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 Feb 2015 erich
Olga Valerevna
 Feb 2015 erich
Olga Valerevna
i think i will survive if i can wait a little more
i'll wait until
the last of you is walking
out the
the hours have been good to me
the miles
make it
that life can still be beautiful
without you being
it's when i press my lips to yours
that everything
and opens up a world with an intensity that
enough with the explosives
i don't want them
the back of you in front of me, i'll run to close the door
 Oct 2013 erich
Siegfried Sassoon
You've heard me, scornful, harsh, and discontented,
Mocking and loathing War: you've asked me why
Of my old, silly sweetness I've repented--
My ecstasies changed to an ugly cry.

You are aware that once I sought the Grail,
Riding in armour bright, serene and strong;
And it was told that through my infant wail
There rose immortal semblances of song.

But now I've said good-bye to Galahad,
And am no more the knight of dreams and show:
For lust and senseless hatred make me glad,
And my killed friends are with me where I go.
Wound for red wound I burn to smite their wrongs;
And there is absolution in my song
 Jun 2013 erich
Scott M Reamer
 Jun 2013 erich
Scott M Reamer
Don't, don't, don't
You **** my,
Imploding heart.
 May 2013 erich
Mike Hauser
This can be hard to talk about
Very difficult to say
But I'd like to tell you what I'd like
Upon my dying day

Could you throw a great big party
A wake to end all wakes
And if there's nothing nice to talk about
Just throw a few lies my way

Stand me in the corner
Prop both my hands up high
So when all my friends come in
I can both wave hello and wave bye, bye

When the parties over
Before I begin to ripe
Fold me up for easy storage
In a cool place that night

In the morning let me ride on top of the car
So I can feel that southern breeze
Before we arrive at the funeral home
Please clean the bugs out of my teeth

When you step up to my golden casket
For one final glance
Don't look past the coat and tie
Cause I wont be wearing any pants

This all sounds fine and dandy
But I have no money for my elaborate plans
So I guess just take me out back to the barbecue pit
Then flush my ashes down the can
the ecosystem that young children
wake up on Tuesdays
before dawn to try & save
treading muddy gray roadsides
spiriting away cigarette butts
faded azure beer cans
thin shopping bag ghosts
with tiny gloved hands—
this cracking frost-heave
pavement landscape
is my body

my body is the first gasping crocus
the first chanting insects,
the first murdered fieldmouse
after waking

is the first meal
of a young owl,
all fluff and down and bone,
high in a skinny birch tree
and still a-feared of foxes

my body is hot loam
is fevered asphalt
is a feeding garden
& my soul…

my soul
is the beating sun,
undecayed, though tarnished
by weeks
maybe months
behind curtains of Winter

my soul separate
from my body
for so long…
and yet

it could have dined with God
and married His Daughter
before anyone thought to go looking
 May 2013 erich
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 Apr 2013 erich
Jane Tricky
That smile
That stupid smile
That **** eating grin of yours
Beautiful pearly rounded chompers
Okay, so maybe they are a little yellow
Who’s aren’t?
When one has smoked filterless filters for the last 10 years
What does one expect?

It’s exquisite really.
It brings me to the ground
Mostly from the weak knees that it incites
Nostalgia doesn’t even begin to describe
I’ve seen it in my dreams
It’s been with me for the last decade
It’s something that I will never be able to forget

The largest mouth I ever done seent
3 ounces of liquids in one easy swallow
I could put my foot in there
And there would still be room

Belches and burps
Curses and yells
Loud laughs
Sweet whimpers
All the things that are expelled

Every time a smile appears
A smug smirk
A gushing grin
I smile back
Despite my anger
Or fears
It doesn’t seem to matter how upset you make me
I smile back

The history we share is complex
Predating all the things
All the peoples
All the events
All the places
Spanning such far distances
In space, place, and time

And here we are.
How long have I known that bittersweet smile?
A better question is how long I will continue to be graced with it.
Even if that is shorter than I hope
I’ll still remember.
It’s something I can never forget.

 Apr 2013 erich
Kobayashi Issa
Don't worry, spiders,
I keep house
 Mar 2013 erich
fern lake
 Mar 2013 erich
I've learned to submerge
in sparse droplets of
your scent and skin

I let them melt on my tongue
so that they may sustain
my body for months

I will bathe in this for a moment
but your fresh wet scent
will linger

and I refuse to quench this thirst

though I know I'm going to drown.
Work in progress, what do you think of it.
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