Debt is a weight upon my chest, Which pulls me back into the depths of consciousness. Like an undertow of unwanted stress. Be it car, or loan, or home, it's debt, Which remind me of what I've done best, Which is guess that the money I've chose to invest, Is the money which put my name top of the test. In a classroom I sit and assess my progress with the rest, Who all just like myself put their names top the test. In my car which I drive I feel like I’ve progressed, When in truth plastic cards might just leave me a mess. In a house with my wife one day I will recess, Even when the bank owns my own years to invest. What is best, who decides how much our children invest? In their future, their savings, their sheer happiness? Is it just them or us? Have we taken such tests? What is best? An experience? Because those we possess. Heck I have them myself when I'm home and half dressed. In the kitchen at midnight, that's where I invest best. But I digress. Flip the desk. Now I'm the one giving the test. I'm a grown man, a graduate, what will I tell the rest, Of the youth of tomorrow who are looking for zest? What is best? Don't ask me. I was never one for tests. Although yes I have used, this instrument known as debt. The results can be devastating, if you don’t know what’s best.