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ms reluctance Apr 2018
A certain pleasure
seeps throughout my arid soul
when the rain gently
coaxes the unyielding earth
till it is lush and verdant.
NaPoWriMo Day 20
Poetry form: Tanka
Sarthak Agarwal Apr 2017
What a poet loves the most,
more than anything else,
Is how she completes her poems.
Entwining words with one another
hoping a creation will arise,
rather imperfect at first,
but moulding it over and over,
even as time cries.

The poet forgets herself,
and the world around her for she falls in love with the poem,
giving it everything she has,
hoping it may represent her most perfect dreams.

But there are often some poems,
taking a lifetime to complete,
for the poet is never satisfied,
even when her creation is ‘a lion in a fight’,
or ‘as smart as Einstein’,
as high and mighty as the bean tree from jack and the beanstalk,
or like a peach tree soft and tender.

And finally when her time comes near,
and she looks up from the bed,
caresses the soft skin of her creation,
which still smells to her the way a new book smells.
A small smile all too visible,
“Go and give love to others,
how you have given me the same”
she said.

How could I,
I whispered to myself,
When you, MAA, were the one who gave love and life to the poem,
and were more than a perfect poet.
A poem dedicated to the national poetry writing month, and my mother.
Open to all sorts of constructive criticism.
Ottar Apr 2015
I know where womb
became breath of air
and I was born
in a hospital there,
place was north of flat,
with wind erosion,
Growing up was not easy I know
with glasses I was an
easy target, until I had single eye
surgery, muscle band
sutured, wore a patch for my pirate
eye, no sword in a hand,
I know what tetanus is and why I
had to get a shot,
Rusty nail through and through a
sneaker, hurt a lot,
I know first love and know too well
rejection, spread like
an infection through my life at that
time, unless I biked,
then the only ones faster than me were cars
and planes and trains
and birds, some dogs, other bigger kids
on bikes, this I know.

I know this is about to get repetitive.
I know how important a good goalie is in two sports.

I know what bullying was and bullying is,
I know that negative self talk is a disease, still looking for the cure.
I know I was once good, no GREAT at the Pursuit of Trivial things.
I know I have a short term photographic memory, what did I just say?

I know there is a difference between jokes and humour,
I know some-one who has cancer and tumours,
I know what it is to watch my child-ren be born, and
admit there is beauty in my part of creation.

I know
many things. I know what fitness is and what it isn't.  I know friends who have had eating disorders, and how it becomes their personality.

I know what it is to be an adult child when parents divorce,
I know what alcoholics behave like to live to drink another day and another and...

I know I graduated high school,
I know how to drive different vehicles,
I know how to operate from a motorcycle to heavy machinery
I know Cadets and I know Canadian Reserves.

I know what it is like to receive a dear Darrell letter, when many miles
are between, and young love, ends.

I know safety rules with weapons, I know how to properly salute,
I know I once knew how to build bridges in the company of many
men, we will call them Field Engineers, UBIQUE, and a unique lot
they were, I knew I was a jack of all trades there and master of none,
save one, I was a soldier first and an engineer second, now are we
ready for the explosives...

I know how to coach volleyball

I know marriage, I know that relationships are really all us humans
have of value, of value, I know how to rant a poem, I know communication and the frustration of speaking in the wrong tone,
I know to look for awe, I know that my house is cluttered, I know my dog is old, and though she is not spent yet, that day will come sooner,
and tears, those ******* tears will flow, it is just a **** dog, don't you know?

I know love.   I know respect is earned.

I know when a black cloud moves in and hangs around the head and heart of the one you love, it breaks the little bones in your ears, it pulls
hairs from your nose, it gives you aches and pains and drains the living
energy despite how much you pray it away or pray to be strong, or pray to accept it, or pray for her every waking hour, and too even if you just go along for the roller coaster ride of your lives.

I know Christ Jesus and Him Crucified,
not by anything I have done but by
the love of God for me.

Now you know what
I know and what I am
willing to share, there
is much more, for each of us, didn't you know?
Not very poetic, sorry about the repetition, I know I may not have done this write, quite right.To my credit I could edit this the rest of my life long.

— The End —