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I'm done,
I'm done pretending there's a cure
I'm ******
****** in the head
****** in the heart
You've finished  me
you tore me down
and I concede defeat
I have nothing left to give
no reason left to live
I hate to admit it, but
I'm done
Nothing fancy, just pure emotion.
(NaPoWriMo Challenge: April 16, 2015)

The fallacious belief that a person who has experienced success has a greater chance of further success in additional attempts.

The major award, a crest of Likes, the very nice email
you received from someone in South Dakota, the flatterer—
like a stack of very deceptive poker chips
leaning like the Tower of Pisa.

The universe should open up like show curtains
with three hundred and fifty new friends awaiting you
all dressed to the nines which could mean you’re moving up
in this world except you’re not because there’s no where to move.

It’s like walking across a cemetery. You go up and down,
up and down depending upon how the dead sink into the loam.
Harrison Ford’s still auditioning; Aaron Spelling never stopped pitching.
One minute you’re a rock star, the next minute your tour bus catches on fire.

Tomorrow you are always climbing out of
old hat, new and untested. Turns out
those are the same thing.
How lucky for you.
Today Lady Antebellum tour bus caught on fire.
I wish I could
unknow you
like I would
undo a knot--

over, above
under and through
my mind untangled
from the thoughts of you

but I find that
unknowing you
is less like unraveling
stubborn strings

and a little more like
trying to unclasp
a relentless grip
around my neck
I wonder if I disappeared,
Would you come and look for me?
Would you know I was gone?
I don't want to be forgotten...
If i showed you my teardrops.
Would you collect them like rain
Store them in a jar
That are labelled with "Pain"
Would you follow their tracks
From my eyes down my cheeks
As they write all my stories
That i'm scared to speak
Would you stop them with kisses
Bring their flow to a halt
As you teach me that pain
Isn't always my fault
Would you hold my face gently
As you dry both my eyes
And whisper the words
"You're to precious to cry".
If i showed you my teardrops
Would you show me your own
And learn though we're  lonely,
We're never alone.
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