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K A Mar 2018
I want to know you when you're mine

That moment our loved ones approve of our ties
The minute there merged one path from two lives

When each gaze He blesses, not punishes
With every word spoken, then we start to learn

I want to know you, only when you're mine

For familiarity may bore,
And comparisons seem to flaw

Because my love holds true,
Knowing you're faithful too

I want you to know that you'll be mine

Although I barely know your style,
While you wonder how I'd be without a smile

Even if we've never met
Even when there are regrets

I just want to know you,
Once He shows you're mine
December 23, 2015
K A Mar 2018
A little piece of hope
A wish inside of me
Just hold onto His rope
Just pray,

Then let it be
July 30, 2016
K A Jan 2018
Was it yours?
The soul that mine met
It's making me wonder,
"How far need I get?"

Your path crossed mine
But never did I see
'Til it came the time
When all was meant to be

Had our souls been distant
Long before we were born
My mind would have silenced
This feeling should be gone
August 26,2017
K A Mar 2018
There's a certain charm
A feeling like magic
A mysterious,
quizzical calm

When a little hope
is made stronger by faith
And signs seem to show
with each passing day

But let not it be
Merely wishful thinking -
No prayers; just dreams
No effort put in

Instead fill the soul
Find purpose
Stay gold

Then trust all that He's granted
Was all we've ever needed
March 28, 2017
Nicole Alexis Mar 2015
I don't know what happened but things between us didn't work out
All the things you said before, I now started to doubt.
Things began to fall apart
All of a sudden reality just slaps you really hard.

Our love story was magical
But now it slowly turned dull.
We both agreed to take things slow
But now you said your love for me can no longer grow.
You were my lover and all,
But you left me stranded and it made me feel so small.

What happened to us?
Was there even an us?
Yes, I have shortcomings in the way I have treated you.
But was that enough reason to leave me out of the blue?
It's so easy for you to leave me without any explanation nor goodbyes
If only you could see the pain through my eyes.
You gave me so many false hopes
And now I'm trying to unstrangle all these ropes.

I was trying to convince myself that you left me for a good reason
But then again I was wrong and now I've learned my lesson.
You replaced me instantly,
I was hurt badly.
There's nothing I can do
Because somehow I already knew.

It's like I couldn't breathe and do anything
But I am so blessed that there was a King.
My Heavenly Father picked me up when I was down on my knees.
I'm so tired of taking over the wheel so I gave Him the keys.
This is for the guy in my past.
I already accepted the fact that we're not meant for each other, it's almost a year but I've realized the pain was still there, that's why I wanted to release everything right now by expressing it through words.
Just so you know I'm finally letting go all of the pain and I'm moving forward in my life right now. You are no longer allowed to be on my journey to happiness and to be on the next chapters of my life. :)
Denisse Apr 2014
You enter because you want me and you to have jam
But to make it clear, you are not welcome
I know you very wee
In to the point that you made me fell.

And trust me, that was my biggest mistake
The bad feeling that i'd rather be bake
I am trying to forget you
But you show up like mushrooms do.

You are the boss of all the sin
And you are working 24/7 to keep us mean
Yes, I expect you to exist in my life
A Trespasser who is holding a knife.

Satan you are not welcome
Turn around and never come
I'm over you and I'm so glad to lose you
A Trespasser like you deserves a boo!

— The End —