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Ken Pepiton Apr 8
Until the peace essential settles, phonelessness
is disconcerting, unsettling mix up of a sorted outness,

tares and corn compilations sorted out seed,
useful to us, useful to life beyond us, seed

broadcast, laughing on a recent object's point
discerning irrealis indigo

from been there, done that, blues.
Babu we had no reason, worthless we,
as long no--w,
wow, this hole anchors in grammar, ai knows,
I do not, so some times I am only qwerty guy,
I just work here.

Real disconnectedness,
real off-grid, no bars, no wires, no antennae

disconcerting, mixing all harmony
with living will used to let be these things
that , we had no mind gives reason, merely so, so what.

Confirming suspected situation,
confiding chiral certainty reflection,
consenting acceptance

any time now, any time,
accepted use acknowledging need
to know certainly, now, this time
to learn and live beyond unknowing.

Which knowing would we be better without?
Knowledge of unknowables? Curiosity,
our inherent knowing how to ask,
what is this, what
you may call it, what those
in the old world
told the elites who sent useless boys
to learn discernment
of good
to know
from all that ever thought

All things, as comprehensible, thinkable,
all things working as one thing, universally,

we thinkable things, me thinking you think,
each word, each speakable sound still
English, but accessible

So old the scam, make believe, laugh
at presented absurdity, never heard words

fit to dancing steps,
fit to taken breaths,

fine for fixing infinite definitions, endless
conjecture and objections, guessings
this way or that, go on into unknowns,
or conserve the energy going on uses,

waiting in reasoning state, weighing why
and how, why and how not,
preposterous, before and after at once,
all the knowledge set in secret agreements,
minds let be used to make up gangs and crews,

many hands make light work,
many minds make gravitas willingness

out of tune, discordant, disconcerting noise
a susserating

Disaster, stars aligning against failure,
super positioning every instance,

superstitious curiosity inhibition,

singularities uniting senses inhabiting
rational reasonless senses

A mode
or modality, clarity
Mode and modality have different meanings.1
Mode refers
to the way in which something happens or is experienced,
while modality refers
to the distinction between a real action
and an intended, possible,
or considered action.
Mode is closely linked
to the idea of the "channel" of communication,
such as face-to-face,
epistolary, or SMS.
Modality is mostly used
in grammatical analysis,
when it refers
to the distinction
between a real action
and an intended, possible, or considered action.2
When people refer
to treatments, whether
medical or psychotherapeutic, as modalities,
they mean mode/method/procedure,
as in different types of treatment.3
Mood is a grammatical notion,
while modality is a semantic notion relating
to such concepts.0
Google it if you think I thought you thought
------- so little sense that makes to me
so I go to Redit and find this answer, assuming
I meant mood, and not mode, an aimodality,
may hap, as random wills to show a novelty.

Modality. A kind of meaning involving non-factuality or non-assertion:
He may know her presents his knowing her as a possibility; You must go presents your going as an obligation.

Mood. Verbal category expressing various kinds of modality. Mostly marked in English by modal auxiliaries. The were of I wish that were true is an isolated irrealis mood form.

{A Student's Introduction to English Grammar by Huddleston and Pullum (ASITEG).}

Gads, great gobs of precise distinctions,
real or irreal, isness irrealis or realis
-the whirr of I wish it were
As ifs, ai of a most ancient intentional will
to discern corn
from tare
BLT called for used conjectures, and I had this one lying around rusting.
Ken Pepiton Apr 8
And in this we state, peaceable foremost,
recollecting puzzles uses, and disputing
the worth of imagining an others mind,
after my own was recognized as alienated,
by the nearest thing to an advizeer, we need,

the projected tweedy lisping image
of Judson McGeehee,
of blessed memory for his remark to me
about my use of the word ****** to modify

Truth at the authorial observers qwerty level
accomplished old man, letting this mind be
in him, thinking it no theft, your attention,
or mine, its all worth what we believe,
ultimately, we choose, win, or lose,

and live with knowing that's fine, in finest
grit, being coughed up from post shingle shot

reactions in our instants together as thought

Earth after any minute now is in its principal,
state of mind, tuning our minds through our time,

on Earth, whither many have long believed,
the perfect will is what won, witnessed done, indeed
peaceable, gentle, easily entreated,

settle down, warrior willing
to die for the truth
calling all you read, testing your hold on truth,
chains of pearls, anchor chains of pearls, truths
in your present reality to allow a fretless cough,
and sniff, in rememberance of Solzhenitsyn
and Don Beck, who read A day in the life…
in forty-five minutes, with his hearing aids off.

Ivan Denisov itch… but you knew it.
Hello Poets, there is a long, long  story that this is center from,
this is not a long form venue, do you know of any? Amazon is calling.
Ken Pepiton Apr 1
I gotta ask

myself, am I mad, or is this that day, again,
did we make a plan to finish something again,
and not do it, again?

I do believe, we have settled that both ignore and
believe are verbs in a modality, meaning

if you do not do it, yourself, it does not get done,
I believe ignorance is an active state, sold as faith,
evidenced by things unseen,
substantially manifested
in the peace you hoped
to find, being yours
to make up, in your mind,

and let it drift into reality, as we breathe our
insides out,

there could be a word for that.
April 1, again, and now **** is legal in Berlin, we won, again.
Ken Pepiton Apr 1
For got about this thread, recent revelations
about how messed up my sense
of religion became
during my failed conditioning
to accept divine authority offered as self evidence,
without seeing a slight wink, truth makes thinkers think and thinking leads away
from lies used
to spiritually analogize authorized versions
of stories and lists
of property.
Who owns what by divine edict, do the math.

What is not easy, that is difficult,
what has many correct creases and folds, that
may become life
at the level
of things and thought,
spirit and truth,
imaterial pre real
no two minds in one, and not the other,
we must breed
to the best
in the matching
of wits,

this is the titans versus the Olympians alover again,
of what may be, let us imagine, truth, essential,
as an assisting intelligence fed all we knew
in 2022,

and allowed
to guess what certain philosophies might
guage the worth
of being me, the author and finisher
of these lines,
in the future
from ever before,
promethean and epimethean means
of making time sensible
in simple but not too simple,
in between extremes
of fine ness,
from wall solid,
to breeze fluid fitting shear joy
on mere wonder, if one were
to bet one's life,
on a dive
into the unknown, known
to have swallowed
entire cosmogonies leaving mere scratches, hoping

to pass advantage
to the meek, as Moses, hoping,
from Pisgah, hoping
to see our day, and marveling… how easy being is.
musing all the reasons mortality makes perfect sense, once is plenty...
Ken Pepiton Mar 25
I'm one of those guys,
I'm one of you all, the ones

to whom bread and circuses
sales and promotion
seem the dream job, be like…

Mike, right? Mikey likes it,
you should try a spoonful

of Life
from Quaker rooted mis
formed coops selling futures.

Make the connection, wireless.

Recall the Sleeping Prophet,
and make believe you believe,
become the seller of revelation,
hear, lend me an ear,
I'll take away the veil, you'll see.

Just listen to me, crossing the desert,
thinking just look at those stars,
this is all too beautiful to disbelieve.

Once done, once recognized as true,
down to the level of waves,
collapsing at a leaning ladder
with three steps,

proto Hebrew  logographic wisdom
knowledge understandable logic

Logos sophisticated sublime
revelation of the riddling
nature of all religions,
at the core connection,

deep down where soul and spirit
play one mind against the other,

to keep the exuberance down,
near the fundamental interpretation,

in a word to the wise, wagered
as enough to go all in on, one word,

thinkable top to bottom by any
with a link to thinking with science,
using, by right of knowing, new tools

for text used in laws and orderly
procedurals letting go courtly
rules regarding deference
to betters betting we lost,

while we have time in a klein bottle.

Past a certain point, life's news,
is reruns, and it never gets old,
the big reveal,
at the end.
My side won.
The effect of a flea circus, was thrilling, as a child.
I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am a hollow heart,
it slowly filled with sorrow,
it was dug out by love
that hurt me and
left me behind as it ran away
from me into the dark.

As love devoured me I struggled,
it's chains were tight and rotted
from my tears I cried
its rust grew and decayed.

My pillow is soaked in my blood,
my tears drowned me, the mud
came to take me down deeper
than I ever imagined.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

Shshsh! Says the past,
as I walk through the ruins
of my heart on dried tears
that fell for seven years.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am like smoke.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
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