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When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the. mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
n-khrennikov May 2020
We return home,
I shut the door behind us,
after so much time separates us,
and for the time this evening
we are finally alone,
with the night to ourselves
and this hunger.

Tiny diminutive
shoulders around my neck
as her mouth glides up to mine,
eyes deep and dark closing slowly,
a nucleus passing between us,
the pride of the peacock
finishing at a fevered pitch.

the Aaron's rod
is the fire of my desire,
this kindness of my touch,
the honor it brings to us both.
Let this then live forever.

Lying here in total darkness,
I have done nothing more beautiful in
my life than solemn silence pass the night slowly running of my fingers along her body
in the pale moonlight,
drinking in with my eyes
the glory and goddess
of the form of a woman.
n-khrennikov Mar 2020
Power is power,
War is cruelty,
Honesty and determination.
Who can refine it when the guns begin.
I knew what a sweat blood it was,
The heartlessness of ideas,
and we are here is beyond history and hurt.
Look, the hostile world
while all flee in terror.
n-khrennikov Jan 2020
The careless words of the ebony curtain,
the harmony of the day and night buzzed me.
A song of life, that you hear touching your wrist,
hugging your throat for lack, when my head gently leans to your shoulder.
The dance is based on the sound of a voice with a beat,
a bed, crawling and revealing the beauty of a naked soul.
Sunbeams, kisses.
At times like these, the day is eager to come and
the night doesn’t want to leave …. The same dreams,
in the same arms. Time and times is unfaithful.
And this ours body, entrusted to the sacred fire.
n-khrennikov Dec 2019
Please let the music lead you.
don't ask, don't talk
turn your head on your chest and listen ...
Let the melody .. the notes ... guide your steps.
Breathe in ... Listen ... turn on me .... feel it.

In the deep river the notes lead us passionately ..
Don't be afraid .. let it .. swirl .. leaves we are ...
Where the boy threw one on top of the other ..
he has no power to divide the river ...
so it sounds like hell on me ... he can't ...

let's climb beloved drip by the rain
until the black clouds .. higher up to we stand ...
taller than thunder, in the stars in between ...
I will decorate a meteor in your hair .. sun in your ******* ..
In the galaxy of your body I will discover the earth ...

Exiled to paradise, my eyes, to your eyes to live.
Exiled in my love, to give birth to the Full Moon ...
with silver threads my dreams to be around you ...
East and West, Day and night ... Heaven and Earth ...
My breath, my soul, my sweet dream ...

Listen ... turn on me and listen.
n-khrennikov Dec 2019
Lost somewhere in the translations,
I am looking for a solution, not an explanation,
But the time in the book is folded makes
I realized that I don't live here ...

And maybe this is the truth,
A lie has become our habit, for poems is wide and deep.
And we overcome that right. Sprint
we don't have time ...

My soul is jealous of the flowers
only bloom for one day and then fade away,
Logically for someday
as if numbers are defining life.
n-khrennikov Nov 2019
In the church, sermons are preached to the called believers
From the windows of that place that illuminates its rooms.
and the beat, the beat of your heart
invite me.
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