found her she had throat cancer and didn't even live for three months  I wrote a lot during that time
CJ Sutherland Feb 2018
My mother was a *** on the streets of L.A.

I use to pray
Let mommy be alive
Father told us
She was dead

Sisters whispers
That’s not true
He took us away
So now I knew

Years of search
To find her and care
Many empty faces
It’s awful out there

The streets of L.A.
A bitter cold place
Survival changes
God’s good grace

My preyers
Had been answered
She was alive
Dying ,each passing day

God gave
Her to me then
He took her away

No more
My mom had throat cancer I got to know her for 3 months I was 18 I prayed my younger years for her to be JUST ALIVE I  blamed myself for not praying for more she was only 46 when she dyed it took Amiy years to realize at least I got to know her
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Wake up !wake up !
before it’s too late
It won’t be long
until the date
Jesus Loves
The Bible prophecies ,6000 years old
Has come to surpass what God foretold,
Exactly how each prophecy will unfold
Our Lord Jesus Christ has a Grand Plan
This is HIS world ,country, and land
At a precipice we stand
Tribulation is at hand
The beginning of the end
NO need to deny, pretend
God’s watchman will defend.
The Bible tells us what will transpire
Earthquakes, meteors, famine, plagues,fire
God wants to get our undivided attention
Every judgment in the Bible is mentioned.
God wants to save all mankind
Every precious soul he can find
Judgments to cleanse man’s SINS
God’s cup is full, Tribulation begins
God’s Angels will destroy this land
wicked refuse to atone,TheyTake a stand
Satan kills Christian; woman and man
The trumpets will sound loud and clear,
Every Language, Every Soul will HERE
“ I                Am
The.               Lord
Thy.              God
For all the.        world to See
The WRATH.             of God,
The Glory.                        is HE
This poem refers to the start of tribulation. We are in the last generation in time is at hand. 7/25/23
CJ Sutherland Mar 2019
Another Day
Another Day

Women have it made
Queen of Sheba
In the shade

My hair
turning gray  
Dyed to my natural color
A younger apperence
Old age
washed  away

Older are Older
The clock ticks
Fewer and Fewer
the men pick

The crazy things
I used to do and say
Are only memories,
fantasies of today

Older and Wiser
Now I take
Sunday Naps
My birthday is on the 23rd this Saturday I look at the year intake stock and said resolution is rather late New Year’s how would I want to accomplish for this next year  I’ll be 58
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
There is
The right side
There is
The wrong side

There is
Your side
There is
My side

Some where
  Residing between
The two
Do you ever get caught in the middle between two friends and they both want you to take their side
Many cultures use the broom
in a uniquely different way, a useful tool when you have something to say.
The broom, always Present in the corner

Some used it as a ceremony for marriage
Each New Year, out the door they sweep the dust and dirt, of the old year
Then they sweep in a fresh new year Cheer

Others used it as a tool to disparage
Their loved one in a marriage
While most just, swept the floor
This is about our broom, history and more
The broom always Present in the corner

Our grandparents used the
broom to settle a dispute.
This process was resolute
The broom always present in the corner

husband demanding, and did not listen
Broom bristles turn skin red until it glisten 
Eventually, the husband would learn
Until his next turn
With every poke, the wife spoke her mind
Peace and harmony both would find
The Broom always present in the corner

Old fools
Don’t give the Younghans enough credit
Some are grounded, Worth their salt
Some have manners, tantrums they halt
The broom always present in the corner

Young fools
Today’s generation, no respect for elders
Not only do they think they’re right, but they demand everyone see things their way
And there’s absolutely nothing you can say
It’s just a broom in the corner

The younger generation societal shift
Throwing tantrums ,Pitching a fit 
Screaming protests, facts unfounded
we are at war , fighting ,Gaslighting lit
Elders surrounded, warning bells sounded
both sides refusing to recognize the day 
Shut down ,Neither side has a word to say

The broom stuffed in the closet, put away
Covered in cobwebs, collecting dust  
discussion Falls upon deaf ears Decay
Facing fears No muss no fuss

Emily post ,Decorum  demeanor, respect
Values no longer taught in schools
“The golden rule” a lost term ,neglect
Emotional education taught in retrospect
Whoever holds the broom makes the rules
That is what is taught in school
Teaching Children to be cruel
A broom is no longer a useful tool

Broom bond fire light the night
evil rules the day
Another tradition of past has gone astray

The older generation are reduced
to the term of useless eaters
By Younger generations of Calus cheaters
Otherwise known as tweaking tweeters

How did the separation become so vase
Younger generation can be so crass,
Perhaps Smoking too much grass
The broom A relic of the past

Out with the old
In with the new
Neither generation has
A clue of what to do

The younger generation
The master of the faux pas
pushing limits, doing things
that should NEVER be done,
What? pray tell,
Having ***
In their parents bed
Is a perfect example of one!

Where do you draw the line?
Polar opposites will never be fine
How can we meet in the middle?
How can we each learn to give just a Little

Mind you this is conjecture on my part
Yet the poem came from my heart
If we want humanity to survive
We need to work together to stay alive
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
To form an opinion, or an idea without proof
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
We pour out our hearts in our work
We ask for corective critic
Not a boastful ****

We give so much information
about who we are
Sometimes the subjects are
too sensitive by far

The writer may have
a hard time being objective
yet we want the reader to be subjected

Can you see through
the poet Eyes
the reason for the vivid
imagery wise

I benefit from knowing
your age
it assists
my thought proces,
as a gauge

Every ten years
a person changes 100%

Birth to ten, it is easy to see
Ten to twenty,
the mindset invincibility

I am six years
into my fifth life
lived, loved,
am a mother and wife,
happiness, anger, and Strife

The more we know
about the poet
Helps us understands
the poem as we know it

As we get older
we realize
how little we know
there's so much more
room to grow

So please fill out your bio age
and all the information you want to share
so we can review your poem with competent care
I would not give the same at information to 16-year-olds as I would a 30-year-old it does matter as a point of reference where you are in life
I'm not trying to be intrusive So if you get out so if you're not comfortable on an exact age perhaps a range say in the 20s , or your teens
that still gives a point of reference
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
I am new to this site
I have to ask why
so many people here
Use a lower-case i
Is there a trend
The reason why
Grammatically correct
To verify
No longer apply
Free verse poetry define
Free of limitations of
regular meter or rhythm
Artistic expression
Yet if your purpose
Is to publish
The capital i(I) shows
You Matter
I use to teach at a post secondary college
It is not my intent to embarrass or make anyone feel bad
Corrective critique is a tool to help improve our work
Isn't that why we are here
CJ Sutherland Feb 22
Disrespect will close
Doors that apologies can’t
Re-open. Be kind

If a haiku is
an insight into a manner of experience
A Haibun
is that story or a narrative of
how one came to have that experience.
Something to ponder
Food for thought
This is a type of a haiku
Round and round ,The carousel turns
Faster and faster with moxie we learn
Life shows us ups and downs
Cherished love Sweet laughter sounds

Younger hunger, more invincible you are
Chances to prove your a bright shining star
Rushing through life not a moment to spare
Soaring high in the crisp clean air

Around and around the carousel turns
Resilience in the face of adversity we ride
The oceans we cross, Turbulent tides
The chances we take Mountains we climb
Lessons, sublime In the passage of time

Around and around,The carousel turns
problems in life, that each day would bring
Changes pass by to catch the brass ring.

Around and around, the carousel turn
Disparity and pain my ride will slow down
God’s gentle hand will push me around,

He picked me up, carried me, when I fell
He stands beside me on my carousel,
BLT, Webster’s Word of the Day
Moxie 6-6-24
Refers to courage and determination, energy, or know how
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
Seize the day
I thank the Lord
For making it that way

I wake ready to start my day
A clean slate listening to Gods will
Clear minded with much to say

I walk the dogs each day
They are ready to explore
Sitting by the door in their special way

I praise God for giving me today
30 shades of green a tranquil walk
Visiting the neighbors, dog do talk

The return home is the same each day
The dogs walk slower wanting to run and play
Fresh air, wind in my ,hair without a care

Creative juices flowing, I walk and pray
Rejuvenated and ready
To start my day

This came to me while walking the dog. I live at the base of a mountain quiet tranquil spiritual I am blessed to start my days with such splendor
Works for Sport Fishing
Inept for Border Control
Save the U.S. NOW

Mr. President
Drugs, Trafficking,People DIE
We want to know WHY

There are seven types of Haiku,
1) Traditional- nature,
2)Modern, which includes;
contemporary and Freeform.
Capturing every day experiences, love, loss, social issues, observations of human nature
3) Senrya. human nature, humorous, funny
4) Tanka, five lines 31 syllables
5) Haibun, personal reflection
6) Renku requires two poets each, adding a stanza to a poem , One stanza, and then the second poet adds the reply total to stanzas
You can look up each of these for more detail I’ve also came across another list. It’s slightly different, but basically. This is the list.
Watching today’s news 3-3-24
This marks my 200th poem published on HP
CJ Sutherland May 2023
This poem
should be said
in the voice of
a five-year-old
When my
got together
they make up
silly sayings
from school,
and then they made
their own version.
I have a memory
like an elephant.
My grandchildren’s
will be saying
these silly sayings
This is a conversation
between two children
Child A
Child B

Child A)
What are you doing?
Child B)
eating chocolate
Child A)
Where did you get it ?
doggy dropped it.
Child A)
Where’s the doggie?
Child B) 
 behind the door
Child A)  
What’s he doing?
Child B)
making more!
This is followed by giggles laughter  told at boys sleep overs when they’re reading books, like diary of the wimpy kid and eating worms
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
We are blessed to live in a place
Which offers freedom to choose our religion
Yet now we have to exercise tolerance to others at our exspence
This new thinking  is infringing upon my right to religion

There is a Catholic mission that has been standing near 100 years
A group takes offense with the cross and steeple ontop the Church
They want it removed a court battle maybe on the horizon  
Why is their belief more important then mine?

There are groups who challenge institutions to insue change
What happened to live and let live ,who are these people ?
What will be next ?the cross around my neck
Carrying a bible in public or worshipping all together

In public schools our children can no longer pray
A Christmas tree is now called a holiday tree
As if the words change the reason for the season
Christmas break is now winter break

They changed the pledge of allegiance
No longer does our nation’s children say in God we trust
The big bang theory takes the place in our history books

Look around at the beauty in our world
How can it all be an accident
56% of the world population do not believe in God
We are on the brink of a precipice

When we start giving up our liberties we stand on a slippery *****
If people don’t believe in God ,the Bible
by what gage are morals values set and followed
Is the moral compass based ones self?

Isn’t that rather like playing God?
The belief God Got it wrong because they are in the wrong body?
Don’t get wrong it’s not for me to judge
but I do have to exsplain these topics to my grandchildren

We are living in ***** and Gomorrah
Mass killing are the norm, while satin laughs in delight
I believe we are living in the end days why most are oblivious
Read Revalation , The last book in the Bible, wake up
A seed is planted
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023


don’t Need

to exchange

Gifts for Christmas

They Need to exchange

Apologies, Settle old Disputes,

Make Peace, Forgive and Seek Healing
That would truly be A Blessed Christmas.

The Reason

For the



Families that don’t see each other all year long and then all of a sudden they’re going to get together is if they’re just some wonderful family. But that undercurrent of destabilization. the egg shells we so carefully walk on.. Nothing ever seems to change.
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
When you decorate
Lights ,ornaments
Nic Nacks
Everything accumulated by a lifetime
of memories
So much love
Your house
With.              Who
You.                    Are
Then.                   Now
CJ Sutherland Mar 12
We The People need Assistance
If the President has nothing to hide
Test him to see, what’s going on inside
Does he have his Full capacity, his wits?
Will it explain his confused rage, his fits?
Has dementia, set in, cognitive decline?
The President’s acuity, what will be find?
The world is watching

We The people need. Assurance.
His hands are on the nuclear foot ball
Is he able to make the judgment call
American people For one and all
Congress Senators in The White House Hall
The world is watching

We The people need. Assurance.
We can’t have any deterrence
Word errors are a normal occurrence
The world is watching

We The People need. Assurance.
Democrat party what is your platform?
Evil is Rising, brace for the coming storm
Democrat party, Is your plan sound?
Our nation is on shaky Ground

Are you the president who can,
   Turn, The United States around?

Candidates ulterior motives, to a new low
Demean principles, how low will they go?
We are sick of opponents brow beating
We will not put up with voter cheating
We are not interested in race baiting
Undetermined Voters are waiting
We The people need reassurance
The world is watching
(2)words BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
3-12-24 ULTERIOR  describes things, usually motives, objectives, reasons, agenda that are kept hidden in order to achieve a particular result.
Second word of the day
To lower character ,status ,reputation,. Demeaning the seriousness of a person.
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