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I trusted you,
more than enough.
I had closure,
just not enough.
I was woman,
more than enough.
You had me,
just not enough.
You taught me,
more than enough.
I loved me,
just not enough.
I loved you,
more than enough.
You loved me,
just not enough.
 May 2014 Delaney Marie
You know I still love you, right?
   ..... right?
 Jan 2014 Delaney Marie
JP Goss
How jealous am I
At poetry?
That simple words make the lovely firm
And compact shadowy abstraction?
Every letter holds a bitter love
A fiction made with zeal,
Drawn from pinpricks, imaginings,
A fiction I made real.
Within them, sit, the cloth I weave
My heroic darling love exists
There, sobriety is leastways bearable
And pen to paper I can’t resist.
I see perfection—her complexion,
Written out in words
But she is so stolid
And doesn’t move
Her features fade when I admit,
Stale enterprise, the poem done
and the page I promptly quit.
Rife with guilt and melancholy
I’ve done impulse injustice:
Concretizing the unknowable,
Left caricatures incomplete.
Despite the sense, here, stacked before me,
The envy for this poem
Because it has a solid grasp
At the prickings of my heart.
And still, what have I
And what have he
But two-side written jealousy?
For more words that breed a love
Of which I, voracious, hunt,
More beauty, more glamour, rosy viscera,
Give poetry that fallacy,
That fallacy I want.
Commentary for [How jealous am I]
And when my heart finally quits the page
(like several times tomorrow)
The poem stops its very breath
(my revenge upon the *******)
Whilst I face the sober sun
I’ve still got reason and rationale
But that ******* poem still won.
Try and try and futile capture
Of one atom of her essence
She doesn’t exist in the farce I’ve wove
Only in my nodus tollens.
 Jan 2014 Delaney Marie
Today I thought about you
As I did yesterday and the day before that
How your skin is like velvet
Hair like burnt caramel
Boy with a kiss like a hand grenade
Boy with a touch like a paper cut
Boy with a voice like a church choir
Boy I fell in love with in 2 weeks
At the age of 14 it was easy to love you
I loved every piece of you
Treated you as if you were the last molecule of oxygen inside of a gas chamber
My love for you was so sweet some would call it cliche
Cupid didn't have an arrow large enough to fit this love
You were the first boy to make my palms wet just by walking into the room
Until I took it too far
Finding myself on a bedroom floor
He loves me... He loves me not
I let you have the remote control to my smile
I realized I was never letting myself cry as much as I needed to
You were the boy who I would spend all day getting ready for
Loving you was the last thing I thought I was good at
Until I started replaying these memories like scatched up DVDs
Broken, glitching flashbacks
Your name engraved in my heart and mind
Your voice being the anthem of my soul
Your smile being my favorite picture
You being my favorite tragedy
Today I thought of you
As I will tomorrow and the day after that
 Jan 2014 Delaney Marie
I feel the strong grip, a firm hand around my throat
your words make my sentences choke
I gasp
in search of something
other then these

Am I anything but just a simple star in the sky to you?
One glistening white night light
among a network of constellations
you've formed within your

Fuel my skin with gasoline
light up my mouth up with nicotine
let the record play, take advice from Cobain

It's better to burn out, then to fade away

I was born, to die in flames
a black-hole heart eruption,
my soul will combust
until I am nothing
but a faint trail
of space dust.
Sometimes when you love someone, really love someone you're blinded by their bad intentions, the malice that exists in them.  The jealousy that reeks their eyes and the lies that live in their heart.  Love is evil because love can be blind in the eyes of a beholder. Love can also be gentle and sweet when when eyes are honest and kind.
 Jan 2014 Delaney Marie
b g
my mother told me never to light matches around boys who smell like fire and look like smoke
don't go for boys with shoulders not strong enough to carry you home
don't go for boys with voices not loud enough to scream i love you
when i was younger, we created a happy place in my mind to visit after nightmares
you're in my nightmares now--yet
--you are in my happy place
correction: you are my happy place
and the sky cries but i don't think it misses you as much as i do
remember when you told me i could have you as long as i wanted? well tell me
see you in my nightmares, starlight.
We go through H E L L (life)
To get to H E A V E N *(death)
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