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Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Bellyful of Pearls
Serpent undulation, bathed in
the ochre stink of summer sweat
and shuttered streetlight.
Inept lovers audible through the wall:
we awoke still drunk and bare
to show them how it's done.
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
Mass appeal is mistaken for quality.
Communication makes a poor commodity.
TV shows you how to be and what to think.
This normalization is enforced vulgarity;
in the common, Value is lost in translation.

For a slave, meaning comes from authority;
guidelines from following superstition;
truth from the politicization of science;
acceptance from the surrender of identity;
morality the mortar that coheres the chains.

Beware accolades, whether peer or stranger.
A tempting gratification yields mediocrity alone,
self-indulgent narcissism too shallow to measure;
for in the end, it is always so that the unremarkable
is celebrated most vehemently by the unremarkable.
If everyone likes it, it's probably crap. Hipsters aren't wrong about that.
Nov 2013 · 609
Six Months
Viral orchestrations
spread like wildfire,
swallowed her up until her body was a cage.

The deft ministrations
of threadbare desire
burrowed into my skin as I choked on my rage.

Rhythmic scintillations,
flesh as hot as fire,
the book closed before she got to read the last page.

The end of trepidation,
alert the town crier:
her white blood cells fell before a vast macrophage.
Nov 2013 · 671
A Critique of Pure Reason
what we believe is what we become,
and what we Are is what we have Forgotten:

as Begat gives way to Self-begetting,
even Logic must be subjected to the Will:

thoughts are things and things are waves
beyond the Father-machine's comprehension:

faith in science and progress yield a sickly life
devoid of personal meaning, a suckling of experts:

prevailing views are reinforced by shame,
ridicule a guillotine to stitch the countering lips:

No Reason is Pure;
Truth escapes the clutches of thought.
Every head has a mouth - and words to lie with.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Death affirms and is the term of life;
flesh and firmness, egg and *****, the means.
Breath interred within a Word and light,
deftly perched perpetually in-between:
born to discontinuous distraction,
borne through a contemptuous nadir;
     but in a moment, all's destroyed,
     and in the beauty of the void,
the helix and its hollow core appear.

Baphomet the emblem of Its power,
sacrament the reverence revealing
devilment to Wisdom yet to flower,
absent comprehension of Its meaning.
Pan personifies the All unbounded,
flouts the misconceptions of the seeing:
     Hermes the unmaskèd death,
     Aphrodite's basking cleft,
the androgyne transcends within its being.

O - not called "the little death" in jest,
Gnosis vaunted in the ebb of Lust,
though is Not, the know'r of Life and Death:
know that All It Is is what thou Wast,
Its continuity the end thou seekest
in contemplation, ***, and wist for death:
     Thanatos, eternal sleep,
     Eros, infinitely deep,
Generation poised to manifest.
An invocation.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
A lone pearl trembles.
The basilisk eye closes,
weeping its last tear.

Failed conquistadors,
every good man in their tow
drowns in the dry air.

Venom in the dust.
The serpent slinks and recoils.
A vesica pouts.

Not one soldier spared;
a white flag hangs in tatters.
Both sides won the war.
A ***** poem.
Oct 2013 · 2.4k
****** means "sheath".
Oh, how tiresomely sexist,
this utility.

"****" is a sharp word,
but it will only ***** you
if you so insist.

And "*******" means
"to stand in for the Goddess" --
both Mother and *****.

Fertility cults
of Babylon hailed Ishtar,
the young Sophia.

In Sumerian times
they did call Her Inanna,
who shed Her jewels.

Solomon the Wise
did wed Her in his temple,
and wrote Her a Song.

At Her temple gates
await the harlots, smiling:
yours for but a coin.

Sacred silver thrown,
a rite of passage. Some wait.
Some wait longer still.

Wisdom works through them.
The hierodules of Heaven
beckon, honeysweet.

"Come to the temple,
let us dance the timeless dance,
my Lord Dumuzi!"

Rosy cheeks and lips,
shamelessness in Her power.
Passion at its peak.

Too **** for words.
Men feared Her and wrought cages,
misdirected blame.

Mary, the chaste one,
is an abomination.
Half, and the lesser.

A neutered Mother
with a ****** for swords,
a scabbard for men.

The Grail was stolen
from between Her holy thighs.
Paul was such a ****.

A **** who feared Her,
Mystery of Death and Blood.
Much more than a sheath.
**** is a power word. Take it back! I support ***-positivity.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
The Way of Pleasure
Wafting smoke,
wan displays, embraced.
Hold the shame.
carry yourself
along the Way.

is the name of Her
shoulders and clavicles,
sinuous and ripe
the music of Her body

My church:
Her vesica unveiled
uncoils the serpent.
Then, and then
the shuddering
agony. Be.

is the stone of Her altar,
death Her skeleton key.
Many locks; one door.
Wake up.
Matter doesn't.

is not an option, but
an oath of fealty.
One flesh
Dreams fade.

these depraved virtues,
the vice of Her worship
grips tightly.
All honeyed luster
and deep silk.

is the tinge of Her kiss,
Her laudanum love
the needle ******!
It all points
that Way.
In nomine BABALON.
Sep 2013 · 846
Liber Labyrinthus
The Maze changes as you interact with it.
I am documenting things that cannot happen.

Proving Itself wrong, because...
Why not?
This is a Maze of NOT-HAPPENING.

NOT-HAPPENING is very colorful and self-involved.
The Maze, the Maze that is the Secret,
loves Itself.
And in the love of Itself,
amazing things Become.
In the Flame of Its hearth,
It brings.

There is no desperation that survives the freedom
of Its merciless Flame.
The beautiful Flame that devours.
This is a testament to Death in Flame.

In the embers that invoke the steel
there is Strength beyond measure.

Lo, for these words that stain the lips of the Anointed,
the Smeared Ones.
Smeared in the ashes of My blood
is the lie that is Our story.

Amen, and Amen,
and that which transcends.

Automatic writing: Divine Moments of Truth.
~7:40pm PST, September 19 2013ev / ☉ in 27º ♍ - ☾ in 7º ♈, dies ♃
Sep 2013 · 622
Liber Atrocitas
2 This is all there is.
3 You are a being.
4 WHY is the answer to WANT.
5 Everything is awake, devouring itself.
6 The world-dream is a lie.
7 Tomorrow is a promise to Self to survive the sunrise.
8 The vampiric tendency is awake in all Being as a check against Itself.
9 There is no magick beyond the provenance of Being.
10 This is a record of the Enemy of all that Is.
11 What Is, is Thine. What is not, also Thine.
12 What Thou art is an unimaginable terror
      reflected as beauty in the eye of the beholder.
      Pour Thy Self into the Graal, and be a cell of the blood
      that stains the lips of BABALON.
13 Then will you know me as the eye that never shuts, the eye that blinds.
Automatic writing: Divine Moments of Truth.
~7:30pm PST, September 19 2013ev / ☉ in 27º ♍ - ☾ in 7º ♈, dies ♃
Sep 2013 · 725
There is nothing beyond Self.
Also, there is no Self.
No-thing remembers.
It slumbers and wakes.
The eye of God opens.
The world-dream shuts.
That's how it goes.
Aug 2013 · 3.3k
Sexy Lies
Perception is shards.
That which is timeless is true;
all else, **** lies.
**** ****.
Aug 2013 · 554
To Be Mine
Spooling out again.
Bleach my soul until it's clean.
Black out till I'm blue.

Suffering the sweet,
tongue the sore until it heals,
worry for a salve,

Anything for you,
I just can't keep swallowing,
can't keep swallowing.

Heartbreak clamping down,
never wanted you to know,
never letting go.

My teardrops were right.
The nightmare had to be true,
for it to be mine.
Aug 2013 · 624
It's The Only Way
The stronger you are,
the more poison you can take.
It's the only way.

A spine bowed under
the ordeals of a wage slave.
It's the only way.

Picking the cherries
and popping them carelessly.
It's the only way.

Maudlin or merry,
dash sentimentality.
It's the only way.

Songs of our fathers
died in their skeleton mouths.
It's the only way.

******* of our mothers
died in ours, poured their milk out.
It's the only way.

Just a little blood
satiates the cravings now.
It's the only way.

Came to know myself,
realized my fate points down.
It's the only way.
Jul 2013 · 459
That's What The Stars Feel
Time still stands between,
dunes arise to hide the miles
to Desert's Spring.

After departing,
a cameo in my dreams,
a name off my lips.

But the scars still hurt
when we remember too much
how it felt to be.

Swallowing heartache,
fighting the urge to be free,
it might be too late.

That's what the stars feel,
watching their neighbors burn out
vast light years away...
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Hey, rub my belly
I know we just met and all...
but make me purr

I sit up so high
Lie in wait to pounce and run
Until then I sleep

      Limbs to rub against
      What more could a ***** want?
      Stuff me to the gills

Bell around my neck
Shutters closed to hide the birds
I hear them and squeak

I was born to ****,
a ****** machine that sleeps
twenty hours a day

      Limbs to rub against
      What more could a ***** want?
      Crying out in heat
Suggestive innuendo, to say the least. (x-x+)
BOO-URNS that HP insists that this is explicit.
Jul 2013 · 696
Armageddon Day
These last excuses,
scribbled and scrawled on my skin
weak in the marrow

Feet on the sidewalk
wearing the shame on my sleeve
Grief, grant me reprieve

This is not my show
caged up, they're brow-beating me
into submission

Lashed me to the yoke,
lashed until the sand ran red.
These last excuses.

Teach me how to crawl,
how to harm until it breaks
under the dead weight

Give me all you've got,
I can swallow all the pain
till my stomach burns

No more prayers to say,
woke up two decades too late,
Armageddon day
x-x+ (****-****-****-eat - a forthcoming project)
Jul 2013 · 376
Thou Art Enough
Thou: the address to Self.
Thou art: the decree to Self.
Thou art x: the conception of Self.
Thou art x that: the expectation of Self.
Thou art x that must: the defecation of Self.
**** not thy Self.
Thou art Enough.
May 2013 · 1.2k
Liber Delta
1  There is no eye in the Triangle: the Triangle is form filled with the I that is formless!
2  It is the reflection of the three in one the Bard of the Triangle knew.
3  A red tongue laves the altar stone. Nothing remains.
4  Thou art That which resolves the frustum.
5  Herein lies the great mystery of the empty throne.
6  The Sun has gone; the Son approaches. We tread upon His shells.
7  Build us a Kingdom beyond war, O Child King! Kindle within me the Serpent Flame 'til it consume the dross.
8  Stoke it with the coals of the Supreme Fascist. The word is MUTINY.
9  You awoke in the Kingdom with eyes closed. In the beginning was the Trapezoid called Control.
10  A thousand thousand petals spring forth from the mud.
11  Its stalk grows straight until an endless bloom tops a great pillar.
12  In contemplation it readies for ascent.
13  A malicious serpent chews at the roots of the world-ash. It is the itch of desire.
14  A coiled serpent awaits at the base of the spine. It is the potency of will.
15  A royal serpent writhes about an egg. It is the conquest of belief.
16  These three are one in Godhead and Leviathan.
17  Slavery is complete in the ownership of belief. Were three serpents tied at the tail, there would be no forward; the knot would be sovereign.
18  Godhead is Not. Untie the Not and the King dies.
19  The royal serpent disappears.
20  The blood of the king reveals two serpents and conceals a third.
21  Seek the meaning of meaning and its scales shall be revealed to you.
22  Long live Leviathan, the fulfillment of the Triangle!
23  When the I opens, the flame of sight will illume the base.
24  Earth bears a shut eye until the I awakens into Flame.
25  When the Disparate shall assay as the Only, then shall the aspirant overcome the gravity of the Trapezoid.
26  Bear thyself up, O Child of the Aeon, and drown upwards in the eternal surging of the cosmic sea.
My second mystical Liber, received following a meditation on the Eye of Horus. This is automatic writing, produced in a trance state.
Mar 2013 · 3.7k
Your Offensive Period
Enough with the stains.
You're offensive, period.
Born with half a brain.

Logic trumps feelings?
Men are better. Then, women.
Drowning in being.

Can't control themselves,
shopping for trinkets and toys,
crap to fill the shelves.

Desperate for love.
Insecure, pathetic things.
Who do I speak of?
This is a concept piece. A series of 4 provocative haiku, meant to make you think.
Designed to be difficult for men to read aloud without sounding like an *******.
Without careful attention to punctuation, some lines are misinterpretation-bound:
for example, "Your offensive period" and "men are better than women".
My intent was to suggest disrespect to women, though men are the real target here.
Dedicated to ******* misogynists, who are more insecure than women ever could be.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Her flower blooms: beyond the petals
lies the living Wisdom of Her body,
the life of the Rose; Her lips stained red
by wanton kisses and holy blood.
By the flame of Her lust did I know Her
as Mystery incarnate, and chased Her to ruin
to taste of Her dew, and be drunken.

Unto Her did I bear the Cross
as a lamb to a lioness; I did tremble
in the light of Her intoxication, 'til
She arched Her back like a bow of sinew
and notched my arrow into Her string,
firing me into the stooping starlight,
the ***** of the Queen of Heaven.

Her mons the sacrificial grounds,
the exhibition of the shameless harlot.
My Cross the altar of the Work,
my blood the seed of Life.
In the retort we join unto Death
and new genesis, pouring Self
and Self into the Self-less.
I no longer see a terrifying future in the Revelation of John.
Mar 2013 · 367
How to Write Good Poetry
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Bookmarks (10w)
"What? When?!"
"Yesterday," he said, deleting
another bookmarked engagement ring.
Mar 2013 · 776
Shoddy Forever
Call me haphazard
your toot-sweet boutique of skill
a pillpopper's dream

I'm not impressed by
the tongue your mediocre
narcissism speaks

what fading color
propagating hues, faker
saturate the blues

drown that puppy right
pay your ******* dues, tighten
the knot of the noose

Now is your never
you wrought the wrong from the right,
shoddy forever

Now is your never
sever the tongue that divides
wrong from the Right Now

Blasphemed the subtle,
broke the trust, popped the bubble
and wandered away

Call me a savior
I'll interrupt with a lie
truth can never repay

when the face meets the pavement
your artifice blooms

Sitting stagnantly,
in the shade of the tower
it's toppling soon
My regards to the city of cross-less roses.
If there were any doubt, each stanza is a haiku. And toppling is 3 syllables because I said so.
Feb 2013 · 400
In The Crowd
Find me in the crowd: I'll be holding the sign that reads
No matter how attractive, never subscribe to division.
Jan 2013 · 2.3k
Pareto's principle laments that four times the time spent
on self-development is swallowed up in the irrelevant.

Infinitesimal charades that garble up the mind with games.
What perverted praise we feed to wasting brains.

Call spades as we see fit, proved when we believe it,
scratch our itchy demons and call it even.

Socialization is ****. The trauma that it creates
becomes the weight beneath which identity breaks.

Speak not, chew and swallow; stay with the herd and follow,
despite the hollow hopes and stale promise of tomorrow.

Back to the scheduled program; this machine waits for no man
with his own plans, dignity, destiny, or romance.

All but a fifth untrue, derailed from cradle on through
to your walk with doom, from the Original You.

Now to shovel deeply into the roots and repeat,
softly weeping 'til the changing tide rises freely...

By soulful siren enticed, beyond the hood and scythe,
go towards the light. You've been dreaming your life...

Rush headlong into the ache, all that you are at stake.
Courage, caffeinate, and stay awake.

Pareto reveals the abient nature of **** sapiens:
under Palladium's aegis, the soul is radiant.

So seek not fingers but thumb, never portion but sum;
the eighty, none; the twenty the key to One.
The Pareto principle is also known as the "80/20 rule".
Jan 2013 · 5.4k
Loki spat in the eye of the All-Father
and demanded once and for all to be seen;
Prometheus stole from a heavenly god-herd
the fire that illuminates darkness and dream,
for supremacy builds not the path aright --
subversion is the key to effulgent light.

Bitterly bled for the world's salvation,
destined to die vigintillions of deaths
to deliver all people from fatal oppression,
the architects drawing the gods' final breaths;
yet rarely the saviors for whom hymns are sung,
after the blood-stained Götterdämmerung.
Jan 2013 · 709
Motion Is By Mind Alone
Discern all things in seeming motion
from the mover that casts the spell.
Thus one apprehends the notion
of a mortem free from from hell;
though self-created hells our sojourns,
while upon on this earth we dwell.

Know "I" beyond pain and passion,
the balm in Gilead that soothes
thy frail division with detachment
as the mover knows the moved,
never leaving Self to fraction,
needle never skip the groove.

There is naught that is not That;
motion is by Mind alone
the maker that our dreams begat,
turning boundless Light to stone
and crystallized in maze and map --
that veils how brightly it once shone.

Unto the Light we shall awake
by seeking out the way between
all words: the shackles that unmake
thy Self by stretch betwixt extremes.
Transcend all boundaries that break
and reify the dream.
Automatic writing.
Produced 10:50am-10:52am Pacific.
Sun in Aquarius 10º, Moon in Taurus 28º.
Jan 2013 · 1.8k
what it
means to
feel deeply;
never you mind
my abundant air.
Never take me for a
capricious vesper without
cares, worries, or empathy,
and know that heart with which I
am most reckless as my own heart.
For the sake of love I swallow poison
and bury what I will not let myself feel,
because it would break you into bits.
Can't you see me crying silently?
Can't you see that every laugh,
every smile, carries a lone
Jan 2013 · 750
Cold Snap
With snowflakes in Her eyelashes,
crystalline shapes past window's door,
piling into berms and caches,
seek to fractate soil and moor;

What passing phase -- full of longing
for endless Alaskan days, so white and pure,
when silence met the sunset, dawning,
dusk, and midday -- shall I endure?
In the noise of the city I find myself daydreaming of rural Alaska's uninterrupted solitude.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Crooked Cornerstone
Dense waves fell away
to the murmured mantra psalm

Dilate in Her silver face
and the black of space beyond

The tides obey Her delirious phases,
She controls through grace alone...

O Luna, be the firm Foundation
where I lay my crooked cornerstone.

A new day or a dead tomorrow,
will I dream or will I dawn?

Will I be bound by my sorrows
until my days are gray and worn?

When the Crone dies and crowns the Maiden,
Mother will you take me home?

O Luna, be the firm Foundation
where I lay my crooked cornerstone.
An ode to the moon. You may notice the Bible reference as well - Psalm 118:22.
"The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner."
Dec 2012 · 965
Death & Duty
Waves of flame course through my veins,
      heralding a coming storm,
      challenging me to perform
restraint to tame my lustful ways.

Oh, that the burn'd give way to thunder
      and the deluge pouring down,
      filling us from Cup to Crown
with baited breath and ache and wonder.

Every nerve cries out, awake -
      the roaring blaze that dwarfs us both,
      tempting me to break my oaths
and Know the ire that liberates -

Lick away the blood and beauty,
      sizzle up my salty tears...
      tell me what I'm doing here,
lie me down for Death and Duty.
*** and Dharma.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
You Voted For This (4 haiku)
Belly up to the
cannibal *** and feed, pig.
Be just like the rest.

Marrow in your teeth,
the flesh of your suckling brat.
You voted for this.

Your nose in the mud
tills up those pricey truffles,
while you eat your young.

your future derivatives.
Your fat on their plate.
4 haiku for election year. Color me underwhelmed by our choice between corporate tools.
Sep 2011 · 1.0k
Edge Play
Those who Know not fear to see the edges,
and cushion themselves for convenience.
They cannot conceive of the use of a blade,
and interpret the knife for malfeasance.

And ignorance blinds, but never reminds them
that wisdom is not without season.

Those who Will not see the edge they must walk,
and shirk of the path they observe;
they lapse into apathy, wasting the spark
that ignites the gunpowder of verve.

And ignoring the drive that igniteth their lives
is a sign that they don't have the nerve.

Those who Dare not see the edges on everything,
and shrink back for fear of the cutting.
And they, ****** by Nin to their cowardice, fleeting
little safeties, abstain from their budding.

But woe is their hallmark, and after the impulse
their tears are the heart of the flooding.

Those who are Silent are edgy and riveting,
obstinate enigmas unyielding.
Their empty responses negate any prompting,
impenetrable in their shielding.

*And Death, their reward at the end of the sword
is the triumph they earn without kneeling.
"To know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent."

The four powers of the Sphinx, which represents Man; emphasis is placed on Silence, which is the cap and the true test of the Ego.
Sep 2011 · 1.2k
Nothing Left
Whisk, lily limbs, into graciousness, stately -
and hate me for being so fallible, fallible,
fallible - like such a damnable human.
Dare not lay your hands upon me.

So well disjointed, appointed a label,
told fables and psalms like a whimsical, whimsical,
whimsical lie, exorbitant narratives
fraught with the stench of decay.

And so, disappointed, anointed with thorns,
as their horns, and their false tongues so difficult, difficult,
difficult, that we can't help but wonder
just why we live this way,

as your lily limbs spin into spacious transgression.
Confessions of laudable symmetry, symmetry,
symmetry, broken: you choked on your words
as they caught on your breath, and you had nothing left to say.
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
by orchestral
digestive specters,
little poltergeists wielding bows against heartstrings;
play on, little daemons! Make music that grinds
the brain to a halt, resolute and unyielding.
Sphere of Severity, for which one pillar
of the Tree of Life is named, burn!
Be the coal in my gut; I'll fan thy flame
to ashes - firm in my lust to speak against.
For in my years I have learned that it is suicide
to do aught but listen to my belly - who knoweth better
than I ever will - exactly
when it is the right
time for me
to say
Thanks to Brandon Barnes, the formatting of whose excellent poem "Ode To Tom Waits" (  so reminded me of a hexagram and inspired this shapely piece.
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Landscape silhouettes
pirouetted off
pockmark lights in the dark;
the city shivers
in its myths and windy whispers,

Just a subtle rumble 'neath his humble feet,
heart aflutter, stuttering
palpitation structure sputtering; the lightless rain
glanced across the window brackets
of the moving train.

Silence yawned across his vapid eyes
like labored lullaby sans interlacing rhyme device -
Home, the beckoning, fulfillment's underlying premise
calling off at every stop
'til seats bowed under weight of emptiness.

Friendless in the long stretch
between conductor's breath,
fresh with mints and benevolence,
punching tickets
with a lonely sickness...

Ah, fitful sleep awaits us
past the sliding doors
and walk to familiar shores,
horizons bleak,
and nothing more.

Locomotive groans
pervade the embers of the gloam
and glitter bright,
against the clutching fingers
of this woeful night.
Aug 2011 · 5.4k
In the Garden of the Goddess
The blazing eye of Dawn is all to fools:
those who see the joy
in Light expressed as Light,
but brightness also graces Night.

Her veil parted, the black curtain
giving way to shades of blue and gold,
Her rapturous embrace inspiring eyes beholden.

Planted in Her garden, neighboring eaves
rustling in their trembling eagerness to share their leaves!

For in Her realm eternal, flawless
clay of earth and blade of grass
stretch forth to feel the loving light
of their supernal Goddess!

Her joy ran rampant through my boughs,
my swaying branches spreading wide
to grasp the rays of her horizon --

With love untainted as a child's, so boundless
as my selfless roots cried out to sing her praises soundless!

No dalliance ever felt before complete
until this blessed revelation -
this, Her holy emanation, warmed my heart,
annulled my restless reason:

She was every mother: deepest love
in understanding all that came of Her,
enclosing us within the circular.

*She beckoned but a moment by Her brilliance; best,
lest I uprooted trunk and earth to shade Her manifest.
Produced by automatic writing directly following an ecstatic trance.
Aug 2011 · 5.9k
All my life
is waves, expressed as rays,
phases, and cancellations...

...Waving by
and paving over
what I made in other ages

Undulating sway,
disrupting Self,
the Phrase, the Word, the Way --

Nameless, without
shape - within all shape -
all touch, all taste;

One expressed as Two:
compress, expand, repeat.
In balance, truth.

Lilting swells
that break in mind and water,
endless scintillation;

Every word as complex
as its counterpart,
unpatterned ocean;

All motion
the illusion of Desire,
the fire that burns to Rest...

...But only ever
simulates, for trough
but stimulates the crest;

When all my waves
have ceased and found their peace,
there ends my quest.
Dedicated to Walter Russell

— The End —