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Rodium Tek Feb 2018
I've come along way since I was a kid, riding a trike.
But why are all my poems getting these likes?
Poems are usually written for literary folk.
But all my poems are just a joke.

I might try hard, my soul might be hollow.
But if my poems aren't good, why am I getting follows?
I don't even think I'm very good at this.
So why am I only getting support, not any dis?

Well, whatever. I'll just keep doing what I do best. Writing whatever I feel like.
Even this poem is a joke.
ryn May 2017
If you've found love,
would you know?

If you also feel love,
would you let it grow?

If you're in love,
would you let it show?

If you've secured that love,
would you promise not to let it go?

— The End —