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Oscar Mann Mar 2016
Have a look at the parade of clowns
Copying emptiness
Copying lazy sentiments
Copying spiteful opinions
Tantrum after tantrum
Rant after rant
Idiot after idiot
This is what the world has become
Mainstream muckiness
Dreams of something special
Broken by modern day mentality
Minimal input, maximal output
All aboard the hype train
All behind the laptop
Digital drama democratized
As avant-garde lags behind

The army of halfwits
Celebrating uniqueness
Celebrating false individualism
Celebrating blissful ignorance
Lie after lie
Mask after mask
Actor after actor
This is it
The world’s a stage
The play is badly cast
The words are meaningless
Uttered in vanity
All brain, no heart
All play, no work
All for nothing

But with the clowns to the left of me
And the halfwits to the right
I’m taking a stance against it
Against the copying
The celebration of nothingness
The false individuality
I  won’t utter my words
I won’t play my part
I will embrace the heart
I will take of my mask
And let everyone know
I won’t settle for this
I will come, see and conquer
And then lose it all
But I’ll pick sincere decline
Over false stagnation any day
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Seeking: sad sofa fingers to caress me in the pine dark night spine of the city
I want you like a loud fishmonger in smoke filled rooms of silence
the train tracks of jealous stars hallucinating the whiskey sky in black & white mercy

P.S : Must love travel & alcoholism & hate punctuation
thanks for reading my Lonely hearts ads so far... I hope you're having a laugh, just as I am... thought I'd do a couple of writers now.. what THEIR lonely hearts ads would look like
btw ' Sad sofa' is stolen from Kerouac.... ;D....' The Lonesome Traveller'...
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Quiet, hallucinating Ombrophile seeks Pluviophobe
to convert to own religion
Must like ******* in the woods at night
& being happy to fight

angrily over nothing & to believe
in little green men
My personal hobbies include punting on the river
& singing ' Greensleeves'
Again, this is NOT a real ad...

' Greensleeves' is a traditional English song which you either love or hate...
'Ombrophile' is a lover of rain.... Pluviophobe is someone who has a fear of rain...

Punting on the river is a particular activity in England.... google it if you don't know what 'punting' means...

— The End —