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Aug 2015

I am a soup
tomato, preferably

especially savored
in the winter

with a pinch of Salt
or Pepper or a naughty dob of Cream

When I'm warmed up hot
I giggle,

tickled by bubbles
rising through me

In my can I prayed to the spoon
oh let the kingdom come

imagined soup
just flowing free

& then I flowed
& saw the Spoon

it came for me
I trembled in love

but now, I do not know where Soups go
for now I see only this darkness round me

will I be re-born
into something?

The pepper seemed to think
we are re-born into other beings

he was hoping to become
a butterfly

I hope he got
his wish.
I hope I haven't offended anyone with this poem or what I'm about to say. I wrote it because sometimes I think we cannot really know for sure what's round the corner, no matter whether we are atheist or religious. If we believe in an afterlife, we could find that there is an unknown afterlife after the afterlife, find that we're living through an afterlife designed according to another religion's beliefs rather than our own, or find that there's nothing. Or, if we believe in nothing, find that there is something. I guess we'll find out when the time comes.
Dreams of Sepia
Written by
Dreams of Sepia  Somewhere in the Universe
(Somewhere in the Universe)   
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