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reina Jan 2016
his energy and soul intertwined with mine and ever since then he's had my heart in the palm of his hand
reina Jan 2016
I feel like the dirt that you walk on , the streets you spit on. I feel as unimportant as the bacteria that grows on leftover food. Maybe that's all that I am , huh ? leftover food? because I sure don't see anything good in myself , I feel rotten and cold inside anyways.
  Jan 2016 reina
Jude kyrie
Her currency was heartbeats
She only shopped with time.
She paid for things with seconds
As she waited in a line.

You cannot put heartbeats in a money box.
To save for a rainy day.
You either use them or you lose them
Heartbeat’s are made that way

She would spend heartbeats on strangers
As they shared their troubles and woes
Because kind hearts are worth more than riches
And go much further than money goes.

She would spend a heap of heartbeats on moments
Visiting old and precious friends.
Who wondered how she was so happy
With so little money to spend.

But money only buys possessions
While heartbeats buy much more.
They buy  you friends and love and laughter
And a warm  smile at every door.

It a fact you can’t buy heartbeats
When you have used them they are gone
So spend your heartbeats wisely
For one day you will have none.
reina Jan 2016
If my heart had a voice it’d sing to you and make me your favorite choice.
If my ears could talk then all the words I couldn’t say to you it would mock.
If my mind had a shield id keep my lips sealed to bottle up everything I could never muster up
If my eyes could hear you’d see that my greatest fear is for either of us to be left in tears.
if only you could read my mind then you'd see that we were designed to be combined.
reina Jan 2016
your body is the only thing I need.

your touch is the only thing I want to feel.

I want to see you in your most vulnerable state crying out my name as I drive you to the point of insanity.

I want to know that your body wants mine just as much as mine wants yours.

*so come here and let's lose our minds together.
you're my everything.
reina Jan 2016
you and i weren't built to last, we were meant to burn out, *hard and silently.
reina Jan 2016
raw versions of writing always hit the closest to home for me , maybe because raw shows vulnerability and that's beautiful.
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