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  Jun 2014 Paper Knots
Ashleigh Black
It pains me to say
it's been so long that I can't
remember your eyes.
It's true.
  Jun 2014 Paper Knots
Stephanie Lynn
You are what you eat
So if I then choose to fast
What becomes of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
  Jun 2014 Paper Knots
E. E. Cummings
Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both

parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard

Humanity i love you because
when you’re hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you’re flush pride keeps

you from the pawn shop and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house

Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it’s there and sitting down

on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity

i hate you
Paper Knots Jun 2014
A contraption constructed into our mind
  Driving us to success
    Or tearing us a part
       Working us to our freakin bone

Only to have everything torn way from us

Life why the **** would you do this?

Drive me towards this makings of fantasy
   A concept built upon the foundations of society
     But constricted by authority

And such a strong craving forms
And engulfs my soul
As it drives my body for only one thing

There's no other route taken
Because the rest are refused
By the competitive nature that lies within

As we come faced forward with our only chances

  We throw it all away with our fears
Paper Knots Jun 2014
Dusk brings us to our knees
   as the night engulfs our souls
       and stores it for memories to keep

But what does this mean exactly

Are stars the answers to all our enduring questions?

Because maybe the night
  Is our only way of finding out and
   The best memories are hidden in the shadows
            Not displayed for our status to be boasted in order to extend our pride

But hidden for the singular enjoyment of ourselves

History is what moves us forward,
    creating a foundation to be learnt from
        establishing our essence as people
Shifts in our history can either push us forward

Or hold us back forever.

— The End —