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If humans are a work of art
Then women are by far the masterpiece
There is none like them
And there never will be
When she loves...
She loves in a manner no one ever can
When she gets angry she displays it in a manner only she can
She multi-tasks so effortlessly
She gives a proper meaning to our lives
She supports us through every thick and thin
She fights for us when the need arises
She completes us from every aspect of our lives
She is the personification of sacrifice
The epitome of love
The embodiment of resilience
The symbol of hope
She doesn't want diamonds or rubies
All she wants is that you love her,value her,respect her and support her
She just wants some of your time
She just likes to be made to feel special every now and then
She just wants to be appreciated every now and then
She is a mother,a grandmother,an aunt,a sister,a cousin,friend,girlfriend or a wife
Treat her well
For without them you are nothing
Without them no home is complete

A big thank you to women all over the world
We men would be nowhere without you in our lives
If not for women then
Whom would we dream about?
Whom would be woo?
Whom would we write poems about?
Whom would we write songs about?
When i read or hear stories of crimes and discrimination against just saddens and angers me.I hope and pray that such horrible things stop.
this is my disease
here i am age 6 stealing candy from a shop on Broadway
here i am age 7 pulling a girl’s ******* down around her knees while she’s swinging upside down from jungle gym bars
here i am age 8 Jackie K shows me how to ******* to this day i’ve never looked back
that’s me age 9 creeping into my sister’s bedroom into her sleeping girlfriend’s adjoining bed concerning my sister she’s a great gal but i’ve never been physically attracted to her
this is my disease
here i am age 10 with 4 grammar school buddies shoplifting at Marshal Fields department store we got caught sent home and severely punished
here’s me age 11 erasing and altering test scores in my 6th grade teacher’s grade’s book while class is out to recess
here i am age 12 repressing my true voice and lying to my parents about everything
this is my disease
this is me age 13 being shipped off to boarding school
that’s me age 14 getting kicked out of boarding school then shipped off to another boarding school
there’s me age 15 with Kent stealing girl’s purses from Pink Panther lounge in Rogers Park
here i am age 16 stealing Mom’s sleeping pills trading to score my first heroine fix sick as a dog vomiting by the side of the road
this is my disease
this is me age 17 running away from home to Haight Ashbury CA waking up with ants crawling in my hair strung out on methadrine and acid in Berkley crash house
and there i am age 18 running from tear gas and police Billy clubs in Lincoln Park and rioting in Grant Park at the 1968 Democratic Convention
that’s me age 21 getting tricked by my parents into 3 month lockup at Institute Of Living Hartford CT
this is my disease
there i am age 23 practicing Transcendental Meditation and yoga with Cathleen at Hartford Art School
there’s me age 24 kissing with Cathleen in photo booth at the Century Theater in Chicago
there’s me age 25 working for my Dad while Cathleen is away with her family in Indonesia
there i am age 27 holding a teacher’s certificate from SAIC Mom’s idea i never wanted to discipline kids
that’s me age 30 wearing necktie working at CME and selling coke on the side
that’s me age 32 drunk slurring words telling Elizabeth and her Mom at expensive seafood restaurant i wasn’t fit to marry anyone
this is my disease
here i am age 32 stealing money drugs to support my urges
that’s me age 34 with my first puppy Taters
there’s me age 37 awarded Illinois Arts Council Grant spitting peeing splashing blood on charcoal drawings reading Marquis de Sade dismissing many girls
here i am age 41 exhibiting my first one-man show at Deson Sainders Gallery Chicago Dad dies 6 paintings sold
that’s me age 44 leaving Chicago after too many dropped ***** opportunities chances at love success no destination other than hope prayer of becoming a better person
there i am age 48 burying Taters deep in dirt in Wilmington NC
this is me age 49 working at a record store in Tucson AZ running in the mornings feeling so alone crying
this is me age 50 ******* about **** *** peeing hairy females questioning to myself do any of those fixations actually matter in a real relationship
this is my disease
there i am age 55 living without drugs for more than 10 years swimming every day awarded yoga certification
this is me age 61 without  the affections of a woman for 15 or more years wondering if i’ll ever find love
here i am age 62 returning to Chicago worried about Mom’s illness hoping praying begging for just one more possibility to prove myself
this is my disease
this accounting does not include surviving throat cancer Hepatitis C severe compound fractured wrist and 2 suicide attempts
this is my disease
Miles of road ahead of her,
With miles and miles behind.

Exhausted from the journey,
All aid and kindness declined.

Clouds above get darker,
Where once the sun shined.

On and on she will travel,
Until all becomes aligned.
It stood on a throne,
Made out of lime stone.

It was clothed,
In colorless gold.

It wore a shadeless crown,
Above its brow.

Its heart was frozen-
From winters night.

Its soul was diced,
by Jack Frost's knife.

It stood alone,
In its quite abyss.
Dismissing my stare.

Though it was free,
It looked lost at sea.

For, I waited to hear a plea,
But it was silent as a willow tree.

Time passed-
And it started to bow

To the brown earth beneath its feet,
To the blue sky above its crown.

Though, the journey was over,
And the final Goodbyes were made.

I could never forget the pride in its eyes,
Or why it stood so still.

For to this day,
I question if I'll every discover,
If the White Rose knew,
Of its wonder?
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
Falls into place for the new year
Bʏɢօռɛ tʀɨɮɛsʍɛռ
Hɨɖɖɛռ ɮɛtաɨxt tɦɛ tɦɨċҡɛt;
Eʏɛ's քɨɛʀċɨռɢ ʟɨҡɛ ʍɨɖռɨɢɦt քaռtɦɛʀ's
Tɦɛɨʀ ʄɛatɦɛʀ's, ċօʟօʀʄʊʟ, ʀɨɢɨɖ.
Tɦɛʏ sɛɛɨtɦ tɦɛ ɨռʋaɖɛʀ's
Cօʍɨռɢ ʊքօռ tɦɛɨʀ sɦօʀɛ's,
Tɦɛɨʀ ʄʀɨɢɦtɛռɛɖ օʄ tɦɛ ʍɛtaʟ
Aռɖ ɦɛʟʍɛt's օʄ ɦɛʟʟ's stօʀʍ.
Tɦɛ ɖʀʊʍ ċɨʀċʟɛ stօք's
Tɦɛ ʍɛռ aռɖ աօʍɛռ stօք ɖaռċɨռɢ,
Tɦɛ ʄɨʀɛ ɮʊʀռɛtɦ ʟօա,
As tɨs ռօռɛ tɨʍɛ ʄօʀ ʀօʍaռċɨռɢ.
Tɦɛ Eʊʀօքɛaռ ɖɛatɦ ɮʀɨռɢɛʀ's
Tʀaʍքʟɛ saċʀɛɖ ɢʀօʊռɖ,
Tɦɛ ɢɦօsts օʄ օʟɖ
Iռɖɨaռ sօʊʟ's, ʍaʀċɦ աɨtɦ tɦɛ ʟɨʋɨռɢ tʀɨɮɛsʍɛռ
Tօ sɦaʍaռ sօʊռɖ's.
Dɛsɛċʀatɨօռ ɦatɦ ɮɛɢʊռ
Tɦɛ ɮʟօօɖ ɦatɦ ɮɛɛռ sքɨʟt.
Iռռօċɛռt ռatɨʋɛs, օʄ tɦɛɨʀ օառ ɦօʍɛʟaռɖ,
Raքɛɖ, քʟʊռɖɛʀɛɖ ɨռ ʄɨʟtɦ.
Tɦօʊ ċaռst stɨʟʟ ɦɛaʀɛtɦ tɦɛ Cʀʏ's օʄ tɦɛ ɮaɮɨɛs aռɖ աօʍɛռ,
As I ċaռst ɦɛaʀɛtɦ tɦɛ sɦaʍaռ աɦօ's ɮʊʀɨɛɖ ɨռ ɦɨs tօʍɮ,
Pʟaʏɨռɢ ɦɨs ʄʟʊtɛ aʟօʄt ɦɛaʋɛռʟʏ ċɛɨʟɨռɢ's.
As tɨs tɦɛ aʄtɛʀ-ɛʄʄɛċts ċaռst ɮɛɛռ sɛɛռ ʄʀօʍ aʄօʀɛtɨʍɛs,
Tɦɛ աatɛʀ's ʏɛʟʟօա, ɮʀɛatɦɨռɢ ɨs sɦaʟʟօա, ʄɨʀɛs aʀt ɮʊʀռɨռɢ tɦɛ ʍօʊռtaɨռ's aռɖ Mɛaɖօաs, ʄʀօʍ tɦօsɛ ʀɨċɦ ʍɛռ աɨtɦ tɨռ-ʍɛtaʟ ɦat's; as tɨs tɦɛʏ sօʊɢɦt a ռɛա օʀɖɛʀ, as tɦɛ ʍɛɖɨċɨռɛ ʍɛռ ʄօʀɛsaա tɦɛsɛ atʀօċɨtɨɛs aռɖ sʟaʊɢɦtɛʀ's. Tɦɛ sɦaʍaռ քʀօքɦɛsɨɛɖ օʄ tɦɛ ʍʊʀɖɛʀ օʄ tɦɛɨʀ աaʀʀɨօʀ's aռɖ ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ's, as tɦɛʏ saաɛst a ռɛա աօʀʟɖ օʀɖɛʀ , ċօʍɨռɢ ɛʋɛռ at tɦat tɨʍɛ.

©Brandon Nagley
@Lonesome poets poetry
©Prophetic poetry
Poem goes as such if you can't read fancy words loll...

Title is -hidden betwixt the thicket, lies the eye's of the tribesmen.

Bygone tribesmen
Hidden betwixt the thicket;
Eye's piercing like midnight panther's
Their feathers, colorful, rigid.
They seeith the invader's
Coming upon their shore's,
Their frightened of the metal
And helmet's of hell's storm.
The drum circle stop's
The men and women stop dancing,
The fire burneth low,
As tis none time for romancing.
The European death bringer's
Trample sacred ground,
The ghosts of old
Indian souls, march with the living tribesmen
To shaman sound's.
Desecration hath begun
The blood hath been spilt.
Innocent natives, of their own homeland,
*****, plundered in filth.
Thou canst still heareth the Cry's of the babies and women,
As I canst heareth the shaman who's buried in his tomb,
Playing his flute aloft heavenly ceilings.
As tis the after-effects canst be seen from aforetimes,
The waters yellow, breathing is shallow, fires art burning the mountain's and Meadows, from those rich men with tin-metal hat's; as tis they sought a new order, as the shaman prophesied of the ****** of their warrior's and daughter's, as they sawest a new world order, coming even at that time.
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