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Sombro Apr 2016
There's a glitter in my eyes
When I've caught a kind of sleep,
A star who's come to earth to rise
Each morning from the deep.

And for a celestial second
I won't groan or creak
Old ship will slip through water beckoned;
Bare the world a bidden streak.

I can leave this sandpit
If only for a day
And look at all above the wit
That sleep has granted on my way.

I feel a better person
I feel a better son
For more important things may worsen
Moods of those who slower run.

For now I'll ring my jester bell,
I'll jump and dance and cheer.
I'm happy now for I do well
With all the sleep that's granted, dear.

And morning peach shall find me spent
Exhausted by this rocket jet
But I will smile for days that went
And glitters I have not held yet.
You know that feeling when you get the perfect amount of sleep and everything seems good?
Today I do.
Silence Screamz Jul 2015
Can't believe my life
Clawed through the womb
to take my first breathe
then slapped and cried

Can't believe my life
Alcohol flowed
through the bottle to the fist
then fell and cried

Can't believe my life
Wills are broken
on the bully's word
then crawled and cried

Can't believe my life
Shots of war
took my brothers
then marched and cried

Can't believe my life
Gray hair and frail
lying in bed
then rested and died
Parts of life in a short montage of emotional times

— The End —