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Más gallarda que el nenúfar
Que sobre las verdes ondas,
Al soplo del manso viento
Se mece al rayar la aurora,
Es una linda doncella
Que tiene por nombre Rosa,
Y a fe que no hay en los campos
Igual a sus gracias otra.
Vive en Pátzcuaro, en la Villa
De hermoso lago señora,
Lago que retrata un cielo
Limpio y azul, donde flotan
Blancas nubes que semejan
Grupos de errantes gaviotas.

Está en la flor de la vida,
No empaña ninguna sombra
Las primeras ilusiones
Con que el amor ia corona
Ama Rosa y es amada
Con un amor que no estorban
Sus padres, porque comprenden
Que ei joven que para esposa
La pretende, nobies prendas
Y honrado nombre atesora.
Cuentan ios que io conocen
Que tal mérito le abona,
Que no hay otro que le iguale
Cien leguas a la redonda.

Y aunque alabanza de amigo
Pueda tacnarse de impropia,
Nadie niega que remando
Tiene ei alma generosa;
Que sus riquezas divide
Con ios que sufren y lloran,
Que es tan bravo, que el peligro
Desdeña y jamas provoca,
Pero io humilla y io vence
Cuando en su camino asoma.

No hay jinete más garboso
Ni más diestro, porque asombra
Cuando de potro rebelde
Los fieros ímpetus doma,
Y es tan amable en su trato,
Tan cumplido en su persona,
Tan generoso en sus hechos
Y tan resuelto en sus obras,
Que la envidia no se atreve
Con su lengua ponzoñosa
A manchar su justa fama
Cuando cualquiera lo nombra.

Ya se prepara la fiesta,
Cercanas están las bodas.
Los padres cuentan los días,
Los prometidos las horas;
Los amigos se disponen
Para obsequiar a la novia
Dando brillo con sus galas
A la nupcial ceremonia.
Y aunque es tiesta de familia
Por suya el pueblo la toma.
Y en llevarla bien al cabo
Se empeña la Villa toda.
¡Con qué profunda tristeza
Vive Rosa en su retiro!
Está pálida su frente
Y están sus ojos sin brillo;
De la noche a la mañana
Corre de su llanto el hilo,
Sus padres sufren con ella
Y están tristes y abatidos.

No le da el sueño descanso
Ni el sol le procura alivio,
Que son la luz y las sombras
Para el que sufre lo mismo.
Está muy lejos Fernando,
Muy lejos y en gran peligro
Por que al llegar de la boda
El instante apetecido,
Invadió como un torrente
La ciudad el enemigo.

El pabellón del imperio
Halla en Patzcuaro un asilo,
Los franceses se apoderan
Del sosegado recinto,
Su ley imponen a todos,
Subyugan al pueblo altivo,
Y Fernando en su caballo,
De pocos hombres seguido,
Sale a buscar la bandera
Que veneró desde niño,
Y que agita en las montañas
El viento del patriotismo.

Ni el amor ni la esperanza
Le cerraron el camino,
Que ciego a todo embeleso
Y sordo a todo atractivo,
La Patria, sólo la Patria
En tales horas ha visto,
Y por ella deja todo
A salvarla decidido.

Rosa se queda llorando
Y como agostado lirio,
No hay fuerza que la levante
Ni sol que le infunda brío;
De su amoroso Fernando
Sólo sabe lo que han dicho;
Fue a la guerra y lo conoce,
Firme, noble y decidido;
Lo sueña entre los primeros
Que acometen los peligros;
Sabe que en todos los casos,
Entre muerte y servilismo
Ha de preferir la muerte
Que es vida para los dignos
Y con profunda tristeza
Vive Rosa en su retiro
Sin consuelo ni descanso,
Sin esperanza ni alivio,
Que son la luz y las sombras
Para el que sufre lo mismo.
A la habitación de Rosa,
Al rayar de la mañana
Llega un indígena humilde
Que viene de la montaña,
Y sin despertar sospechas
Cruzó por las avanzadas
Trayendo un papel oculto
En su sombrero de palma.
En hablar con Rosa insiste
Cuando de oponerse tratan
Sus padres que en todo miran
Espionajes y asechanzas.
Oye la joven las voces
Y con interés indaga,
Porque el corazón le dice
Que la nueva será grata,
Y lo confirma mirando
Que al borde de su ventana
Un «salta-pared» ligero
Tres veces alegre canta,
Nuncio de buena fortuna
Del pueblo entre las muchachas.

Llama al indio presurosa,
Este con faz animada
La saluda, y del sombrero
Descose la tosca falda,
Y de allí con mano firme
Saca y le entrega una carta
Que vino tan escondida,
Que a ser otro no la hallara.

Rosa trémula no acierta
En su gozo a desplegarla
Y ya febril e impaciente
Tanta torpeza le enfada;
Abre al fin y reconoce
Que Fernando se la manda
Y en cortas frases le dice,
Esto que en su pecho guarda:

«Mi único amor, vida mía,
Mi pasión, alma del alma,
No puedo vivir sin verte,
Que sin ti todo me falta;
Y aunque tu amor me da aliento
Y tu recuerdo me salva,
Tengo sed de tu presencia,
Tengo sed de tus palabras.

»Hoy por fortuna muy cerca
Me encuentro de tu morada,
Y he de verte aunque se oponga
Todo el poder de la Francia.

»Esta noche, a media noche
Antes de rayar el alba,
Para verme y para hablarme
Asómate a la ventana.

»Adiós vida de mi vida
No tengas miedo, y aguarda
Al que adora tu recuerdo
Luchando entre las montañas».
Es pasada media noche,
Reina profundo silencio
Que sólo interrumpe a veces
El ladrido de los perros,
O el grito del centinela
Que lleva perdido el viento.

En su ventana está Rosa,
Entre las sombras queriendo
Penetrar con la mirada
De sus grandes ojos negros,
Las tinieblas que sepultan
Los callejones estrechos.

Para no inspirar sospechas
Oscuro está su aposento,
Y ni a suspirar se atreve
Por no vender su secreto.

De súbito, escucha pasos
Cautelosos a lo lejos,
Y al oírlos no le cabe
El corazón en el pecho.

Entre las sombras divisa
Algo que tomando cuerpo
A la ventana se llega
Y casi con el aliento,
Le dice: -Prenda del alma.
Aquí estoy-.
                    ¡Bendito el cielo!-
Contesta Rosa y las manos
En la oscuridad tendiendo
Halla el rostro de su amante
Que las cubre con sus besos.
-¿Dudabas de que viniera?
-¿Como dudar, si yo creo
Cuanto me dices lo mismo
Que si fuera el Evangelio?
-¡Tantas semanas sin verte!
-¡Tanto tiempo!
                        -¡Tanto tiempo!

-Pero temo por tu vida...
-No temas, Dios es muy bueno.
Ahora dime que me amas,
A que me lo digas vengo
Y a decirte que te adoro...
-¿Más que yo a ti, cuando siento
Hasta de la misma patria
El aguijón de los celos?
No te culpo, mi Fernando,
No te culpo, bien has hecho
Pero dudo y me atormenta
Pensar que esconde tu seno
Amor más grande que el mío
Y otro vínculo más tierno.

Escúchame: si algún día
Merced a tu noble esfuerzo,
Victoriosa tu bandera,
Por héroe te aclama el pueblo,
Yo disputaré a tu frente
Ese laurel, porque tengo
Ante la patria que gime,
Para adquirirlo derecho;
Tú, sacrificas tu vida,
Yo, débil mujer, le ofrezco,
Alentando tu constancia,
Todo el amor que te tengo.
¡Ay Fernando! ¿tú no mides
Este sacrificio inmenso?
Y al decir así, la mano
Atrajo del guerrillero
Y con su llanto al bañarla
La oprimió contra su pecho.
Limpia despunta la aurora
Y en la ventana Fernando
No se atreve a despedirse
Sin hacer del tiempo caso.

Mas de pronto, por la esquina,
Sobre fogoso caballo,
De la brida conduciendo
Un potro alazán tostado,
Un guerrillero aparece
Con el mosquete en la mano.

Acércase a la pareja,
Aquel coloquio turbando,
Y dirigiéndose al joven
Le dice: «Mi Jefe, vamos,
Monte, que nos han sentido
Y somos dos contra tantos».

-iVete, por Dios!-grita Rosa.
Salta a su corcel Fernando,
Toma su pistola, besa
A la doncella en los labios,
Y a tiempo que se despide,
Por un callejón cercano
Desembocan en desorden
Argelinos y zuavos.
-iAlto!-gritan los que vienen.
-¡Primero muerto que dado!-
Contesta el otro y se lanza
Para abrir en ellos paso...
Suenan discordantes gritos,
Y se escuchan los disparos
Y álzanse nubes de polvo
De los pies de los soldados;
Y al punto que Rosa enjuga
Sus ojos que anubla el llanto,
Ya mira como se alejan
A galope por el campo,
Libres de sus enemigos,
Ei asistente y Fernando.
Algunos años más tarde,
Y cuando pagó a su patria
La deuda de sus servicios
Y la vió libre y sin mancha,
Volvió Fernando a sus lares;
Colgó en el hogar su espada,
Y no quiso ser soldado
Después de triunfar su causa;
Que fue guerrero del pueblo,
Luchador en la montaña,
De los que sólo combaten
Si está en peligro la Patria.

Entonces cumplióle a Rosa
Sus ofertas más sagradas,
Y fue la boda una fiesta
Popular, risueña y franca.

Al verlos salir del templo,
Según refiere la fama,
Recordando aquellas frases
De la inolvidable carta,
Formando vistoso grupo
A las puertas de su casa,
Las más bonitas del pueblo,
Las más festivas muchachas,
Con melancólicas notas
(Que a nuestros tiempos alcanzan
En canción que «Los Capiros»
En Michoacán se la llama),
Al compás de las vihuelas,
De esta manera cantaban:

«Esta noche a media noche,
Y antes que llegue mañana
Si oyes que al pasar te silbo
Asómate a tu ventana».
if i remember accurately he puts hand between her thighs she gets wet her body tells him she wants him she puts hand between his thighs she feels hardness his body tells her he wants her a little blue pill and KY lotion don’t convey anything except maybe we’re too old for this sexuality was once the most defining intention in life but not anymore when youth perspire it smells **** when elderly sweat it’s malodorous yet in another breath old people are more appreciative know the hurt humiliation of neglect invisibility they secretly harbor passions beyond contemporary standards old age is ground zero for truly authentic perversity desires unfulfilled in youth

i don’t remember when the disenchantment began was it part of some greater change Dad’s illness death leaving Chicago my dog’s passing 9/11 or simply old age at some point my life stopped feeling like adventure all the crazy dreams aims aspirations cravings longings insatiable hungers wild experiments beautiful women everything slowly fading away leaving only ghostly empty disenchantment a profound sad knowing the world is never going to heal get better the whole brutally honest realization greed corruption poisonous toxins overpopulation think tanks planet candidates anger hatred atrocities will triumph i know i must not listen to this voice inside me these feelings of disenchantment if i can learn to heal myself and try my hardest to love forgive others than i will succeed in this harsh existence no matter what the world does

in my garden grows an abundant jalapeño patch i share it with my postman Fernando he picks ripe peppers for his wife Barbara she makes salsa with the jalapeños then Fernando shares Barbara’s salsa with me anyway Fernando served 6 years in the Marines and is of Mexican descent he recently told me a story about a holiday he shared with 2 fellow Marines at a ******* beach in southern Spain Fernando described a seashore bustling with many women exposing their ******* all of a sudden Fernando spotted this amazingly gorgeous long legged female wearing nothing but flimsy string thong she walked into a cantina the 3 Marines followed Fernando's buddy set up tripod behind amazingly gorgeous long legged woman and started shooting Fernando explained she turned enraged yelling at the Marines i commented to Fernando his Marine buddy ought to have first asked consent he replied we knew we should have but who gives a **** we’re Americans everybody knows Americans are ******* when people from other countries find out you’re American they deliberately treat you like an *******

October is pivotal April May June July August September mornings shine bright early dusk comes late then suddenly October bursts on scene changes everything mornings grow darker days end sooner October is the culprit this month 5 Fridays 5 Saturdays 5 Sundays old dog painfully arthritic legs climb stairs sound of waves crashing against shoreline distant stars in night sky cooler breezes blow whiff of death in air harvest your wheat oats barley cook your squash last of corn tomatoes eat your pumpkin pie swig your cider you know what’s next now familiar footsteps tread on path come to take you home back to place before the beginning you’ve got to pick up every stitch must be the season of the witch

Mom spoke about memory a fogginess she says comes over her she began by admitting she realizes how she camouflages so people won't notice how bad she truly is because they might not want to be with her she says it does not scare her it is just part of getting older she recognizes it in her friends Mom says she very much wants to remain independent she knows her house how to maneuver in it she feels angry she didn't sell the apartment when the market was better though she loves her home does not want to ever wind up in residence for the aged does not want anyone living with her she is used to living alone doesn't like idea of a caregiver in the house this passage is difficult for her in a new way somehow i think the difficult challenge for us all now is how to help Mom manage on her own and continue to empower her with dignity she is a brave woman turning 90 in late October woman descending a staircase
Testimony of the Love of Life

Ludwig ...: “Today ..., tomorrow and the day after, will be the today that walking has taught me through the experience of running through the months together with the years, and I have not feared the divine or the unknown. Today I have seen the greatest reflection of light, which enlivens, guides me, and will show me a space of trust, perhaps one of those who come here in summer, and singles are linked together. And possibly the other is the one who does not speak to me, nor does he expose himself like those in the summer, they only appear radiant or multi-stimulating, giving opportunities. Like other times, his inspirational work is repeated with something poetic ...: "And where you are blind, that the light bathes my eyelids with a deep glow ... Just keep quiet and speak with your eyes ...just look at, for the strange and watery feel …and so be the ear who perpetuates the sound. And so it is that in the static, it is impossible to accept ironic that laughter opens to wards arousal ...When you turn on the light, and see the fearful darkness I perceive the new knowledge ... "

Ludwig ...: How many more times will I have to endure changes, such as those that come against my will ...?

But I know well what I represent and what I have to join, and thus alleviate my life and do not disapprove of what I feel in poetry, or perhaps the meaning I see in it seems rudimentary. Above all, the doubtful, the interested, the most enviable thing that a person has, that is multifaceted does not manifest itself specifically, but goes straight ahead to hide the verisimilitude, and only entrusts to others or another the worst armed evil of today ... "The tiredness of the targets, that if they remain close they move away, distrusting the worst cruelty ..." Well, now, get away from me cursed and cruel. Let me let you sleep in the sweet comfort of sleep and finally fight for me. Until I get angry with others, but everything is bearable. I don't want to think too much, I'm afraid to forget, or maybe I don't want to fear anything, I just know that I will ruin the attempts since there will be nothing to cheer for since I was born not to live and build absolutely nothing (End). Almost leaving the same thought, brief in content, but great in prosecution, he feels the voice of a flute and its faithful sound.

Fernando ...: Friend ..., as soon as I knew that you came I was very happy, especially now that, who knows if we will see each other again? The truth is that in a week I'm going back to Germany, I've already confirmed the flight. But make me sad alone, no I want to enjoy this moment of this place with so much bustle, so many hours under the sun and good friends.

Ludwig ...: Life is so short, everything happens so fast and we continue to yearn tirelessly, we continue to tirelessly squeeze memories. Sometimes, I feel that time does not pass later and I would like to grow old later, or if some accident or illness has to come, let it come. Or sometimes, I am interested in childhood, but I am more interested in Today.

Fernando ...: Play the flute today with something from yesterday that is so beautiful .--- Take the flute and play without stopping as if it were falling into the water.

Ludwig ...: I'm leaving Fernando, I hope we say goodbye before you go .--- Fernando tells him logically I'll go to your house to say goodbye. They both go back to their homes, and in them, some desire for company animated. It was the gentle company of the sea breeze. But in Ludwig Antoinette boiled like her attractive spiritual force, which is extensive to explain.

Ludwig ...: It was very nice to see you, and I wish you good luck.
Fernando ...: Thank you, also for you.

They hug and say goodbye. Each one moves away, Fernando goes happily where his parents, while Ludwig has no one, except Antonieta, who would see later and this time in the beautiful landscape at night. He walks and walks, until the crosses of the night of the great lighted city, indicating that he was close when he passed near the Park. As he passed by he longed to see Antoinette at the fountain, but he went on and crossed the underpass and approached his beloved home. Upon reaching the front yard, he saw Antonieta sitting.

Ludwig ...: Antoinette ...! But how can you be out here? We agreed to meet at seven and I know it's seven-thirty, sorry for the delay.

Antonieta ...: Don't worry, it has helped me to know your environment, and how wooded it looks.

Ludwig ...: You're right, I call this the Flower Forest of my Green City.

Antonieta ...: If I understand now, this is very different from everything.

Ludwig ...: Although now I am fixing some parts that remain of my parent's old house. So I am going to repair the most essential.
Antonieta ...: It will be very nice in this beautiful, beautiful and picturesque place.

Ludwig ...: Well, what do you want to do? , go somewhere or stay here.

She replies that she wants to stay and Ludwig tells her that as she wishes, so he takes advantage of inviting her to a celebration of the anniversary of a Film Institute. She tells him that she would confirm him these days, but that she does invite him to a trip to Calypso Lake. Ludwig agreed and then invited her to roast a fish and some salads.
Antonieta helped him and then they ate the exquisite menu, they sat by the edge of the fire to talk.

Ludwig ...: One day I was coming from Sara's house, and on the way, I found a run-over dog, I took it and brought it here, where I assumed the food chain would be. In effect, that way I felt as if it were a clean place, open as a field of ecological habitat, the current city that I have. As you can see here, it is wide, its extension reaches one hundred and fifteen thousand hectares.

Antonieta ...: Your Ecologist city is very big and it also has a lot of beauty. It is an ideal place.

Ludwig ...: Do you know if I die I will donate it to people who wish to cultivate this fertile space.

Antonieta ...: I hope you don't die Ludwig so later, I would like you to always keep your property.

Ludwig ...: How nice to hear that!

Ludwig takes her by the head and hugs her for a long time. He tells her that if he was okay and she tells him that he made her feel that way. He intimately thought ...: “How much I miss running through the hills, sliding down the slopes until I reached the top and raising my hand to cool my phalanxes in the mountain air. But still, my phalanxes are warm hugging her, who shares the peace with me. When he finished thinking, he began to look at the small flames of the stove and suddenly the smoke on his exhale. Ludwig followed the fumarole that lost him, that astonished him. Antoinette was asleep, so he left her stretched out in the fire and followed the walking cemetery smoke. He left behind the pool, the orange groves, the oaks, and the eucalyptus, always following her as if she were an oil stain on the water. But he did not understand the bronze glow, but he did like to get away from the world and he did that in his redoubt. He says ...: "I want him to speak to me, to name this spot, but he makes me follow it everywhere." The fumarole was deposited on a large stone, and it reached here, then it disintegrated. Ludwig reached out and touched her, feeling that she was warm. And he says that what was there was very valuable and that something would come out of it ... After coming back the same way, he felt a certain suspicion on his back, it was how lonely and quiet the forest was, not even the owls cawed, only the cold of the night circulated. Upon reaching the pool, he skirts it to the other end, where he ducks it, seeing that some were there.

When suddenly in the mirror of the water, the aureoles of gray rain appear irrigating the lagoon. He says What a sensational ... what a pure rain ...!Then he goes to the path to his house, where Antonieta was sleeping. Now she was coming back to life, to the jungle, the drops produced the formidable sound of her falling, of the largest waterfall that exists. When he reached the extinguished stove, he saw that Antonieta had taken refuge under the willow tree.

Antonieta ...: How could you let others take over something so yours, right ...?

Ludwig ...: This is beautiful, it has also healed me of many ailments, actually I love it like everything that exists here.

Antonieta ...: What do you want from me ...?

Ludwig tells her that he liked her just the way she was and that she was something similar to what she was extracted from the wooded place.  She says how beautiful it to hear that, and asks him to share as much time as they could .--- Ludwig tells him that she thought like an exemplary mother, he says ...: Don't you know how I like to hear that it be so? Uh ... I think it's time to leave you. You are right, I have to go to work tomorrow, she answers him. They call a taxi, and Antoinette leaves Ludwig at midnight. When she got home it was still raining and the cold was freezing more than ever, Ludwig warns her about the invitation on Saturday. Antonieta receives him like this, but she wanted to say something to him before, Ludwig is left in suspense waiting ..., and she gives him a big kiss, with the same desire to give it to him. When he returned home, the rain was a great spectacle, it was a bit of a joyful feeling and a bit of sadness at the same time. Because that's right, it could be temporary or drizzle, this time it was with the body of a Cyclops with its neck twisted.

Ludwig ...: How I love her! just like that time in that poem after the rain everything seemed beautifully damp, very still, very decisive of harmonious peacefulness. Yes, after it rained, everything is more beautiful ...! He gets out of the taxi, after walking down the sidewalk and feeling the water on his shoulders, he enters a restaurant. In these days of light legs and impetuous silence, he saw how he treasured his gifts on his behalf. The rainy night was majestic and close to a resurrection. Millions and millions of icy drops and Ludwig drank the hot coffee, with thousands of thoughts all alluding to the wonderful watery element. He wanted everything, that is, what surrounded him made him want more, although the distrustful mania, did not let it open Totally, like those sleepless nights, of not being able to reconcile posture and sleep. This night that blackened like ink, made him think about that rock and what would come out of it, maybe everything would be solved with a hammer or a chisel, or that a lightning bolt would transform it. He also prowled Antonieta, Fernando, Debra, Sara smiling, Roberto with his rag, and Víctor with his shyness. He imagined his parents in youth who left them the gift of today to transmit what they lived while alive. He also thought that he was normalizing himself and that he had Antonieta very close to supporting him. In the thought of long analysis of him, he could see how the world has taught him to love and respect, and those things with beating hearts caused the greatest breakdown, the greatest erosion, that which has been abandoned and inactive. So the earthquakes, so the wars, so brotherly hatred, and self-consciousness and let us return to our primitive existence, retreating to humility. Whether it is out of love or envy, destruction marks us, whether it is because of the lust for power, isolation, and whatever remains to happen. He takes the second coffee and goes out to wander without knowing where ...? Walk and walk, pass near the Aula Magna, keep walking until you reach the end of the road, where there is no cement, only the accompanying earth that was coughing from a cold, which assimilated the minerals where death could wait for him and cut his throat, or he would simply walk away. long steps through the countryside. As he traveled the surroundings, along rural roads, when he passed some houses with canopy lights, he saw how they inhabited their houses seeing the smoke in the chimneys. After a long walk, he approaches the escarpment, when he sees that someone was coming to meet him, it was a fisherman who came with his fishing device at a slow pace. And so it happened, the man of the sea only pierced like a dark bolide.

Ludwig comments how strange he was, he seemed an enigmatic being and not a fisherman. Maybe he's a caretaker or an Augur. It was incredible how he was wet, it was necessary to get indoors. With no other alternative, he descends the gorge until he reaches the beach, which now seemed all sea all water, beyond the limit. Now this space seemed alien to him. But what may seem uncomfortable, it was a vital necessity, that he wanted to be alone in his house. Ludwig wanted more than ever to feel the experience. He needed his body to rest, and he wanted to relax, forever he wanted a surprise, and he just appeared done star then another and another, until it clears and the rain stops. Ludwig is amazed at having come so far, looks for some dry branches, and sets fire. He puts the coat to dry and sleeps like an angel, before falling asleep he begins to remember ...: The stone ...?, He crossed himself with his numb hand and wrapped himself in his arms. The wind blew softly, carrying and bringing various aromas, until the sleeping voices with their gnats say good night ...: “Me Ludwig, I will not speak very close to your ear, but I tell you that where you have arrived in our proscenium, is the high observing of the emotions felt and lived. And today you have done it allowing the push of your vague spirit, which pulls you, taking you wherever your spirit wishes, you only accept his opinion. Today dear Ludwig, the immortal issue is valid, and what you have reached is infinite ... "

The sleeping light is gone, along with the others that supported it. Ludwig closed his eyes and said goodbye to the sleeping voices, while his body floated in the warm air and his voices manifested gratefully from his friends. Around her, the wind carried and carried, carried and carried. In the morning she had a fever and looked like a real frosted corpse. It could be helpful if you took off your coat overnight and dried it. Still, the first beams of lights were enough to revive him and begin to wake him up. When he was warming up more, he got up and went back to the city, but this time he did not do it through the rural road, but rather went along the coastal beach, to the sea huts. He sometimes looked back to see where he was. In the sand he saw more than his footprints, he saw a penguin and a beached whale, he saw innumerable algae next to the white of the waves, he saw how the gulls carried minnows in their beaks and the sea lions dove. Beyond some dolphins danced in rounds, one another lined up as if they were children with playful youthful souls. Some with their pigtails beat the foam that would cut like globules of insipid foam. This time the wind brought from all sides, the ceiling was populated with little clouds, with cirrus clouds resembling the angry Oblong milk, and above all this air simulated being freshly made, it was breathable and stimulating. Those species thrown out of their own environment, would not return from their home, they would only be after the last effort to revive, but everything had remained that way. Everything was reduced to footprints and those of the whale was furrowed as if asking to have feet and get rid of the executioner. Over and over again he turned his head to see what distressed his feeling, but he couldn't do anything, even he knew that he was like them dying ... ”When above his face rotted without healing from leprosy, below his legs became thin. This is how death attacks, if not from the center, it destroys us on the other hand ... " And his continuous odyssey, at the top of the crown, he saw the summer cabins, indicating that his redoubt was close by. His house was approaching by leaps and bounds, he no longer wanted to look, or eat, only to gather his little strength to sleep.

When he arrived he did nothing but go to the humus to sleep. The road continued with himself and a long way traveled, without a doubt this path was the one he undertook without asking anyone. All that made him seek more in him, is the agitation of himself, nothing more than losing what has hurt him so much, society, sinister men, slave factories, and the cohabiting environment in general. His emigration is indefatigable, he goes where the misunderstanding has left him, but this time he is very refined without belligerence, only what he has collected from him, which as no one can pay the right to put aside all resentment and accept that we will always be subject to be squeezed like another object in between and people. Maybe, Ludwig, is the one who will each of us go to the link with humanitarian sentiments. How many times will you continue looking for something different, what gives an answer to the intrigue of being normal or wondering ... If we are part of normality ...? Our restlessness takes us very high, sometimes it is difficult for us to descend from the highest, of course, everything goes gradually because everything happens like this, but who takes care of the changes caused by ourselves ...? It was late when another of the sleeping voices made him soak her cornea, still with a sea breeze. Despite the autumn rain, it hadn't dampened the ground and the air temperature seemed to be springtime. In the afternoon he went for a walk nearby, until he reached the Abbey, the one he saw succumb in his dream, the one threatened by the deadly light.

When he entered he saw how the warm and thermal suns lodged in its walls. He saw how they remade the image of Christ and saw how everything in the neat incense, he sanctified. He contemplated how the face of the most sinful person was going to ask for mercy, being able to see that the venous Christian hand was forgiving. Here everything remains the same as Nazareth or Jerusalem because it accompanies very attached to the heart, not only the pious but the well-affectionate. I know that he will not disappoint me, I know that I cannot assure the believer of his Faith, that because of the silence that dwells here, what this sacred place claims to contain will continue to be unfathomable forever. To Christ himself, to the superiority that we all need to have.

Ludwig ...: Does everything seem so still ..., so static ...?, But at the same time you can see dynamism, like pilgrim logs in their pilgrimages, or in that common sob to all, to the need to regret the yearned for. When his smallness magnified him, making him more deified, but as a human that he was, nothing in the world. The pain in the face of suffering is the indecision of our Faith that irrevocably resembles the face of Jesus, which we need to represent the mortal pain common to all humans, called "Sons of the Lord".Of the consequences of the facts is the answer to the others, who wander uncertainly on the worldly path ambitioning the favorite and magical Sermon on the Mount. The feasibility of being relegated by a human being is nothing more than a trifle, it is nothing more than being disoriented. Therefore, everything that comes from another it is nothing more than an abandoned wind. His attitude towards others always dies, when he could not cling to another creed or has been dependent on religious neutrality.
Weirdly Emigrate Chapter VI  Part II
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Mine artistry inamorata
Airburshed on tapestry upon;
Fernando Amorsolo canvas.


Thou art mine Atlantis
The air I sucketh in;
Mine piece of God, timeless.


What id do without thee?
I couldst not liveth;
I'll giveth thee mine last drop, of blood mine dear.


Cometh near
Shadow's dance with us;
Filipino perfume's, ancient dusk.


In the negrito of Luzon
Bead's shalt bounce ourn neck's;
Red one's, yellow one's, tribal seed connect.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
Frisk Jan 2016
Chloe's POV:

2 Days Before -

“If I find you camping, I swear to god, Chloe ******* Price –“ Rachel challenges, “– I’m drawing blood. Don’t grin at me. I’ll leave you for the vultures to snack on. Maybe for cannibals too.”

“**** me with a plastic light up gun? How threatening.”

You know when you’re listening to the instructor reciting the rules for the game of laser tag for the nine thousandth time, and there’s the teenager ******* around in the background with guns? That’s me and Rachel, who holds a gun up to my face and makes a reference to the Star Wars Family Guy episode where the storm trooper pretends to shoot down passerby ships by saying, “Pew, pew, gotcha!”

Both team vests, red and blue, are occupied so it’s a full game. Even though we were one of the last people to come in, we managed to get opposite colored vests. Rachel is on the red team, while I’m on the opposing blue team. Only natural since the vest matches my hair color.

When the instructor opens the door, the crowd piles out into the room booming Irresistible by Fall Out Boy. Rachel and I are one of the last ones out, holding our guns up towards the sky as we walk in feeling like we’re walking away from a huge explosion acting like we’re James Bond. As the vocals of the song begin, the red and blue vests come to life beginning the game.

“Pew, pew, gotcha!” Rachel coyly replies, rushing off as my vest dies.

Insert groan here. I roll my eyes, darting quickly after Rachel as my vest comes back to life. Rachel ducks down behind a purple glowing pillar, holding her gun out from behind it to shoot me as I come up the stairs. “Your shooting is so messy, you idiot.”

Someone takes out Rachel’s vest, and my vest is taken out immediately after hers. What a way to start this game. “******* it.”

“Have you even gotten anyone yet?” She yells as she darts off.

A group of kids in red vests come upstairs. I shoot at the vests from the second story, and they glance up angrily at me as their vests die. They invade my hiding space shortly after, and I’m forced to flee over to the other side of the arena into one of the walled-off areas with a hole to shoot out of, specifically for campers and for recharging vests. Immediately, I crash into somebody who drops their gun and grabs my arms instinctively because of how hard I slam into them, pushing me back gently. “Are you okay?”

The short-haired brunette girl I run into is drop-dead gorgeous, freckles peppering her cheeks. As usual, I don’t think before I say the first thing that comes to mind. “Woah.”

“You’re making this too easy for me.” The girl comments, shooting out my glowing blue vest quickly after grabbing her gun and steps around me to find another hiding place. *******, I think, what hierarchy of angels did you come from? Why didn’t I notice you before I walked into this laser tag room?

Right. Because I’m on a date with Rachel. Or at least, I’m trying to convince myself that’s what this is. Five days ago, Rachel kissed me while she was drunk mostly because someone suggested the Pocky game at Dana’s nineteenth birthday party. I can see Rachel’s face coming closer to mine as she chomps down on the chocolate Pocky sticks oblivious to the closeness that I was to her face, and I feel her lips crashing with mine for a split second. It feels like I give her the entire world in that kiss, but she pulls back like it was nothing.

How am I the only one who remembers that?

I have to retreat from my camping spots a few times, but I get enough vests taken out that Rachel is guaranteed to say something like, “Oh, you got a pretty good amount of people in this round.”

Ghost by Halsey starts booming through the arena, and practically everyone must be thinking why a song like this is playing because it's slow at first but it reverberates through the bass.

“You’re camping too? You must be bad at this game.” Brunette-haired princess holds me at gunpoint. "Any last words?"

Again, I don’t think before I speak. "You're hella cute."

The brunette girl's vest dies as I shoot at her immediately after, and she shoots mine out shortly after hers turns on. Her doe-like eyes are staring at me angrily in a playful manner, yet also glistening like stars. There's something about her that makes me feel like she sees a universe inside of me.

The music briskly cuts off, and everyone stops in their tracks and fumbles out. Rachel and that girl get lost in the red and blue blur of lights as the arena starts emptying.

It isn't until I come outside that I find Rachel holding a slip of paper. "What was your name, Chloe? I was Rocket, and I got eighth place."

"Starlight, I'm pretty sure?"

"You got seventeenth. Knew it." Rachel joked. "You were camping."

Focus on the here and now, Chloe. You have to ask Rachel about your relationship with her. Stop procrastinating. Rachel's face drops in confusion as I drop the bomb on her. "Can we talk?"

Max's Journal:

2 Days Before-

Wowser. Felt like just yesterday, I got an email for my acceptance into Blackwell Academy on a scholarship. And now I’m an adult, graduated, with a potential photographer job under my belt.

With events such as graduation, it should feel vaguely melancholic but Blackwell Academy is an eye-catcher in my resume. My dexterity with analog and digital cameras catches the eye of a professional photographer named Jack Rousseau working for Hot Topic, and he asked me for an interview. ME.

When I got the email, I practically leaped into Kate’s room gushing over this rare opportunity to work with a professional. I think Victoria overheard me loudly discussing this to Kate, because she was giving me the stink eye all throughout my ceremony from the other day. Whatever. Victoria will eventually earn her spotlight…in hell. I snorted writing that actually, and blushed furiously remembering I’m on a pretty packed bus. Probably got people looking at me like, “Is she okay?”

The first thing my Mom does when she sees me is give me a bone-crushing hug, and compliment my outfit even though it’s a tank top with a large dream catcher printed on the front with my loose green jacket overlapping the shirt with the sleeves pulled up to my elbows. She asks about Mr. Jefferson, and I think I over emphasize how I’m his star pupil. I’m pretty sure Mom gets it after trying to explain that to her several times.

The house smells like spaghetti, and I’m already drooling like a baby when I walk through the front door.
Then Mom randomly hands me a 50$ bill, and tells me to go hang out with one of my Seattle friends since I must miss the crap out of them.

I accidentally say, “What the hell?” in front of Mom. Funny thing is, she doesn’t wash my mouth out with soap. I must be too old for things like that. Maybe this is what a perk is of growing up, I think.

“Come on, go have fun!” Mom practically pushes me out the door, not before letting me have some of her World-Famous spaghetti. Mmmmm. As I jump into my Mom’s vehicle, I realize I don’t know where the **** to go or who to contact so I head to the first place I can think of: Laser tag.

As I sit out in the parking lot, I text Kristen or Fernando to see if they want to hang out here. Usually, Kristen will text back immediately but there’s no response. Fernando seems to be busy, so I head inside myself and buy myself a wrist band for laser tag alone. Who says you need to be with other people to have fun? I’m an expert at laser tag. They call me the best shooter in the northwest.

The instructor looks overwhelmed at the thirty or so people flooding the room, and attempts to talk at the loudest pitch possible to get everyone in the room to listen to the instructions. Of course, there’s giggles happening somewhere over all of these tall and short bodies so I get the jist of it: No running, pushing, fighting, and yelling. We all know there’s running and yelling going to happen.

As I run in, I immediately head for the stairs as my rest vest turns on. Someone shoots me from behind, and I notice it’s a group of kids. Then I decide to camp out in a corner, at least, until I get caught.

I bring out my gun and shoot out three blue vests on the other side of the laser tag arena. The air gets knocked out of me, plus my gun flies out of my hand as someone falls into me. My hands instinctively grab their arms, pushing them off me when I glance up at her face, suddenly startled.

“Woah.” She says, and I feel like lightning passes through both of us as I let go of her arms.

Immediately, I shoot out her vest, rushing off to find somewhere else to hide. My body is racing with adrenaline, and it’s a little hard to concentrate on the game because I’m trying to look for blue hair. In this packed arena of thirty people, it’s easy to get lost in the blur of red and blue lights. It’s easy to see the lights blend into purple.

It’s ironic when Ghost by Halsey starts playing because the first few lines is literally making me think of blue hair: “I’m searching for something that I can’t reach. I don't like them innocent. I don't want no face fresh. Want them wearing leather begging, let me be your taste test. I like the sad eyes, bad guys, mouth full of white lies…”


I find her tucked in a corner, mimicking me. And she’s gorgeous. I’m not sure why I am looking for her, but I am. “You’re camping too? You must be bad at this game.” I jokingly hold her at gunpoint. “Any last words?"

What comes out of her mouth leaves me off guard. “You're hella cute."

My vest goes out as she shoots me, and I shoot her back giving her a playful glare. And then something happens between us again, and it’s that jolt of lightning passing through both of us. The music cuts out, and I tear my eyes from the stranger and run out of the laser tag room by myself.

Once I get outside, I check my texts from Fernando and Kristen. Since they’re not replying, I decide to head on home, but my heart is still beating rapidly in my chest. And I’m not sure if it’s because of the game or blue hair.
judy smith Jun 2015
4 harmful foods that benefit us too
Maintaining a healthy diet isn't easy as one has to be careful of every morsel of food or sip of drink that they consume. So when research reveals a positive angle to some harmful dietary habits, what should one do?

A recent study in London showed that those who increased their coffee intake by more than a cup a day were less prone to have Type 2 Diabetes. On the other hand, caffeine is known to increase blood pressure and isn't good for the body in the long run. Here is a list of food items that are considered harmful, but benefit us in some ways as well...


Why it's bad: For a while now, white bread has been pushed to the back seat due to the growing notion that it leads to increased blood sugar and can ultimately cause obesity. The grains are processed in such a way that it strips the bread off all nutrients. Scientists at Tufts University in Boston also found that eating white bread increases your waistline, when compared to brown bread. Fitness expert Wanitha Ashok adds, "Eating white bread makes you hungry in an hour or so. When it comes to nutrition, it doesn't get the top slot."

Why it's good: Eating white bread isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you eat the enriched variety that contains nutrients, especially those that are topped with oats and nuts. Research done by the Irish University Nutrition Alliance showed that white bread contributed as much iron and fibre to an Irish diet as meat or fish. Nutritionist Ryan Fernando says, "The only time we recommend white bread to anyone is after a good workout. Sports athletes, especially, eat white bread as it helps replenish glucose faster and it's beneficial for the muscles."


Why they're bad: It is believed that fresh vegetables are better than frozen ones because of all the processing that takes place to freeze them and keep them fresh. A study done by the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in Turkey concluded that thawing frozen veggies before cooking them led to the loss of Vitamin C. "This is just convenience food. Anything you store for a long time begins to lose nutritional value. Also, in India, there are so many electricity fluctuations, so it's better to keep fresh vegetables," says Wanitha Ashok.

Why they're good: Lately, a lot of reports say that frozen veggies are better than the fresh variety because they are picked when they are most ripe and frozen so none of the vitamins are lost.Also,a study done at the University of Chester shows that there was a decline in the nutritional value of fresh veggies when refrigerated com - pared to frozen ones.


Why it's bad: It's known to increase cholesterol, which is why people with heart conditions avoid egg yolk. It also contains a lot of fat,which isn't good for people who gain weight easily. A Canadian study says that regularly consuming egg yolks can lead to plaque build-up in blood vessels. Why it's good: "Egg yolk has essential nutrients and vitamins, especially when compared to egg whites, which don't have as much. One or two eggs yolk a day are recommended for children, whereas adults should have one to get their intake of necessary nutrients," says Ryan Fernando. The cholesterol in the yolk is needed for elders and children who have adrenal issues.


Why it's bad: Not only does consumption of chocolate gradually increase one's weight,but people tend to cut down on it because of its caffeine and fat content. "Children get addicted to chocolate when their consumption is not moderated. It's harmful for diabetic people and the sweeteners in it are bad for the teeth," says Nainatara S, a consultant nutritionist. The high oxalates in chocolate are known to cause kidney stones. A study by the American Society of Clinical Nutrition showed that the higher the consumption of chocolate by elders, the more likely they were to be affected by bone disease.

Why it's good: Nutritionist Murali Subramanian says one benefit of eating chocolate is its antioxidant content. A study in the University of Illinois showed that consuming dark chocolate helped lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The antioxidants in the chocolate also help reduce chances of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.Read more |
With overdue hunger, she decides to eat and drink until she is satisfied. After eating he flees her house hating her, with the presentiment of being able to see Antoinette's swan. He goes out in search of her after her adored beautiful maiden. Trying to hide her impatience, he goes to the Municipal Theater without being able to find her. And there he goes to many places, that after visiting them, when he was walking down the main street when he was window-shopping, he gets distracted and finds a childhood friend, Fernando. He greets him and expresses surprise to him for a long time without seeing him --- He tells him that he was fine, that he was coming for a walk, after some invitations they had made him, and Ludwig asks him what he was working on --- To which he answers who administered the estate of his parents. And in spare time to the arts --- Fernando tells him without being surprised that he was still the same. They continued their conversation until he suddenly sees Antoinette in a gallery, crosses, and stands next to her. Then he looks at her through the glass, she turns and looks at him --- he tells her for so long without seeing him, for two weeks in that Park. He tells her, she was right, and her memory has not deceived her, I am Ludwig Garroch, and I want to invite her to someplace, where she wants you. She accepts and they go to a restaurant there. This one was very old, a very sad mandolin music could be heard in the distance.

Antonieta ...: How good I feel! It doesn't happen sometimes that you want to enjoy moments like these more often.

Ludwig ...: Of course, but now I beg you to tell me about his debut in San Lorenzo.

Antonieta ...: Logical, but the way I feel now makes me want only this freshness, like that curtain that is moved by that breeze, that's how I want to feel.

Ludwig ...: The truth is that I feel the same, so I leave the reason for the conversation to him.

Antonieta ...: First, I want you to know that I remembered you a lot. It was so surprising that day in that place. Ludwig ...: Yes the Prehistoric.

Antonieta ...: How, why does he call it that ...?

Ludwig ...: Well I approached you, civilly next to the hot spring, as if it were something of strong attraction. I could also smell her feminine charm, which in my opinion made me feel that way since we were in the immensity of that forest, which is reminiscent of the beginning of the world, as boisterous and wild as the park that burned in sulfurous heat. There is nothing I can do but get into this hidden piece of country.

Antonieta ...: It actually looks very old and wild like that. In any case, I find it very beautiful, although only that day I could enjoy it. Before I only saw from the outside, I didn't go in, the truth is that it scared me.

Ludwig ...: Now that we talk, I am more pleased to hear it.
Antonieta ...: I also think like this, that is to say, I feel very comfortable, Oh another thing! It is time for you to treat me as Antonieta and nothing else.

Ludwig ...: As you wish, it will be more comforting for me to be able to trust more in you and in the friendship you have given me.
Antonieta ...: It's an event, so let's toast to this.

They drank all the wine that in successive times guided him through the luxury of good feeling, good and frank dialogue. That wine was an elixir, it was the magical carrier of love. At the end of the toast, they got up. He canceled the due and they left. As they walked down the street they spoke with enthusiasm. He tells her if he prefers that he take her to her house or if she wants to go alone. She tells him that it was okay for him to accompany her. That way Mom won't worry about seeing her arrive alone at this time. Ludwig tells her how happy she was of her and that he wanted to see her again. She answers him that yes, that there is no need to worry so much and that she did not want to be complacent, but she had to be more optimistic --- Of course, she did not know that he was losing her balance, that she could hardly imagine her. They arranged to meet the next day, and Ludwig gave him her address ...: Sea Horse 966 East. They arrived at Antoinette's house and set a time for seven p.m. -Back in the favorite of his famous places of pleasure, her house, this night is more hospitable than ever, even a new species of flower was born in her homeland visiting him. Looking at the starry sky with its esoteric entities, with its dazzling features, she imagines being in the Ionosphere and looking down at the beloved Earth still with the chill of the ice of space on her back.

This is how he thinks how he is going to miss the lost imagination far from his reach. But before going to sleep, she remembers his close friends who made her remember affection and concern. She could barely reach her hand up to her face and cross herself. They already came to declare the omnipotent dream that he would accept it without quarrel, he would only obey something inescapable.

The Sleeping Voices ...: “You sleep like the one who has slept, who has not been insomniac, we will cover your ashamed conscience and we will give the living of immortal affairs.

Today more than ever we have reclaimed your soul to the place of consecration, where the detachment of Deist energy is stamped on the memory. Thus pure and concentrated the Faith will be granted to you, that if you want to call it from God, thus it will be in the first category and we will only be confined to assist you ... ”As it is proven, the wise man can think and act like a fool, but the sleeping voices They are from spiritual and intellectual pride, so you will omit vague thoughts. On our day, at the end of February, he has awakened in a hurry to how much can be done, leaving leisure inactive, (They retire) Ludwig wants to eat something and Sara comes in saying ... What do you mean ...? --- Ludwig says you ... What a surprise ...!

Sara ...: I've been waiting for you all these days, why haven't you gone to see me ...?, It seems that you've fallen in love again.

Ludwig ..: Look, I was going the other day but I don't know what happened, I was going to go anyway.

Sara ...: Ungrateful, why don't you get up ... !, I invite you to lunch, today I prepared fish especially for you, what do you think ...?

Ludwig ...: Very good Sarita! I'll take a bath and we'll go.

Sara ...: I see that you have fixed your redoubt, it already seems more home.

Ludwig ...: It was time, don't you think? Well to the water. He jumped into the pool, bathed, and dried himself in the sun. They drank orange juice from his trees and went to Sara's house. On the way, they talked about Debra, about her if she had written to him and he said no, that she would not return to the Green City. He tells her that fate kept treating him like a hungry lion's prey, but that he was glad that he was away from romanticism. Help is unconditionally offered by embracing each other's postures.

Sara ...: My poor Ludwig is human to err, and since we live surrounded by them, we will continue to suffer injustice.

Ludwig ...: I no longer want to feel my legs so heavy, and although oblivion is rebellious with me, I will take any element and make a message for everyone. That I do not go with resentment or hatred of any religious creed, I will only react as that I have learned from humans. And so, if I am to cry for Debra when she is gone, I will remember how I loved her and I will not see the vain smile full of hypocrisy, I will only squeeze her in my arms arrogant of expression and I will wish her eternal good. They got to Sara's house, had lunch, and then she left. She later went to Fernando's house, in the sea house. She remembered that she left him alone that day when she found Antonieta, she was sorry a lot but the good thing is that she was going to see him again. During the journey, she remembered her childhood time with hers, her friend, or hers, Fernando de Ella. He leaves his City, which had him tied to feeling, to nostalgia, to the rebirth of the new Sun that made him happy and renew his concerns. He only walked along the white road, and to the stream that in summer he does not feel running, and now he was thin and determined by his estuary. The flowers that always vitalized him now undressed him without being able to escape the eclipse that warmed him and invaded him with complacency. The sea was the great mirror resource of the sun, and the scene of the flimsy ground with the enigma of the abyss, with the biceps of the fisherman that empties his entrails and gives the overvaluation of the respect he deserves.
Upon arriving at Fernando's house, he knocks on the door and Dn opens it. Andrés, the father.

Ludwig ..: Good evening, I'm looking for Fernando.

Mr. Andrew  ...: Good morning, he went to the city to fix the matter of his passage, but he said that he would return around six o'clock. Do you want me to leave you a message?

Luis ...: Yes please, I'll wait for you on the shore of the beach, until sunset. Ah, tell him to carry the flute!

Mr. Andrew ...: Very well, I tell you. Are you by any chance the son of Gerardo Garroch ...? Ludwig answered in the affirmative, telling him that two years ago he had died. Dn. Andrés gives him his condolences, deeply regretting his person. They say goodbye and turn their backs as if wanting to resume the conversation.

When moving away from that beach house, Dn. Andrés made a sign to him, waving his hand, to which Ludwig answered with his arm raised. Very close to the shores that acclaimed him, he felt anticipating the summer that would renew him. He stretches his dorsal ulna and asks the neighboring giant ... Have I ever been angry with you, the salt giant and I hope it continues to be so? I am a nomad who is not calm ...! He stands and runs across the water ford looking at his shadow, breathing with pleasure and effort. So they continue with great pleasure, to see themselves healthy and that he is healthy. He prepares and exercises his heart in a long race. After running inside he is shaken by inspiration.
Weirdly  Emigrate  Chapter  VI  Part I
Alan Maguire Mar 2013
A is for Adam the Aardvark and his band the African Ants
B is for Broderick the bumble bee who thinks they are pants

C is for a cynical cat named Crusoe
While D is for Darwin the delightful deer
E is for Eric the elephant who always drinks my beer
F is for Fernando the Fox but in Spain he known as  Zorro
He lost his wife Matilda last week and is now brimming with sorrow
G is for Gerald and yes he is a Giraffe
He wore odd socks last Tuesday and made Heinrich the Hyena laugh
Imelda is an Iguana and she is quite immense, though she is really old but has unstoppable sense.
Jack the Jackal has a regular name but he is an assassin and has a pretty good aim
K is for Kimberly who happens to be a kangaroo but she doesn't live in the outback anymore because she lives in London Zoo

Laramie the Llama lives south of the United states , he loves hiking in the mountains but one thing he hates, is being mixed up with Arnie the Alpaca.

Monty the Moose loves drinking maple syrup and playing ice hockey,
yes he is a stereotype but I am his Jockey
Nero the Narwhal is the unicorn of the deep, he loves scaring sailors and loves to sleep
Olive the Orangutan is a neighbour of Kimberly the kangaroo
but they have a plan to escape from London Zoo.

Pug is a Pig , just a regular pig, but he wishes to be ferocious and really big
Quentin is a quail and buddies with Pug, he likes eating sunflower seeds but never a slug
Ramon the Rhinoceros also dwells in the Zoo and is part of the escape plan with The red ape and kangaroo , he'll actually be the one to bust them out,
but to get his attention you really must shout.

Sylvia slithers, Sylvia is sleek if you were a mouse and saw her, you'd go EEK!
Terence T. Tiger is terrified, because he was asked to escape from the Zoo,
yes with the Red ape , Rhino and Kangaroo.

Ulysses is a horse who super glued a horn to his fore-head , he wanted to be the last known Unicorn because he heard that they were all dead. Vincent is a Bat, just a Vampire Bat,
he doesn't really like blood but is enemies with Crusoe the Cat.

Warren the wolf has many female fans but spends half the day with Eric the Elephant drinking my cans .Xenops is not an alien , it's just a rain forest bird, I'll give you more info as soon as I've heard
Y is for Yul and I don't mean the bald actor , this Yul is a yak but does watch the X factor
Z is for a Zebra named Zak and yes he does know the Yul the Yak , they were introduced by a certain kangaroo, and now it's their job to visit London Zoo
Bunhead17  Nov 2013
Bunhead17 Nov 2013
[Verse 1: Drake]
Versace, Versace, Medusa head on me like I'm 'Luminati
This is a gated community, please get the ******* the property
Rap must be changing cause I'm at the top and ain't no one on top of me
****** be wanting a verse for a verse, but man that's not a swap to me
Drowning in compliments, pool in the backyard that look like Metropolis
I think I'm sellin' a million first week, man I guess I'm a optimist
Born in Toronto but sometimes I feel like Atlanta adopted us
What the **** is you talkin' 'bout? Saw this **** comin' like I had binoculars
Boy, Versace, Versace, we stay at the mansion when we in Miami
The pillows' Versace, the sheets are Versace, I just won a Grammy
I've been so quiet, I got the world like "What the **** is he planning?"
Just make sure that you got a back up plan cause that **** might come in handy
Started a label, the album is comin' September, just wait on it
This year I'm eating your food and my table got so many plates on it
Hundred inch TV at my house, I sit back like "**** I look great on it"
I do not **** with your new ****, my *****, don't ask for my take on it
Speakin' in lingo, man this for my ***** that trap out the bando
This for my ****** that call up Fernando to move a piano
**** all your feelin's cause business is business, its strictly financial
I'm always the first one to get it, man that's how you lead by example
Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace
Word to New York cause the Dyckman and Heights girls are callin' me "Papi"
I'm all on the low, take a famous girl out where there's no paparazzi
I'm tryna give Halle Berry a baby and no one can stop me

[Verse 2: Meek Mill]
Versace, Versace
Its killers, real ****** that's all in my posse (shooters!)
I'm getting so rich that they making up rumors that I'm illuminati (rich!)
Just me and my ****** we killin' these *******, go body for body (murders!)
These suckers be hating, they praying to God that I don't cop a Bugatti
Hold up, drop the top on the rari
Pull in the club and I'm stopping the party
Hold up, got ******* on *******
They poppin' on molly's I'm prolly at Follies with PeeWee and Tip
Of course i went with Lou
I did everything that I said I would do
I really won't tell you that I'm better than you
But we're not on the same level as you
Cause the G55 got a hell of a view
Regular ****** make regular moves
With ya regular ***** and ya regular crew
And you ***** still smokin on regular too? Like word?!
What a shame, my *****
Louboutin blood like Game, my *****
Get left tryna aim, my *****
Like Saddam Hussein, my *****
I'm whippin' this brand new machine
100 bands in my jeans
Call yo ***** Barry Sanders
She done ran through the team
I got hoes out the D
They playing on the team
Do anything for me
I mix that xan with the lean
Hold up, let me get it back
Versace, Versace
I'm gettin' this money, I'm stackin' my broccoli (racks!)
I'm running my city
You might gotta pay me if you land on my property (tax!)
I bought the boardwalk and I parked on the ave
****, my life's like monopoly
You caught a new case and you got outta jail
Boy, you look like a cop to me
(Get out of jail free card?)

[Verse 3: Tyga]
Aughh! Versace, Versace, I brought that **** back, all these ****** they copy
Medusa head on me I'm at the hotel, Versace Palazzo
I rented the yacht for a week, but I bought the convertible Lambo
Six mill for the mansion
I see haters coming I need some more ammo
These ****** gay that's Elmo
So much green I turned camo
Some hoover ****** on flannels
Light light you up no candle
Grip on that handle Yosemite Sam ya, that ***** bang like a banjo
Told my arms dealer no need for a box, I don't read the instructions, I throw out the manual (WOO!)
Versace, Versace, my brother king Trell he in a Ferrari
I don't look the same, my camera the same, I made too much money (WOO!)
Paul Pierce is my neighbor, I told him he should of went to the Clippers
I got some crazy ideas for Versace, get them and tell'em my number
Versace, auggh Picasso, Basquiat I'm cocky
23, 15 mill I'm just getting started
Pop water my water
I walk around on my wallet
I don't **** with Saddam but, that's gold all in my toilet
Statues of Horus, and the annubis is polished
I don't got to, rap about, coke for you to enjoy it
I'm bout' to join the money team, just holla' to Floyd about it
Versace, Versace, I'm taking my money to the Cayman islands (WOO!) Versace Auggh!!

[Outro: Quavo]
Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace
Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace
Versace, Versace Versace, Versace Versace
Versace, Versace Versace, Versace Versace
I love this song!... lyrics to  "Versace" by: Migos ft Drake, Meek Mill, and Tyga ****. by:  Zaytoven.

— The End —