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Paul Hansford Jul 2016
Gloriously green in spring and summer, these leaves
turned to bright shades of flame, lit up the fall,
and autumn's winds tumbled them to earth.

Decaying, their remnants now enrich the earth,
and winter buds fatten for next year's leaves,
which in their turn, we know, will wither and fall,

an endless cycle of growth, decline and fall.
We too decline, return at last to earth,
and memory is all our existence leaves

until we rise in new leaves, and fall again to earth.
A tritina is a sort of "sestina lite", where there are only three repeating words instead of six, and all three appear in the last single line.  The theme of this one is something of a preoccupation of mine.
James Gable Jun 2016
Sunset is one time, one thing I dare to love
Different to sunrise, but not so much in light
It’s how fishermen hold so tightly to their line

In evening, my countenance feels pleasantly light
I move through cool air, a smooth-flowing line
Intersecting invisible ties, each person and each they love

I wait for some odd thing in a long ordered line
Calmed by the blending of sun and sea that must be love,
Serenely, I disappoint those in need of cigarette light

The sun bade farewell to the sea, and fell below the horizon line

*—Urchins are hedgehogs of the sea, I was called an urchin by my mother, which I loved. The nicknames only got worse from that point
Part Two of The Man Who Longed to be an Oyster
Ottar Apr 2016
The grounds echo sounds of gardeners grooming.
The blue sky canvas and a wash of clouds,
hang lightly, dressing up the place for show.

Pruned branches and piled neat cut grasses show,
uneven sweat stained shirts, on grooming
gardeners, hoped on winds below the clouds.

The vaulted layer heightens heat, no clouds
move, the breeze blows no reprieve, a no show
by day's end, the gardeners need grooming,

without clouds, a shower shows good grooming.
Tritina ABC, CAB, BCA and final including all three
Sam Temple Apr 2016
Rumors fly about the stock market crash
America will fall on the hardest of times
All the citizenry needs to make real preparation

Is anyone out there doing anything for preparation
Or are we all holding our breath awaiting this crash
On the cusp of revisiting the Great Depression times

The American people are running out of time
For the ability to make any preparation
As this will be the final and greatest crash

Stock market out of time, make preparation for the crash
poetry month prompt 7
ScrabbleDiva Aug 2011
This day was so good,
But now it is quiet night.
Soon I will see you, Dear.

The troubles of day are gone, Dear.
Now we must focus on only good.
Dream shall we in this minty night.

Bodies harmonized to the motion of the night.
You are my nightingale, Dear.
Eyes close and all is good,

And we whisper, "Good night Dear."
This is a tritina that I wrote as an example for my creative writing class. I liked how it turned out, so I thought that I would post it. :)
Mary McCray Apr 2016
(NaPoWriMo Challenge: April 7, 2016)

“I don’t care for a man’s religion
whose dog and cat are not the better for it.”
-- Abraham Lincoln

Poll the polecat for I don’t have, to say, a dog
in this fray, in this tussle of quicksand policy.
No kibble in the bowl of faithful-isms,

the ticks and slugs of sham prisms.
As the maxim goes—if you lie with dogs,
you wake up with fleas and fated policy.

You wake up as compromised as policy
uncompromised, orchestrating schisms
and foul offensives. Beware of the dog

policy, bird ******* and false Emersonian-
I cheated with ism words which were too juicy to refuse.
sharpcastuser Jul 2019
When we respect each other, there will be love.
Through mutual affection, we achieve peace .
Peaceful communities lead to harmony .
Tolerance and patience produce harmony.
Beauty and kindness are foundations of love.
With better understanding, we nurture peace.
With open hearts and minds, our thoughts seek love.
In each new connection, there is harmony .
We all share this earth, so why not strive for peace?

For coexistence, spread peace, love, and harmony!

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I'm using the pattern words: Peace, love, and harmony
Tom Balch Oct 2018
"After Listening to an interview with Harry Patch (RIP)
I wrote this Tritina poem"

Painful Memories Forever

In solitude my mind drifts back to days so painful
and I recall with sadness those darkest memories
of dearest friends and comrades gone and lost forever.

Never will I forget! Their friendship is forever
although they are gone, please God long live those memories
however sad, however dark, however painful.

I sometimes smile and laugh out load at those memories
when we were young and thought that life would last forever
in the thick of battle I watched them die…… painful,

and painful memories ´twould seem do last forever.

— The End —