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OnlyEggy   Creator
Started writing poetry in the military. Full fledged Insomniac, which is where my ideas and poems reside. Warning; lack of sleep will cause crazy babbling …
Moriah Jean   Member
My poetry is the only area of my life where I am completely honest, and most of the time, it's vague or cryptic enough for …
Sara L Russell
Sara L Russell   Member
Poet, Artist, Goth, Time-traveller. Founded Poetry Life & Times and edited it for 8 years. Have had poems featured on various websites including Artvilla, Authorsden …
Phil Stewart
Phil Stewart   Member
42 year old no-time poet with a full-time job. I've a box full of poems I've written since I was 16, they could go up …
Nike Kaffezakis   Member
Georgia Tech    So I lied, I wasn't necessarily back. I sort of had a mental breakdown that nearly had me institutionalized. But through intense therapy, I not …
Brianna Sutterfield
Brianna Sutterfield   Member
My name is Brianna. I've always had a passion for writing and I love music. I write mostly as a way to vent and cope. …
Jay D
Jay D   Member
Seattle, WA    "I'm a simple man. I like pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food."
Robert Key   Member
I'm originally from Chicago, but moved to New York after attending college at Miami University of Ohio where I dropped out after two years in …
Kassiani   Member
32/F    Whimsical nerd who moonlights as a writer
GS White   Member
Poetry is cool. So I write it.
Nicholas Laurent
Nicholas Laurent   Member
After showing promise as a writer at a young age, I took a decade away from writing ANYTHING after high school, suffering from good ol' …
Tyler Kelley   Member
Hello! I am a 21 year-old poet looking to share my poems. I have not been writing for very long and I am still trying …
Julia Brown   Member
I write poetry sometimes.
Jessica Griego   Member
EOEO   Member
Owen Phillips
Owen Phillips   Member
I'm from Raleigh, North Carolina, but I was born on a distant planet in outer space. I'm finding trace amounts of everything in everything else. …
Phil Midnight
Phil Midnight   Member
My name is Phil...I'm the songwriter for the group, Glass Midnight, along side my soul partner in music, Matt Storm. Recently, I was betrayed by …
I'm a singer and a guitar player. I mainly write poetry, and stories without a defined character. I've been writing for well over ten years …
Samuel   Member
27/M/Fremont, CA    Write me a picture.
kayla morrison
kayla morrison   Member
I started sharing my poetry after a student asked me to write something for him (To Youth With Unrecognized Potential.) I read it aloud in …
Jonathan Pizarro   Member
Born in the city of Bronx, New York with a Puerto Rican heritage and currently reside in South Florida. Developed a passion for writing through …
JR Weiss
JR Weiss   Member
Whittier, CA    hello world! meet the faceless name that has too much time on it's hands at 3AM *all content is owned, copyrighted, and not allowed to …
Isobel G
Isobel G   Member
28/F/Australia    Poetry is a form of expression, a means of capturing the feelings that we most long to share. I hope you like mine or at …
Kiagen McGinnis
Kiagen McGinnis   Member
John Patrick Robbins Aka Gonzo
Shady Pines NC    I am a published writer and fulltime editor and publisher I run Whiskey City Press. I am the author of six books I am also …
Megan Kirby
Megan Kirby   Member
I suppose it could be said that I've been writing pretty much all my life. I began writing poems and lyrics when I was in …
Matthias   Member
I am an average young man living in Southern California. I write poetry, spokenword, and drive a bicycle. May my words feed you, and make …
Billy Bob Will Bob Joe Bob
I hate poetry. Poets are selfish. Read "Hands that want to..." first. The order is irrelevant otherwise.
Quinn   Member
Bremerton, WA    let the words come out through your arm
Marina Gomez
Marina Gomez   Member
Writing and dancing, two things I need in my life. UCSC English Literature graduate, CSUS graduate student working hard for the Masters. My writing is …
Wilde About Oscar
Wilde About Oscar   Member
These are the scrawls I come up with at three in the morning.
Scott T
Scott T   Member
Cori Bud   Member
I am a lover of literature, poetry, and words in general. I will be a college freshman in the fall... and of course, an English …
PrttyBrd   Member
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my …
Elephants and  Coyotes
My spirit is ages older than my body could ever fathom. *** I live and breathe words. I may not be the next big thing, …
CyRhen Sohngs
CyRhen Sohngs   Member
29/F/Alton    Uh. It's been a very long time since I last wrote. Bear with me? Automitism. Love. Dreams.
Annabel   Member
On Frail Wings of Vanity and Wax.
Tyler Eldredge
Tyler Eldredge   Member
I'm a 17 year-old budding poet, trying to find my own unique style, and my place in this world.
Bobbie Longo
Bobbie Longo   Member
I am almost 21 and I'm pagan and most of my writings are along those lines. What I have posted so far were written in …
Cassandra Sykes
Cassandra Sykes   Member
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