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 Oct 2014 kerry lynne
 Oct 2014 kerry lynne
he stands tall,
you get on your knees
& he shoves his gun barrel
between your lips,
he presses it to the
back of your throat &
asks you to look him
in the eyes, says not to
flinch when he pulls
the trigger or even try
to think of a last word
that doesn't end with
the final syllable of his
name. the fingers on his
left hand slide from the
front of your throat to
the back all in one gentle
motion, like this has
happened before. this
is a normal friday night,
this is the place where
all girls who **** like
they're trying to turn
modern architecture into
ruins go to die.
She's the type of girl who deserves it all
because she was the fragile flower
that bloomed in adversity
she would get the attention of boys
but nothing more
they use their cheap tricks and overused lines
that she has heard all before

She's the type of girl who has been through it all
through the years that changed her
and the never ending weeks
Been through the tiresome days
where there was no clear start
with each passing second
breaking her heart

She's the type of girl who shines brightest
when the stars are dim
with an inviting smile
to draw you in
she's the type who stands tall
regardless of what brings her down
she's the type of girl who deserves it all
the one and only who deserves the crown
Sometimes I wonder how you guys can write so skilfully!
You were more radiant than the stars
with your elegant shine
you rose every morning
placing a tender kiss
upon my crimson cheek
you were the one
the one who started a fire
wild, uncontrolled and fuelled with emotion
I let it burn
and I shouldn't have
but I trusted you
I trusted you to take me out
but you just watched me burn
you were a setting sun
in the mist of summer
and the saddest
most awful truth
I have come to find
was the fire you started
was just for fun
you were the arson
who set my heart on fire
but instead of taking me out
you doused me in fuels
just watching me burn
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