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kirsti alexa Jan 2015
It was so much easier, making decisions in
the dim lighting of that corner
neighborhood bar, whiskey burning down my
throat, your hand on my waist--a dare to
wandering eyes, and a promise just between
us as we stumbled our way home. It began to
rain and my hair was curling, but I didn't
care in the lamppost light of the street
then, church bells tolling midnight
somewhere in the distance. Everything was
perfect that night, in the dark, with you.
Chuck Jan 2015
It's over
Turn out the lights
Say goodnight
The music is fading
Into white noise

The ball has been dropped
The confetti is now litter
The bottles are empty
The hangovers are hung

Death to the year
Death to the firsts
Forever rest all
but the memories

It is the last day
Of the first of your life
It will never come back
Lament the last night

— The End —